APPENDIX 1 OUTLINE OF ORGANIZATION EXPLANATORY NOTE The Outlines of Organization have for their purpose to make known in detail the organization and personnel possessed by the several services of the national government to which they relate. They have been prepared in accordance with the plan followed by the President's Commission on Economy and Efficiency in the preparation of its outlines of the organization of the United States government. They differ from those outlines, however, in that whereas the Commission's report showed only organization units, the presentation herein has been carried far enough to show the personnel embraced in each organization unit. These outlines are of value not merely as an effective means of making known the organization of the several services. If kept revised to date by the services, they constitute exceedingly important tools of administration. They permit the directing personnel to see at a glance the organization and personnel at their disposition. They establish definitely the line of administrative authority and enable each employee to know his place in the system. They furnish the essential basis for making plans for determining costs by organization division and subdivision. They afford the data for a consideration of the problem of classifying and standardizing personnel and compensation. Collectively, they make it possible to determine the number and location of organization divisions of any particular kind, as, for example, laboratories, libraries, blue-print rooms, or any other kind of plant possessed by the national government, to what services they are attached and where they are located, or to determine what services are maintaining stations at any city or point in the United States. The Institute hopes that upon the completion of the present series, it will be able to prepare a complete classified statement of the technical and other facilities at the disposal of the government. The present monographs will then furnish the details regarding the organization, equipment, and work of the institutions so listed and classified. 1House Doc. 458, 62d Cong., 2d Sess. 1912-2 vols. OUTLINE OF ORGANIZATION RECLAMATION SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR June 30, 1917 Note: The names of the divisions of the Service appearing in this outline are of two classes-those corresponding to distinct organization units, and those used merely as convenient group names to designate a group of related but independent organization units. The name of each organization unit proper is followed by the title of the head of the unit, except where the title is self-evident. 1. Secretary of the Interior Consulting Engineer to the Secretary of the Interior 2. Reclamation Service Proper-Reclamation Commission (1) 1. Reclamation Commission Director and Chief Engineer, Chairman Comptroller (Position vacant) 2. Executive and Engineering Division Director and Chief Engineer 1. Office Proper of the Director and Director and Chief Engineer Stenographer 2. General Administrative Offices 1. Office of Chief Clerk 1. Office Proper of Chief Clerk Stenographer 2. Appointment Clerk 1,560 1 This term was used in the original order creating this body-that of December 13, 1913. The revised order now in force-that of November 22, 1915-does not contain any specific designation for the commission. |