Reports of Cases Decided in the Court of Appeals of the State of New York: 1871, Volume 46

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Page 633 - In any manner relating thereto, shall hereafter be created, granted, assigned, surrendered or declared, unless by act or operation of law, or by a deed or conveyance in writing, subscribed by the party creating, granting, assigning, surrendering or declaring the same, or by his lawful agent thereunto authorized by writing.
Page 516 - Every proprietor of lands on the banks of a river has naturally an equal right to the use of the water which flows in the stream adjacent to his lands as it was wont to run (currere solebat) without diminution or alteration.
Page 288 - J., observed that in order for it to apply "there must be reasonable evidence of negligence, but where the thing is shown to be under the management of the defendant or his servants, and the accident is such as in the ordinary course of things does not happen, if those who have the management use proper care, it affords reasonable evidence, in the absence of explanation by the defendants, that the accident arose from want of care.
Page 160 - To constitute a conversion of real estate into personal, in the absence of an actual sale, it must be made the duty of, and obligatory upon, the trustees to sell it in any event. Such conversion rests upon the principle that equity considers that as done which ought to have been done. A mere discretionary power of selling produces no such result.
Page 14 - That a discharge duly granted under this act shall, with the exceptions aforesaid, release the bankrupt from all debts, claims, liabilities, and demands which were or might have been proved against his estate in bankruptcy...
Page 590 - Any corporation formed under this act may purchase mines, manufactories or other property necessary for its business, or the stock of any company or companies owning, mining, manufacturing or producing materials or other property necessary for its business, and issue stock to the amount of the value thereof in payment therefor...
Page 517 - ... the common right. The diminution, retardation or acceleration, not positively and sensibly injurious, by diminishing the value of the common right, is an implied element in the right of using the stream at all.
Page 79 - Here was no fraud; no wrong. It was incumbent upon the plaintiff to be satisfied "that the bill drawn upon him was the drawer's hand," before he accepted or paid it; but it was not incumbent upon the defendant to inquire into it.
Page 433 - The proper meaning of a privileged communication is only this ; that the occasion on which the communication was made rebuts the inference prima facie arising from a statement prejudicial to the character of the Plaintiff, and puts it upon him to prove that there was malice in fact — that the Defendant was actuated by motives of personal spite or ill-will, independent of the occasion on which the communication was made.
Page 653 - ... fully and entirely, and without change or diminution, as the same were before held and enjoyed...

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