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of the district police is hereby abolished. The inspectors of factories and public buildings who are, at the time of the passage of this act, serving as building inspectors, so-called, shall remain members of the district police force with the title of inspectors of buildings. The total number of such inspectors shall be eighteen, and, upon the taking effect of this act, the governor shall designate from among the inspectors of factories and public buildings who are at the time of its passage serving as factory inspectors, so-called, a sufficient number of such inspectors to remain members of the district police and to serve as inspectors of buildings to complete this number. The remaining inspectors of factories and public buildings shall, upon the taking effect of this act, be transferred to service under the state board of labor and industries as provided in section eight of this act. Inspectors of buildings shall have the powers and be charged with the duties of the present inspectors of factories and public buildings of the district police, except as otherwise provided in this act.

Acts of 1913, Chapter 424.

The inspectors of factories and public buildings of the district police who were transferred to the state board of labor and industries, established by chapter seven hundred and twenty-six of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and twelve, shall, upon their request in writing to the governor, be transferred to the building department of the district police to fill any vacancies in that department which may occur after the first day of June in the year nineteen hundred and thirteen.

SECTION 13. [Repealed by Acts of 1913, chapter 746.]

Acts of 1912, Chapter 726, Section 14, amended by Acts of 1914, Chapter 533. Annual Report. SECTION. 14. The board shall annually, on or before the first Wednesday in January, submit to the general court a report containing a statement of the character and results of the work performed by it or under its direction during the preceding year and of the expenditures for the year, together with an estimate of the sum required for the ensuing year and recommendations for such additional legislation as the board shall deem necessary. Thirty-five hundred copies of the report shall be printed, of which number twenty-five hundred copies shall be delivered to the said board for distribution. Five hundred copies of those delivered to the board for distribution shall be bound in cloth.

Repeal of Inconsistent Acts. - SECTION 15. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed; but nothing in this act shall be construed as affecting the duties of the bureau of statistics as defined by chapter three hundred and seventy-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and nine.


Acts of 1913, Chapter 813.

Powers and Duties. - SECTION 1. The state board of labor and industries and the industrial accident board, sitting jointly, shall investigate from time to time employments and places of employment within the commonwealth, and determine what suitable safety devices or other reasonable means or requirements for the prevention of accidents shall be adopted or followed in any or all such employments or places of employment; and also shall determine what suitable devices or other reasonable means or requirements for the prevention of industrial or occupational diseases shall be adopted or followed in any or all such employments or places of employment; and shall make reasonable rules, regulations and orders for the prevention of accidents and the prevention of industrial or occupational diseases in such employment or places of employment. Such rules, regulations and orders may apply to both employer and employee.

Hearings. SECTION 2. Before the adoption of any rule or regulation by the said joint board a hearing shall be given, and not less than ten days before the hearing a notice thereof shall be published in at least three newspapers, of which one shall be published in the city of Boston. Such rules or regulations shall upon adoption be published in like manner, and shall take effect thirty days after such publication, or at such later time as the board may fix. Before the adoption of any order a hearing shall be given thereon, of which a notice of not less than ten days shall be given to the individuals, firms, corporations or associations affected thereby.

Committees. SECTION 3. The joint board may appoint committees, on which employers and employees shall be represented, to investigate and recommend rules and regulations.

Joint Work. SECTION 4. The joint board shall make such general arrangements between the two boards as will prevent duplication of effort but the inspection and investigation carried on by the state board of labor and industries shall be a regular and systematic inspection and investigation of all places of employment and the conditions of safety and health pertaining thereto, and the inspection and investigation carried on by the industrial accident board shall be that relating to causes of injuries for which compensation may be claimed.

SECTION 5. Any member or employee of either board may enter any place of employment for any purpose under this act at any time when the place of employment is being used for business purposes.

Industrial Disease. - SECTION 6. The joint board may require every physician treating a patient whom he believes to be suffering from any ailment or disease contracted as a result of the nature, circumstances or conditions of the patient's employment to report such information relating thereto as it may require, within such time as it may fix, to the state board of labor and industries, and may issue a list of such diseases which shall be regularly reported upon by physicians and may add to or change such list at any time. Copies of all such reports and all statistics and data compiled therefrom shall be kept by the state board of labor and industries, and shall be furnished on request to the industrial accident board and the state board of health.

Chairman. - SECTION 7. All hearings by the joint board shall be open to the public. The chairman of the state board of labor and industries and the chairman of the industrial accident board shall act alternately as chairman of the joint board, and the said board may designate one of the employees of either board to act as secretary.

SECTION 8. Section eight of chapter seven hundred and twentysix of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and twelve1 is hereby amended by adding at the end of the first paragraph thereof the words: or persons especially qualified by technical education in matters relating to health and sanitation.

Inspectors. SECTION 9. The industrial accident board may appoint and remove not more than six inspectors, subject to the laws relating to the appointment and removal of employees in the classified civil service. They shall be required to pass examinations of a comprehensive and practical character based upon the particular requirements of the kinds of work to be done, shall be graded in such manner as the board may deem expedient, and shall receive such salaries as the board, with the approval of the governor and council, may fix.

1 See page 10.

Joint Board Rulings shall prevail. SECTION 10. If any rule or regulation made under authority of section eighteen of Part IV of chapter seven hundred and fifty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and eleven conflicts with or differs from a rule or regulation of the joint board, the rule or regulation of the joint board shall prevail.

Annual Estimate of Expenses. - SECTION 11. There may be expended annually by the joint board in carrying out the provisions of this act such sums as the general court may appropriate. The joint board shall annually submit to the auditor of the commonwealth such statements of estimates to cover its expenses as are required by section three of chapter seven hundred and nineteen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and twelve.

Definitions.1 - SECTION 12. The following terms and phrases, as used in this act, shall have the following meanings:

(a) The term "employment" shall mean and include any trade, occupation or branch of industry, any particular method or process used therein, and the service of any particular employer; but shall not include private domestic service or service as a farm laborer.

(b) The phrase "place of employment" shall mean and include every place whether indoors or out or underground and the premises appurtenant thereto, into, in or upon which any employee goes or remains either temporarily or regularly in the course of his employment.

(c) The terms "safe" and "safety", as used in this act, shall be held to relate to such freedom from danger to the life, safety and health of employees as the nature of the employment will reasonably permit.

(d) The terms "industrial disease" and "occupational disease " shall mean and include any ailment or disease caused by the nature, circumstances or conditions of the employment.

1 (Also see General, page 96.)

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