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ing to be inspected with respect to its safety, sanitation, adequacy and fitness, and report to the authorities conducting said institution any deficiency found, stating the nature of the deficiency, in whole or in part, and ordering the necessary work to correct it or that a new building shall be provided. If within six months thereafter such work be not commenced, or not completed within a reasonable period thereafter, to the satisfaction of the board, it shall suspend the allowance of any state aid for, and prohibit the use of such building for the purposes of, said institution, until said order shall have been complied with. [Stats. 1917 s. 564 sub. (3), 566a, 566b, 603, 604, 604x-1, 697a, 1421-9, 1421-10, 1518, 1523; 1919 c. 328 s. 24.]

46.18 Board of trustees of county institutions. (1) The management of every poorhouse, asylum for the chronic insane, tuberculosis hospital or sanatorium, house of correction, or workhouse, established by any county whose population is less than two hundred and fifty thousand, shall be controlled and directed, subject to regulations approved by the county board, by a board of trustees composed of three electors of the county, elected by ballot by the county board. Upon completion of the buildings for any such institution the county board shall, at an annual or special meeting, elect three trustees whose terms shall begin at once and end, respectively, on the first Monday of the second, third, and fourth January next thereafter. At its annual meeting in every subsequent year the county board shall elect one trustee for a term of three years to begin on the first Monday of January next thereafter. Any vacancy in the board of trustees shall be filled for the unexpired term, at any meeting of the county board; but the county chairman may appoint a trustee to fill such vacancy until such action by the county board.

(2) No member of the county board shall serve as such trustee during the term for which he was elected. No such trustee shall have any other lucrative office or employment in the county government; nor be eligible, during the term for which he was elected, to the office of superintendent of the institution in his charge.

(3) Any trustee may be removed from office for misconduct or neglect, by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the county board, on due notice in writing and hearing of the charges preferred against him.

(4) Each trustee shall take and file the official oath, and execute and file an official bond to the county, the amount of which shall be determined by the county board, and the sufficiency of the sureties whereof shall be approved by the chairman of said board. He shall be reimbursed his traveling expenses necessarily incurred in the discharge of his functions, and shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by the county board, unless otherwise provided by law.

(5) The trustees shall organize by the election of a president. The superintendent of the institution shall be ex-officio secretary of the board.

(6) At least once each month the trustees shall audit all claims against the county incurred on behalf of said institution, when presented to them verified under, oath by the claimant or his agent, and when allowed the president and secretary shall certify such claims to the county clerk, who shall thereupon issue county orders for their payment. They may sue and defend, in the name of the county, any cause of action involving the interest of said institution, and may employ counsel for that purpose. All receipts on account of said institution shall be paid into the county treasury by the superintendent of the institution within one week after receipt.

(7) a The fiscal year of each such county institution shall commence with July first of each year and end with June thirtieth of the following year.

b The state board of control shall formulate a uniform system of keeping all the books, accounts and records, and shall prescribe and furnish blanks for a uniform system of the reports of said institutions, which shall definitely and accurately show, with respect to each institution: the itemized gross earnings and expenses; the net earnings or expenses; a classified summary of all products of the farm sold, consumed, and on hand; the amounts invested in land, buildings,

improvements, and personal property; the depreciation of the personal property; the per capita cost per week of maintaining the inmates, and the items upon which such per capita cost is computed; the total expense or saving to the county on account of the maintenance of the institution; and such other information as may be required by the board in order to give a full understanding of the investment, operation, and management of the institution and the financial results of such management.

c The trustees of each such institution shall cause said system of accounting and reporting to be installed, under the supervision of the board of control, and shall conduct its business in conformity therewith; and the board of control shall from time to time inspect, examine, and audit the books, records, documents, accounts, and transactions of each institution.

(a) On the first day of July of each year the trustees shall prepare a report covering the preceding fiscal year, concerning the matters specified in paragraph b, and shall transmit one copy to the state board of control, one copy to the clerk of the county in which said institution is located, and keep one copy on file at the institution. Such report shall be accompanied by an inventory of all properties on hand on the last day of the fiscal year, an estimate of the receipts and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year, and the reports of the superintendent and visiting physician, if any, of the institution.

