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step to step, in these pages, each measure of which mention is made in the course of the Debates, &c.-but, by recurring to the Laws of the Session, at the end of the volume, he will be able to ascertain the final disposition of any particular measure, every measure not embraced in the body of the Laws having failed, by positive rejection, or, what is equivalent to a rejection, by not being finally acted upon during the Session. Nor will the curious or methodocal reader of this work discover a regular account of the adjournments or recesses of the two Houses. He will find, on some days, no account of Proceedings in either House; on others, an account of Proceedings in one House and not in the other. These apparent omissions will be explained, in part, by adverting to the fact, that, besides the Sabbath, Saturday is almost uniformly a day of rest for Congress, and occasionally Friday also; and when the Proceedings of any day are not of general interest, they are not preserved. Wherever, in short, the reader finds no Proceedings recorded on any given day, or Proceedings in one House only, he will understand, either that neither House sat on that day, that no important proceedings took place in either House, or that the Proceedings of one House only were of general in


With these brief explanations, the Editors submit the Register to the Public, claiming their indulgence for any errors of omission or commission which may be discovered in it. and pledging themselves that with every year there shall be found a progressive improvement in the execution, if not in the plan, of the work.


Register of Debates in Congress,

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First Proceedings in Congress.

IN SENATE-MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1824. This being the day fixed for the opening of the Second Session of the Eighteenth Congress, Mr. GAILLARD, president pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, took the chair; and the roll being called over, it appeared that a quorum of members was present, and a committee was appointed, jointly, with such committee as the House of Representatives might appoint, 10 wait on the President of the United States, and inform him that the two Houses were assembled, and ready to receive any communication he might have to make, &c.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.-SAME DAY. At 12 o'clock this day, the SPEAKER, (Hon. HENRY CLAY, of Kentucky,) took the chair; and the roil being called, one hundred and eighty members answered to their names; and a committee was appointed on the part of this House to join with such committee as should be appointed on the part of the Senate, to wait on the President of the United States, and inform him that a quo rum of both Houses is assembled, and ready to receive any communication he may have to make to them.

Mr. MITCHELL, of Maryland, offered the following resolution:

"Resolved, That the Honorable the Speakerinvite our distinguished guest and benefactor, Gen. LAFAYETTE, to a seat within the Hall of this House, and that he direct the manner of his reception."

This resolution gave rise to some conversation as to what would be the most proper mode of expressing the respect felt by this House towards the illustrious individual referred to, which resulted in the adoption of the following resolution, which was proposed by Mr. A. STEVENSON, as a substitute for the other:

"Resolved, That a committee be appointed on the part of this House, to join such committee as may be appointed on the part of the Senate, to consider and report what respectful mode it may be proper for Condespe gress to adopt to receive General LAFAYETTE, and to testify the very high gratification which he has afforded it by his present visit to the United States, made in pursuance of the invitation given to him by Congress, during its last session."

The committee was appointed, to consist, on the part of the House, of thirteen members.


On motion of Mr. BARBOUR, the Senate concurred in the resolution from the other House, respecting the reception of General LAFAYETTE.

A written message was received from the President of the United States, by Mr. EVERETT, (which will be found in the Appendix.)

The message was read, and,

On motion of Mr. LLOYD, of Massachusetts, it was Ordered, That three thousand copies thereof be printed for the use of the Senate.

On motion of Mr. BARBOUR, it was

Ordered, That fifteen hundred copies of the docu

[DEC. 6-8, 1824.


Mr. BARBOUR, from the Joint Committee appointed to consider and report what respectful mode it may be proper for Congress to adopt to receive General LAFAYETTE, made the following report:

"The Joint Committee propose that each House adopt its own manner of receiving General LAFAYETTE.

"The Committee on the part of the Senate recommend that the President of the Senate invite General LAFAYETTE to take a seat, such as he shall designate, in the Senate Chamber: that the Committee deliver the invitation to the General, and introduce him into the Senate, and the members receive the General standing."

