The Bengal Law Reports of Decisions of the High Court at Fort William Civil and Criminal in Its Original and Appellate Jurisdictions: Privy Council Decisions on Indian Appeals; Orders and Rules of the High Court; and Revenue Circular Orders ..., Volume 9Louis Arthur Goodeve Printed and pub. for the Bengal Council of Law Reporting by Thacker, Spink, & Company, 1872 Vol. 6-9 include also acts of the Supreme Council; v. 6-8, acts of the Bengal Council. |
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abetment accreted Act VIII alleged Ameen Amir Khan apply BABOO RAM BAHADOOR Bengal BIBI BUKHSH Bysak Calcutta Chandra Chandra Mohan Charan charge Chowdhry Chunder claim Collector costs COUCH Criminal Procedure custom Dasi dated decision declared decree defendant defendant's dismissed dispute district Durga Dutt enquiry entitled evidence fact GANENDRA Ghose Glover Government ground heir High Court Hindu law HIRANATH KOER Ichapore inheritance interest issue JATINDRA MOHAN TAGORE judgment jurisdiction Justice Khantamani land Lordships Magistrate Maharaja MAHARANI Makhanlal Markby matter Mauza ment Mitakshara Mookerjee mortgage MUHESSUR MUSSAMAT NARAYAN SING NATH notice objection offence opinion parties Patna person petition petitioner Phear plaint plaintiff possession Prasad Privy Council Procedure Code proceedings purchaser Queen question Raja reference respondent Richard Couch rule Sessions Judge SINGH Sirkar Small Cause Court special appeal Srinath Subordinate Judge Sudder suit surety testator tion widow witnesses zemindar Zilla
Popular passages
Page 37 - public policy' is intended that principle of the law which holds that no subject can lawfully do that which has a tendency to be injurious to the public or against the public good, which may be termed the policy of the law, or public policy in relation to the administration of the law...
Page 271 - And in the case put, the surety is held to be discharged, for this reason, because the creditor, by so giving time to the principal, has put it out of the power of the surety to consider whether he will have recourse to his remedy, against the principal, or not, ami. because he, in fact, cannot have the same remedy against the principal as he would have had under the original contract It has.
Page 33 - ... on account of the debts due and owing from the deceased, are under the value of a certain sum, to be therein specified...
Page 62 - The declared and accepted rule of law in cases of conspiracy is that — " In prosecutions for conspiracy it is an established rule that where several persons are proved to have combined together for the same illegal purpose, any act done by one of the party, in pursuance of the original concerted plan, and...
Page 389 - Micklethwait), and his assigns, for and during the term of his natural life (without impeachment of waste); and, from and after the determination of that estate, to the use...
Page 8 - Each high court may by its own rules provide as it thinks fit for the exercise, by one or more judges, or by division courts constituted by two or more judges, of the high court, of the original and appellate jurisdiction vested in the court.
Page 361 - And be it enacted, that if, from the absence of witnesses, or from any other reasonable cause, it shall become necessary or advisable to defer the examination or further examination of the witnesses for any time, it shall be lawful to and for the justice or justices before whom the accused shall appear or be brought, by his or their warrant (Q.
Page 106 - It seems to me that in construing this document, which is a contract of carriage between the parties, one must in the first instance look at the whole of the instrument, and not at one part of it only. Looking at the whole of the instrument, and seeing what one must regard, for a reason which I will give in a moment, as...
Page 4 - ... and that the defendants, therefore, have not any sufficient answer to this action. It is perfectly clear, as a general rule, and indeed is not disputed on the present occasion, that if a customer pay bills into a banker's hands, although it gives him a right to expect that his drafts will be honoured to the amount of the bills paid in, yet the property in the bills is not altered ; they still remain the property of the customer, although the banker may have a lien to the extent of his advances.
Page 55 - Engages with one more other person or persons in any conspiracy for the doing of tiat thing, if an act or illegal omission takes place in pursuance of that conspiracy, and in order to the doing of that thing ; or — Thirdly.