"What is up in the sky, I wonder. I wish I could fly up like a kite." Then Frank cut out a round piece of paper, made a hole in it, and put it on the string. went the paper after the kite. Away Pretty soon a man came up and said, "Young man, your kite is very high." 66 Yes, sir," said Frank, "and look at the piece of paper going up to the kite." "Well done!" said the man. "How did it get there?" "I put it on the string," said Frank, and the wind took it up." 66 LANGUAGE LESSON. What did Frank wish? What did he put on the string of his kite? Let pupils write answers in complete sentences. FRANK AND HIS NEW KITE. Frank did not like his old kite, so he made a new one. He took two sticks and made a cross, like this. Then he put a string round the ends, like this. He cut some blue paper to fit the sticks, and put it on with paste. 十 Then he tied three strings to the sticks, in this way. Then he made a tail for the kite. He tied bits of paper to a string, like this. Then he tied the tail to the kite. His mother gave him a long string for it, and he was very happy with his new kite. Now it is all made, it looks like this, as it floats in the air. LANGUAGE LESSON. Let pupils copy these questions and write answers in complete sentences. Why did Trank make a new kite? Of what did he make it? THE LITTLE PIGS. We have eight little pigs. One is white. One is all black. The eight little pigs live in a pen. The pen is in a yard near the barn. The pigs like to run in the yard. One day they made a hole under The little white pig got the pen. out of the yard first. Then the little black pig came out. Then all the other little pigs came out. The little white pig began to look about him. "Wee, wee! this is!" he said. What a big world |