In delivering this report, Mr. BARBOUR stated that the Joint Committee, entertaining every wish to make the reception of General LAFAYETTE as complimentary as possible, yet found difficulties in the way of any arrangement for a joint proceeding, which were not easily removeable; and it was therefore thought by the committee, best for each House to adopt its own arrangements, and its own form, in the reception of that distinguished individual.

It was resolved, unanimously, That the Senate do concur in the report.


On motion of Mr. TAYLOR, of New York, the House resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the state of the Union, Mr. P. P. BARBOUR, of Virginia, in the chair, and distributed, by a number of distinct resolutions, the various parts of the President's Message to the proper committees.

The several select committees, established by these resolves, were ordered to consist of seven members each, with the exception of that in relation to a provision for General LAFAYETTE, which was ordered to consist of thirteen.

Mr. MITCHELL, from the Joint Committee appointed to determine in what manner Gen. LAFAYETTE shall be

received by the two Houses of Congress, asked and ob. tained leave to report, and presented the following:

"The committee appointed on the part of this House, to join such committee as might be appointed on the part of the Senate, to consider and report what respectful mode it may be proper for Congress to adopt to receive General LAFAYETTE, and to testify the very high gratification which he has afforded by his present visit to the United States, made in pursuance of the invitation given to him by Congress, during its last session, report: "That they have met a committee of the Senate on that subject, and that the committees have agreed to recommend to their respective Houses that each House receive General LAFAYETTE in such manner as it shall deem most suitable to the occasion, and the committee recommend to the House the following resolutions:

ments accompanying said Message be printed for the gress, and that he be assured of the gratitude and deep

use of the Senate.


A Message was received from the President of the
United States, by Mr. EVERETT, and read at the Clerk's
table. (See Appendix.)

On motion of Mr. TAYLOR, the Message, with the accompanying Documents, were referred to a committee of the whole on the state of the Union, and 6,000 copies were ordered to be printed.

VOL. 1-No. 1.

"Resolved, That the congratulations of this House be publicly given to General LAFAYETTE on his arrival in the United States, in compliance with the wishes of Conrespect which the House entertains for his signal and lustrious services in the Revolution, and the pleasure it feels in being able to welcome him, after an absence of so many years, to the theatre of his early labors and early renown.

"Resolved, That, for this purpose, Gen. LAFAYETTE be invited by a committee to attend the House on Friday next, at one o'clock; that he be introduced by the committee, and received by the members standing, uncovered, and addressed by the Speaker, in behalf of the House, in pursuance of the foregoing resolution."

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The resolutions were adopted unanimously, and so entered on record. The Committee of Invitation was appointed, to consist of 24 members, on suggestion of Mr. STEVENSON.

IN SENATE-THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1824. Mr. BARBOUR, from the committee appointed to perform that duty, reported that they had waited on General LAFAYETTE, with the invitation of the Senate, and that he had informed them he would wait on the Senate this day at one o'clock.

At one o'clock, General LAFAYETTE entered the Chamber of the Senate, accompanied by the Committee of that body. On entering the bar, Mr. BARBOUR, chairman of the committee, announced the presence of the General, in the following words: "We introduce General LAFAYETTE to the Senate of the United States;" whereupon, the President of the Senate and the Senators rose from their seats, and the General, advancing towards the Chair of the Senate, was invited by the Pre sident to take a seat, prepared for him on the right of

the Chair.

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It was objected to the adoption of this motion, that the Senate had, yesterday, adjourned over to Monday. The question, however, was taken, and the motion passed in the affirmative-ayes 90, noes 69.

Seats were accordingly ordered for the members of the Senate, who shortly after entered, and took the places assigned them.

At one o'clock, according to previous arrangement, General LAFAYETTE appeared, attended by the Committee of twenty-four members of the House of Represen tatives, and was introduced to the House by Mr. MITCHELL, chairman of the committee.

