38,500.00 U.S. bonds to secure circulation.. Bank'ghouse, furniture, and fixtures Legal-tender notes.. U.S. certificates of deposit.. Redemption fund with Treas. U. S. Due from Treasurer U.S.. Total 4,000.00 43, 010. 17 919.55 16, 630. 44 120.05 Surplus fund.. Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid........... National-bank notes outstanding. State-bank notes outstanding.. Due to other national banks.. Due to State banks and bankers.. Dividends unpaid...... Individual deposits.. 500.00 United States deposits..... 603.05 5,668.75 9,846.00 1,732.50 344, 406. 22 Deposits of U. S. disbursing officers Notes and bills rediscounted.. Liabilities other than those above stated... Total $120,000.00 25,000.00 9, 006.23 34, 650.00 253.25 43.79 350.00 132, 102.95 23,000.00 344, 406. 22 CHAS. N. RIX, President. Loans and discounts. Overdrafts.... Arkansas National Bank, Hot Springs. U. S. bonds to secure circulation.. U. S. bonds on hand... Bank 'ghouse, furniture, and fixtures Legal-tender notes.. U.S. certificates of deposit.. Redemption fund with Treas. U. S. Due from Treasurer U.S.. U. S. bonds to secure circulation Premiums on U. S. bonds. Bank'g house, furniture, and fixtures Legal tender notes.. U.S. certificates of deposit... Redemption fund with Treas. U.S. Due from Treasurer U. S.. Total 3,037.87 50, 500,00 50, 000, 00 7,500,00 100.00 16, 833.67 1, 374. 74 48, 708. 40 2,272.50 5,322.00 781,879. 04 ARKANSAS. German National Bank, Little Rock. JOHN G. FLETCHER, President. Loans and discounts.. Overdrafts... U.S. bonds to secure circulation. Bank g house, furniture, and fixtures Legal-tender notes.. U. S. certificates of deposit.. Redemption fund with Treas. U. S. Due from Treasurer U. S.. Total Due to other national banks Due to State banks and bankers.. Dividends unpaid....... Individual deposits.. Deposits of U.S. disbursing officers Notes and bills rediscounted.. Liabilities other than those above stated Total $300,000.00 55,500.00 16, 824. 26 44, 400.00 4, 581.40 65, 881.82 12.00 585, 065. 32 1,072, 264. 80 O. J. WOODWARD, President. Loans and discounts.. First National Bank, Fresno. U. S. bonds to secure circulation. Bank'g house, furniture, and fixtures Legal-tender notes.. U.S. certificates of deposit.. Redemption fund with Treas. U. S. Due from Treasurer U. S. Total 45,816. 57 50,000.00 U.S. bonds to secure circulation. Stocks, securities, etc.. Bank'ghouse, furniture.and fixtures Otherreal estate and mortg's owned Due from other national banks.. Due from State banks and bankers. Due from approved reserve agents. Checks and other cash items.. Exchanges for clearing house... Bills of other national banks.. Fractional currency,nickels, cents. Specie.... Legal-tender notes.. U. S. certificates of deposit.. Redemption fund with Treas. U. S. Due from Treasurer U.S... 31, 000. 00 344, 801.00 2,250.00 FRANK A. GIBSON, Cashier. Liabilities. Capital stock paid in. Surplus fund... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid...... National-bank notes outstanding. State-bank notes outstanding.. Due to other national banks.... Due to State banks and bankers.. Dividends unpaid.. Individual deposits.. Deposits of U.S.disbursing officers. Notes and bills rediscounted.. Liabilities other than those above stated $400,000.00 80,000.00 202, 824.60 39, 650.00 33, 175. 29 61, 551.62 87.50 1, 945, 421.99 Total GEO. H. BONEBRAKE, President. Loans and discounts. 2,762, 711.00 Total 2,762, 711.00 Los Angeles U.S. bonds to secure circulation Legal-tender notes U. S. certificates of deposit.. Redemption fund with Treas. U.S. Due from Treasurer U.S.. Total 5,796. 57 21,500.00 56, 583, 37 186, 767.23 174, 000. 00 9, 310.50 49, 563.86 22, 681.67 115, 221.45 15, 586. 20 7,216. 11 8,760.00 39.64 171, 699. 70 11,680.00 22,500.00 18, 550, 00 2,244, 899.72 Capital stock paid in.. Surplus fund... Undivided profits, less current Due to other national banks. Dividends unpaid..... Individual deposits. Deposits of U.S.disbursing officers Notes and bills rediscounted.. Liabilities other than those above stated Total 15, 565. 29 430,000.00 39, 468.47 68, 366. 10 990, 477. 40 57,096.34 100, 426. 12 2,244, 899.72 Merchants' National Bank, Los Angeles. W. L. GRAVES, President. Loans and discounts. U.S. bonds to secure circulation. Premiums on U. S. bonds Bank g house,furniture,and fixtures Legal-tender notes.... US certificates of deposit.. Redemption fund with Treas. U. S. Due from Treasurer U. S. Loans and discounts. Overdrafts.. U. S. bonds to secure circulation. Bank'g house, furniture, and fixtures Legal-tender notes. U.S. certificates of deposit... Redemption fund with Treas. U. S. Due from Treasurer U.S. Total 4, 100.00 134, 064. 07 6,750.00 23,502.50 943, 048. 43 Surplus fund....... Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid.. National-bank notes outstanding. State-bank notes outstanding.. Due to other national banks.. Due to State banks and bankers.. Dividends unpaid........ Individual deposits.. Deposits of U.S.disbursing officers. Notes and bills rediscounted. Liabilities other than those above stated Total $250,000.00 15,000.00 14, 583. 24 124,970.00 11,035. 58 4,832.52 220.00 522, 407. 09 943, 048. 43 O. MCHENRY, President. Loans and discounts. Overdrafts... First National Bank, Modesto. U.S. bonds to secure circulation. Stocks, securities, etc... Bank'g house, furniture, and fixtures Legal-tender notes. U.S. certificates of deposit.. Redemption fund with Treas. U. S. Due from Treasurer U.S... Total JOHN H. BARTLE, President. Loans and discounts. First National Bank, Monrovia. U. S. bonds to secure circulation. Bank'g house, furniture, and fixtures Legal-tender notes.. U.S. certificates of deposit... Redemption fund with Treas. U. S. Dne from Treasurer U. S. |