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" Hindoos of every class, one subject of diversion is to send people on errands and expeditions that are to end in disappointment, and raise a laugh at the expense of the person sent. "
The Olio, Or, Museum of Entertainment - Page 205
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British Critic, Quarterly Theological Review, and Ecclesiastical ..., Volume 9

1797 - 752 pages
...difappointment, and raife a laugh at the expence of the perfon fent. The Huli is always in March, and the loft day is the general holiday. I have never yet heard any account of the origin of this Englifh cuftom ; but it is unqueftionably very ancient, and is ftill kept up even in great towns, though...
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The Scots Magazine, Or, General Repository of Literature, History ..., Volume 59

1797 - 958 pages
...difappointment, and raifea laugh at the expence of the perfon fint. The Huli is always in March, and the laft day is the general holiday. I have never yet heard any account of the origin of this Englifh cuftom ; but it is unqutftionably very ancient, and is ftill kept up even in great towns, though...
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The Literary Magazine, and American Register, Volume 5

Charles Brockden Brown - 1806 - 498 pages
...India, when mirth and festivity reign among Hindus of every cl-.isj, one subject of diversion is to send people on errands and expeditions, that are to end in disappointment, and raise a laugh at the exГпсе of the person sent. The Huis always m March, and the last day is the greatest holiday :...
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Indian Antiquities: Or, Dissertations, Relative to the Ancient ..., Volume 6

Thomas Maurice - 1812 - 404 pages
...Huli, when mirth and festivity reign among Hindoos of every class, one subject of diversion is to send people on errands and expeditions, that are to end in disappointment, and raise a laugh-at the expense of the person sent. The Huli is always in March, and the last day is the general...
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The Cambrian Popular Antiquities: Or, An Account of Some Traditions, Customs ...

Peter Roberts - 1815 - 398 pages
...when mirth and " festivity reign among Hindus of every " class, one subject of diversion is to send " people on errands and expeditions, that " are to end...** a laugh at the expense of the person " sent. The Hull is always in March, and the last day is the general holyday. I have never yet heard any account...
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The British Critic: A New Review, Volume 6

1816 - 696 pages
...when mirth and festivity reign 'among llindus of every class, one subject of diversion is to send" people on errands and expeditions, that are to end in disappointment, and raise a laugh at the-expense of the person sent. The Huli is'altcays in March, and the last day is the general holiday....
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The Spirit of the English Magazines

1830 - 504 pages
...Huli,when mirth and festivity reign among the Hindoos of every class, one subject of diversion is to send people on errands and expeditions that are to end...raise a laugh at the expense of the person sent. The Hull is always in March, and the last day is the general holiday. I have never yet heard any account...
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The New Monthly Magazine and Universal Register, Volume 6

1816 - 598 pages
...Uuli, when mirth and festivity reign among Hindoos of every class, one subject of diversion is tötend people on errands and expeditions that are to end in disappointment, and mise a laugh at the expense of the person sent. The Huli ¡s always in March, and the last day ч the...
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The Every Day Book, Or, A Guide to the Year: Describing the ..., Volume 1

William Hone - 1826 - 882 pages
...Huli festival keep a general holiday on the 31st of March, and one subject of diversion is to send e Every- Day Book by a correspondent, Mr. RN B — , that at Hoddesdon in Hertfordshire, persons sent. Colonel Pearce says, that " high and low join in it ; and," he adds, "the late Suraja...
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The European Magazine, and London Review, Volume 31

1797 - 486 pages
...dtfi4f>f>untment, and raife a laugh at the expence oi the perfon fent. The Huli is always in March, and the laji day is the general holiday. I have never yet heard any account of the origin of this Znglijb lujiom, hut it is vnqucltionably very ancient, and is (till fce^t up even in great towns, though...
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