On the General's entry, the members and persons admitted on the floor of the House, rose, and remained standing, uncovered.

Mr. SPEAKER then rose, and, in behalf of the House, addressed the Nation's Guest, in the following eloquent strain, adorned by those graces of oratory for which he is distinguished:

"GENERAL: The House of Representatives of the United States, impelled alike by its own feelings, and by those of the whole American People, could not have assigned to me a more gratifying duty than that of being its organ to present to you cordial congratulations upon the occasion of your recent arrival in the United States, in compliance with the wishes of Congress, and to assure you of the very high satisfaction which your presence affords on this early theatre of your glory and renown. Although but few of the members who compose this body, shared with you in the war of our Revolution, all have a knowledge, from impartial history, or from faithful tradition, of the perils, the sufferings, and the sacrifices, which you voluntarily encountered, and the signal

[DEC. 9-10, 1824.

der which you have placed our country. But the relations in which you have ever stood to the United States, interesting and important as they have been, do not constitute the only motive of the respect and admiration which this House entertains for you. Your consistency of character, your uniform devotion to regulated liberty, in all the vicissitudes of a long and arduous life, also command its highest admiration. During all the recent convulsions of Europe, ami Ist, as after, the dispersion of every political storm, the people of the United States have ever beheld you true to your old principles, firm and erect, cheering and animating with your well-known voice, the votaries of Liberty, its faithful and fearless champion, ready to shed the last drop of that blood which, here, you so freely and nobly spilt in the same holy cause.

"The vain wish has been sometimes indulged, that Providence would allow the Patriot, after death, to return to his country, and to contemplate the intermediate changes which had taken place-to view the forests felled, the cities built, the mountains levelled, the canals cut, the highways constructed, the progress of the arts, the advancement of learning, and the increase of population. General, your present visit to the United States is the realization of the consoling object of that wish. You are in the minst of posterity! Every where you must have been struck with the great changes, physical and moral, which have occurred since you left us. Even this very city, bearing a venerated name, alike endeared to you and to us, has since emerged from the forest which then covered its site. In one respect, you behold us unaltered, and that is in the sentiment of continued devotion to liberty, and of ardent affection and profound gratitude to your departed friend, the Father of his Country, and to y ur illustrious associates in the fi ld and in the Cabinet, for the multiplied blessings which surround us, and for the very privilege of addressing you, which I now exercise. This sentiment, now fondly cherished by more than ten millions of people, will be transmitted, with unabated vigor, down the tide of time, through the countless millions who are destined to inhabit this continent, to their latest posterity."

To which address, General LAFAYETTE replied, in a tone in which energy of character and sensibility of feeling were most interestingly blended, to the following


"Mr. Speaker, and

Gentlemen of the House of Representatives:

"While the People of the United States and their honorable Representatives in Congress have deigned to make choice of me, one of the American veterans, to signify in his person their esteem for our joint services, and their attachment to the principles for which we have had the honor to fight and bleed, I am proud and happy to share those extraordinary favors with my dear Revolutionary companions. Yet, it would be, on my part, uncandid and ungrateful not to acknowledge my personal share in those testimonies of kindness, as they excite in my breast emotions which no adequate words could express.

"My obligations to the United States, sir, far exceed any merit I might claim. They date from the time when I have had the happiness to be adopted as a young soldier, a favored son of America. They have been continued to me during almost half a century of constant affection and confidence; and now, sir, thanks to your most gratifying invitation, I find myself greeted by a series of welcomes, one hour of which would more than compensate for the public exertions and sufferings of a whole life.

"The approbation of the American People, and their

services in America and in Europe, which you perform- Representatives, for my conduct during the vicissitudes ed, for an infant, a distant, and an alien people; and all of the European Revolution, is the highest reward I feel and own the very great extent of the obligations un- I could receive. Well may I stand "firm and erect,"

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when, in their names, and by you, Mr. Speaker, I am declared to have, in every instance, been faithful to those American principles of liberty, equality, and true social order, the devotion to which, as it has been from my earliest youth, so it shall continue to be to my latest breath.

