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[The arabic numbers refer to items, not to pages.]

Agricultural implement manufac- | Campbell, J. L., 370

turers, 141

Carey act committee, 70

American society of irrigation Carter, O. C. S., 317

engineers, 120

Anderson, D. H., 385

Chamber of commerce of the

U. S., 126

Arizona (Ter.) District court, Chapman, A., 326

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Newell, H. D., 381


Tillinghast, F. H., 369

Newlands, F. G., 15-17, 52, 62, | Tracy, F. G., 155

[blocks in formation]

Weymouth, F. E., 301, 354

Whinery, Samuel, 158

Whitehead, J. T., 43 Wilhelm, A., 334

Willard, Lucius, 303

Willcocks, Sir William, 407
Willey, D. A., 304-305, 316, 332
Wilson, H. M., 159
Woehlke, W. V., 377

Wright, H., 306

[blocks in formation]

Administration, cost under Carey Carey Act committee, report, 7

Act, 7


work of Chief Counsel, 84
Administrative offices, 75, 76
Agricultural Department, 49
advice to water users, 68,
Alfalfa, on projects, 87
Amusement enterprises, 57
Annual reports of service, 100
Appointments, by Secretary, 74
Appropriation Act, 1918, 71
Appropriations, new projects, 41
water supply investigations,

Arid lands, I, II, 26
Arrowrock dam, 38
Artesian wells, 21

Attorney General, decisions, 30
Authority for construction, 21,
41, 46

Automobiles, use, 83-

Belle Fourche project, 37

Bids, 53-54

Boise project, 36, 40, 55
Bonds, 66

Canal riders, 83

Canals, 33, 38, 83, 101

Carey Act, cost of administra-

tion, 7

cost of colonization, 7

Carson River, storage dam, 36
Cement plants, 55

Cement Testing Section, 80
Census report on agriculture by
irrigation, 14

Central division, 81

Charges for water right. See
Water-right charges

Chief Clerk, 77

[blocks in formation]
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