(8) The county board shall annually appropriate for operation and maintenance of each such institution, in addition to the amount appropriated for construction and improvement of grounds and buildings, a sum not less than the amount of state aid estimated by the trustees to accrue to said institution; or such lesser sum as may be estimated by the trustees to be necessary for operation and maintenance.

(9) The county board may provide that the board of trustees of any such institution already existing shall be, exofficio, the board of any other such institution. [Stats. 1917 s. 15.17 to 15.20, 604 a, 604 g to 604 ha, 697 y-1 to 697 y-4, 697 y-5 subs. 3, 4, 1421-9 sub. 2, 1421-11 subs. 1 to 3, 1421-15, 1518, 1520, 1521, 1526; 1919 c. 328 s. 25.]

46.19 Superintendent and other officers and employes of county institutions. (1) Every such county institution shall be managed, pursuant to regulations prescribed by the board of trustees, by a superintendent, who shall be appointed by and be removable at the pleasure of said board.

(2) The trustees shall fix the compensation and prescribe the duties of the superintendent, who shall execute and file an official bond with sureties approved and in an amount fixed by the trustees.

(3) Except as otherwise provided by law, the superintendent shall, subject to the approval of the trustees, appoint, fix the designation and compensation of, and prescribe the duties of all necessary additional officers and employes of said institution, and may remove them at his discretion, subject to the county civil service law. [Stats. 1917 s. 604 h, 697 b, 697 y-5, subs. 1, 2, 1421-11, sub. 2, 1421-16, 1522; 1919 c. 328 s. 26]

46.20 Joint county institutions. (1) Any two or more counties may jointly, by majority vote of all the members of each county board, provide for a poorhouse, asylum for the chronic insane, tuberculosis hospital or sanatorium, house of correction, or workhouse, which shall be established, maintained, and operated pursuant to all the statutes relating to the establishment, maintenance, and operation of similar institutions, respectively, by any single county whose population is less than two hundred and fifty thousand, except as otherwise provided in this section; and in all respects, except as herein specified, each such institution shall be the county institution of each of the counties so joining,

(2) The county board of each such county shall elect three of its members to represent the county in a joint committee to select the site, anywhere within either of said counties, and prepare the plans and specifications of the buildings, for such institution; and said joint committee shall be vested with all functions, relative to the establishment of such institution, possessed by the county board relative to like county institutions.

(3) Upon approval of the site, plans and specifications, as provided in section 46.17, the joint committee shall report to the several county boards the estimated cost of said site and buildings, and the amount thereof chargeable to each county on the basis set forth in paragraph a of subsection 6, appending to each report a copy of the plans and specifications and all matter relating to said site and buildings; and if the said report shall be approved by each county board, the joint committee shall purchase said site and cause said buildings to be erected in accordance with the plans and specifications.

(4) The functions of the joint committee shall terminate upon completion of said buildings; and the board of trustees thereupon elected shall be composed of two electors from each county when two counties join; and of one elector from each county in all other cases; which trustees, except those elected at first elections, shall hold during terms of four years in the former case, and as many years as there are counties joining in the other cases. Trustees elected at first elections shall hold for terms beginning at once and so ending that the terms of one member only will expire on the first Monday of each succeeding January, beginning with January of the second year thereafter; which terms shall be allotted to the respective trustees at their first meeting. The county board of each county joining shall at an annual meeting elect a successor to any trustee from such county whose term will expire on the first Monday of the next following January. The trustees shall have the qualifications and functions and be subject to the limitations and restrictions of trustees elected pursuant to section 46.18. They shall be reimbursed their traveling expenses necessarily incurred in the discharge of their functions, and shall receive compensation similar to that of the trustees, respectively, of like county institutions; and if the county board is empowered to fix the latter, the compensation of the joint trustees shall be fixed by joint action of the county boards.

(5) All receipts on account of such institution shall be paid into the treasury of the county in which said institution is located.

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