"You have been pleased, Mr. Speaker, to allude to the peculiar felicity of my situation, when, after so long an absence, I am called to witness the immense improvements, the admirable communications, the prodigious creations, of which we find an example in this City, whose name itself is a venerated Palladium; in a word, all the grandeur and prosperity of these happy United States, which, at the same time they nobly secure the complete assertion of American Independence, reflect on every part of the world the light of a far superior political civilization.

"What better pledge can be given of a persevering national love of liberty, when those blessings were evidently the result of a virtuous resistance to oppression, and of institutions founded on the rights of man and the Republican principle of self-government? No, Mr. Speaker, posterity has not begun for me-since, in the sons of my companions and friends, I find the same public feelings, and permit me to add, the same feelings in my behalf, which I have had the happiness to experience in their fathers.

"Sir, I have been allowed, forty years ago, before a Committee of a Congress of thirteen States, to express the fond wishes of an American heart. On this day 1 have the honor, and enjoy the delight, to congratulate the Representatives of the Union, so vastly enlarged, on the realization of those wishes, even beyond every human expectation, and upon the almost infinite prospects we can with certainty anticipate.

"Permit me, Mr. Speaker, and gentlemen of the House of Representatives, to join, to the expression of those sentiments, a tribute of iny lively gratitude, affectionate devotion, and profound respect."

After the GENERAL and the Members had resumed their seats, and a short pause occurred,

Mr. MITCHELL, the organ of the Committee of reception, moved an adjournment.

The motion was agreed to, and the House was adjourned to Monday.

The SPEAKER then descended from the Chair, and most affectionately saluted the General. His example was followed by the Members of the House, individually, and some time was spent in this agreeable manner be

fore the GENERAL retired.


The engrossed bill (lying over from last session) "to authorize the state of Ohio to sell and convey certain tracts of land granted to said state for the use of the people thereof," was read a third time.

Mr. VINTON, of Ohio, rose, and explained the object of this bill, and the considerations which recommended its passage. The grant of these lands, on account of the salt springs upon them, to the state of Ohio, was subject to the condition that the state should not sell them, nor lease them for a longer term than ten years. The object of this reservation was, to prevent a monopoly of this indispensable article of subsistence. Since this grant, however, it had been ascertained that there was in the state an abundance of resources for the manufacture of salt; and springs had been discovered and worked, so superior in the quantity and quality of the salt, as entirely to supersede the use of those on the reserved lands. These lands were, consequently, in their present condition, of no value to the state, and the state, therefore, wished to be allowed to dispose of them. The state alone was interested in this question, the United States having neither title to, norinterest in, these lands, having ceded both to the state of Qhio.

[Sen. & H R.

The bill was then PASSED nem. con. and sent to the Senate for concurrence.

An engrossed bill, also of the last session, "authorizing repayment for land erroneously sold by the United States," was read a third time, paSSED, and sent to the Senate for concurrence.

On proceeding to call over the roll of bills reported at the last session, and laid over

Mr. FULLER, of Massachusetts, moved that the House go into committee of the whole on that bill which proposes to authorize the building of ten additional sloops of war. The motion was negatived-ayes 72, noes 79.

The House then went into committee of the whole, Mr. LATHROP in the Chair, on the bill more effectually to provide for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States, and for other purposes. The bill having been read in part, Mr. BARBOUR, expressing an opinion that its provisions were inadequate to cover all cases necessary to be provided for, and that it would probably require additional provisions, moved, that the committee rise and report progress. The committee rose accordingly, and had leave to sit again.

