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" What does little birdie say In her nest at peep of day ? Let me fly, says little birdie, Mother, let me fly away. Birdie, rest a little longer, Till the little wings are stronger. So she rests a little longer, Then she flies away. What does little baby... "
New National First[-Fifth] Reader - Page 15
by Charles Joseph Barnes, J. Marshall Hawkes - 1883
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The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art, Volume 49

1860 - 620 pages
...pliant bough That moving moves the nestand nestling, swayed The cradle, while she sang this baby song: What does little birdie say In her nest at peep of...little longer, Till the little wings are stronger. So she rests a little longer, Then she flics away. What docs little baby say, In her bed at peep of...
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The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 69

1892 - 880 pages
...The Princess a lasting delight to children, while the pretty cradle-song in Sea Dreams, beginning, " What does little birdie say In her nest at peep of day ? " has never won their hearts. Its motive is too apparent, its nursery flavor too pronounced. It has...
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The Guardian, Volumes 10-11

1859 - 802 pages
...have been paid $50 a line. WHAT docs a little birJio say In her nest at peep of day? Let mo fly, fays little birdie, Mother, let me fly away. Birdie, rest a little longer, Till the little limbs .ire stronger; 80 she rests ft little longer, Then she flies awoy. What does little bal.y say,...
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Macmillan's Magazine, Volume 1

1859 - 522 pages
...pliant bough That moving moves the nest and nestling, sway'd The cradle, while she sang this baby song. What does little birdie say In her nest at peep of day í Let me fly, says little birdie, Mother, let me fly away. Birdie, rest a little longer, Till the...
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Eclectic Magazine: Foreign Literature, Volume 49

John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell - 1860 - 624 pages
...pliant bough That moving moves the nest and nestling, swayed The cradle, while she sang this baby song: What does little birdie say In her nest at peep of...little longer, Till the little wings are stronger. So she rests a little longer, Then she flies away. What does little baby say, In her bed at peep of...
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The Knickerbocker: Or, New-York Monthly Magazine, Volume 58

Charles Fenno Hoffman, Timothy Flint, Lewis Gaylord Clark, Kinahan Cornwallis, John Holmes Agnew - 1861 - 612 pages
...musical ' setting ' which is every way worthy of it, we have said all that need be said in its praise: ' WHAT does little birdie say In her nest at peep of...little longer, Till the little wings are stronger. So she rests a little longer, Then she flies away. ' What does little baby say, In her bed at peep...
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Poetical Works, Volume 2

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1861 - 364 pages
...pliant bough That moving moves the nest and nestling, sway'd The cradle, while she sang this baby song. What does little birdie say In her nest at peep of...little longer, Till the little wings are stronger. So she rests a little longer Then she flies away. What doea little baby say, In her bed at peep of...
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The Poetical Works of Alfred Tennyson, Poet Laureate, Etc ..., Volume 2

Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1861 - 364 pages
...pliant bough That moving moves the nest and nestling, swayM The cradle, while she sang this baby song. What does little birdie say In her nest at peep of...away. Birdie, rest a little longer, Till the little wines are stronger. So she rests a little longer Then she flies away. What does little baby say, In...
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The Dublin Review, Volume 50

Nicholas Patrick Wiseman - 1861 - 1116 pages
...mother to her baby is sweet and simple, and relieves the rest somewhat from its prosaic character. " What does little birdie say In her nest at peep of day ? Let me fly, sajs little birdie, Mother, let me fly away. Birdie, reit a little longer, Till the little wings are...
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A poetical reading book [ed.] by W. M'Gavin

William M'Gavin (editor of The union school song garland) - 1862 - 82 pages
...Wood-mouse, The • - - . . - - 69 A POETICAL READING-BOOK. CRADLE SONG. FROM " XACHILLAN'S M AG AKINK." What does little birdie say In her nest at peep of...little longer, Till the little wings are stronger. So she rests a little longer, Then she flies away. What does little baby say, In her bed at peep of...
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