PUBLISHED BY THE JOINT COMMITTEE OF HENRY FROWDE, HODDER AND STOUGHTON 17 WARWICK SQUARE, NEWGATE STREET LONDON, E.C.4 THE LAW AND PRACTICE WITH REGARD TO HOUSING IN ENGLAND BY SIR KINGSLEY WOOD, M.P. SOLICITOR OF THE SUPREME COURT WITH A PREFACE BY RT. HON. CHRISTOPHER ADDISON, M.D., M.P. PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY HAZELL, WATSON AND VINEY, LD., LONDON AND AYLESBURY. 326865 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED i PREFACE THE National Housing Problem is to-day in a most acute form, and it will long continue to occupy the attention of our citizens. When sufficient houses have been built to make up the grave War shortage, we have still to take up the equally important task of clearing the slums and the insanitary areas, which are so wasteful and so detrimental both to the physical and commercial interests of the Country. In this book controversial topics have been avoided, and it may be that, on such a matter as the method that has been adopted to deal with our housing situation, a true verdict can only be given by our succeeding generation. Suffice it to say that nearly every Country has had to deal with a similar situation and has been driven to State intervention. So far as our own progress is concerned, it is at the present time in advance of that attained by any other Nation. There are many Acts on the Statute Book concerning Housing, and a clear and concise explanation of legislation, such as is afforded by this work, will be of great value to the thousands of Housing administrators and workers which the Country possesses, and to whom it owes so much. It would obviously be impossible for me to express agreement with all the opinions-legal |