IN SENATE-TUESDAY, DEC. 14, 1824. On motion of Mr. BARBOUR,

Resolved, That so much of the President's message as relates to Foreign Affairs, be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

[The motion of Mr. BARBOUR, it was understood, comprehended, besides others, that portion of the Message which relates to arrangements for the suppression of piracy and of pirates on the Island of Cuba, &c. as well as on the water. The question of reference gave rise to some conversation on the part of Mr. BARBOUR, Mr. HAYNE, and Mr LLOYD, of Mass. which was interesting, as it indicated a strong desire and determination in the Senate to leave no effort unemployed to effectually protect our commerce from piracy in the West Indian seas, and to extirpate the freebooters who now, by the facilities of concealment afforded to them in the Island of Cuba, &c. prey on our commerce, and commit such atrocities on those who fall into their hands. In the course of the conversation, Mr. HAYNE and Mr. LLOYD both intimated an intention they had respectively formed, to bring the subject fully before the Senate, by special inquiries.]

Mr. BENTON presented the petition of sundry inhabitants of the state of Missouri, on the subject of a trade and intercourse between that state and the internal Pro

[This petition recited, that a beneficial trade had been carried on for some years between the inhabitants of the two countries, in which domestic cottons and other articles had been carried out from the United States, and gold, silver, furs, and mules, brought back in return; that the intervening tribes of Indians presented the only obstacle to the successful prosecution of the trade upon a large scale; that the merchandise had to be carried through a tract of country inhabited by different tribes, to enter whose territory, without a licence, was penal under the laws of the United States, and dangerous, unless the consent of the tribes was previously obtained; that some outrages to persons, and repeated depredations on property, had already been committed; and that a total interruption to the commercial and social intercourse, so happily began in that quarter between the citizens of the two Republics, might be apprehended, unless the Government of the United States interposed for its protection. The petition, therefore, prayed

1. That the right of an unmolested passage, for persons and property, upon a designated route, between the frontiers of Missouri and the internal provinces of Mexico, might be obtained by treaty stipulations from

vinces of Mexico.

the Indians referred to.


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2. That a military post and an Indian agency might be established on the Arkansas river, at the point of the intersection of that river by the proposed route.]

The petition, upon the motion of Mr. BENTON, was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.


[DEC. 14-15, 1824.

sioners; in 1809, some of their head men were in Washington to make arrangements for going to the West, and had much intercourse with the government; in March, 1816, two Treaties were concluded with them, by Mr. George Graham, then Acting Secretary of War; in Sep. tember, 1816, a Treaty was concluded with them by Messrs. Jackson, Meriwether, and Franklin, Commis

Mr. WRIGHT, of Ohio, offered the following resolusioners; in 1817, a Treaty was concluded with them at


Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the propriety of providing, by law, that any judicial or other civil officer of the Government of the United States, who shall hereafter engage in fighting a duel, or in challenging, assisting, or encouraging, any other person so to engage, shall forfeit the office by him so held, and be ever afterwards rendered incapable of holding the like or other office under the


Mr. TUCKER, of Virginia, called for the previous question of consideration, which was put, and the House agreed to consider the resolution.

Mr. POINSETT, of South Carolina, then moved to lay the resolution on the table; which motion was negatived, and the resolution was adopted without a division being called for, though not without a considerable negative vote.

IN SENATE, WEDNESDAY, LEC. 15, 1824. The resolution offered yesterday by Mr. BROWN, to appoint a Committee on Roads and Canals, was taken up. Mr. CHANDLER observed, that he was one of those who believed that this was a subject on which Congress had no right to legislate; that he believed it to be unconstitutional, and that, for his part, he was determined to raise his voice, and vote against the resolution.

Mr. RUGGLES said, it would be impossible to proceed regularly without a committee on this subject; that it was the practice of the Senate, and a very necessary one, to have such a committee.

Mr. NOBLE said he was sorry to find the gentleman from Maine opposed to the appointment of a committee on this subject. He thought the gentleman's scruples would have time enough to operate on his mind hereafter. He adverted to the circumstance of the President's calling the attention of Congress to the subject of internal improvements; and observed, in relation to the message, that, though he had not the greatest confidence in every part of it, yet he was very well satisfied with the opinion of the Executive on this important subject. He would vote for the resolution with an eye directed to the promotion of the general prosperity of the country. The question was put and carried-ayes 18.

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-SAME DAY. The resolution yesterday offered by Mr. FORSYTH, calling for information relative to the treaty of 1804 with the Cherokee Indians, the causes for the delay in its ratification, &c. was taken up, and the question being on agreeing thereto

Mr. FORSYTH rose, and said, that, upon a call for information of this description from the Executive, there might be a propriety in stating the grounds of it. It would be found, upon examination of the records of the government, here referred to, that, since the date of the Treaty of 1804, with the Cherokees, which was ratified at the last session of Congress, there had been several treaties concluded and ratified with the same nation of Indians. Mr. F. enumerated those treaties as follows:In 1805, two treaties were concluded with them, by D. Smith and R. J. Meigs, Commissioners; in January, 1806, another was concluded with them at Washington, by Gen. Dearborn, then Secretary of War; in September, 1807, another treaty was concluded with them, elucidating the preceding, by Mr. Robertson and Mr. Meigs, Commis

the Cherokee Agency, by General Jackson; in 1819, another by Mr. Caihoun, Secretary of War, at Washington. In every one of these cases, Mr. F. said, Colonel R. J. Meigs, well known to have been for many years agent of the United States in that nation, was either commissioner or witness to the treaty. That gentleman died on the 28th January, 1823; and during his life this treaty of 1804 was not ratified. But, the winter succeeding his death, in May, 1824, the ratification was claimed by the Cherokees, who came here for the purpose, and it was ratified. This House was, at the last session, invited to make an appropriation for carrying it into effect, but at so late a period of the session, that it was not acted upon. As they would be doubtless ex. pected to make an appropriation to redeem the faith of the United States, pledged by this treaty, it was proper, before voting away the sum of $20 000 for this purpose, the House should have information of the causes which had for twenty years suspended the ratification of this treaty.

Mr. MALLARY, of Vermont, objected to a part of the resolution, which proposes to inquire into "the motives of the ratification of the treaty at the last session," and moved to amend the resolve by striking out that part of it. He had no objection to every fact being obtained which had a bearing on the case-it was proper they should be called for- but he did not know that it would be relevant or perfectly decorous to ask of the Executive an explanation of the motives for its conduct.

Mr. FORSYTH, not feeling tenacious of the language of the resolution, consented to receive the amendment as a part of his resolution; and, thus amended,

The resolve was agreed to, nem. con.

The SPEAKER laid before the House a communication from the Department of the Treasury, accompanied by a report from the First Comptroller of the Treasury, with enclosures on the subject of the collection of tonnage duties on Canal boats

Mr. STORRS moved that these papers be referred to the Committee on Commerce, with the following instructions, viz:

"That the communication and accompanying papers be referred to the Committee on Commerce, with instructions to inquire into the expediency of so amending the acts of Congress regulating the commerce of the United States, and imposing duties on tonnage, that they shall not be construed to extend to boats employed exclusively in transportation on the interior canals of the respective states."

Mr. NEWTON, (Chairman of the Committee on Commerce) suggested that it would be better to leave the committee at large, under the assurance that they would do justice to all parties in the case referred to.

Mr. STORRS explained that the object of his motion was merely to present to the consideration of the committee the expediency of the measure referred to.

Mr. TRACY doubted whether, by adopting the language of the instruction, it would not be conceding too much-inasmuch as he did not believe that the laws were susceptible of being so construed as to include the canal boats, which the instruction seemed to take for granted.

Mr. STORRS said he had taken particular care so to frame his motion as to avoid any such admission, as would be seen by referring to the expression "the acts shall not be construed to extend to boats," &c.

The motion of Mr. STORRS was then agreed to.

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