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notice to prepare boilers for this inspection, but shall not be required to give notice of external inspection.

SECTION 14. The owner or user of a boiler inspected by the boiler inspection department shall pay to the inspector five dollars for each boiler internally and externally inspected, and two dollars for each visit for external inspection. The inspector shall give receipts for the same, and shall pay all sums so received to the chief inspector of boilers, who shall pay the same to the treasurer of the Commonwealth.

SECTION 15. If, upon inspection the inspector finds the boiler to be in safe working order, with the fittings necessary to safety, and properly set up, he shall issue to the owner or user thereof a certificate of inspection stating the maximum pressure at which the boiler may be operated, as ascertained by the rules established by the board of boiler rules, and thereupon such owner or user may operate the boiler mentioned in the certificate. If the inspector finds that the boiler is not in safe working condition, or is not provided with fittings necessary to safety, or if the fittings are improperly arranged, he shall withhold his certificate until the boiler and its fittings are put in a condition to insure safety of operation, and the owner or user shall not operate the boiler, or cause it to be operated, until such certificate has been granted.

SECTION 16. Every boiler which has been inspected by the boiler inspection department shall be numbered either by stamping the number upon the boiler or by attaching a numbered metal tag by a seal or otherwise to the boiler or its fittings. No person except a member of the boiler inspection department shall deface or remove any such number or tag.

SECTION 17. Insurance companies engaged in the business of inspecting and insuring steam boilers shall, after each internal and external inspection, if they deem the boiler to be in safe working condition, issue a certificate of inspection stating the maximum pressure at which the boiler may be operated. This maximum pressure shall be determined under the rules established by the board of boiler rules.

SECTION 18. No insurance company shall issue a policy of insurance on a steam boiler for a longer period than three years. If a boiler is insured which has not previously been inspected externally and internally and a certificate of inspection issued, the company so insuring shall forthwith notify the chief of the boiler inspection department of the district police to that effect, and shall inspect such boiler internally and externally within one month after the insurance is effected. No insurance shall be effected on any boiler installed after May first, nineteen hundred and eight, which does not conform to the rules of construction formulated by the board of boiler rules.

SECTION 19. The certificate of inspection issued by the boiler inspection department, or by an insurance company, shall state the name of the owner or user, the location, size and number of the boiler, the date of inspection and the maximum pressure at which the boiler may be operated, under the signature of the person who made the inspection, and shall also contain such quotations from the statutes as shall be deemed necessary by the board of boiler rules, and shall so be placed as to be easily read in the engine room or boiler room of the plant where the boiler is located, except that the certificate of inspection for a portable boiler shall be kept on the premises and shall be accessible at all times.

SECTION 20. No person shall use, or cause to be used, a steam boiler, excepting boilers upon motor road vehicles, steam fire engines, boilers in private residences, or boilers under the jurisdiction of the United States, unless it is provided with a fusible safety plug made of lead or some other equally fusible material, as specified by the rules to be established by the board of boiler rules.

SECTION 21. The owner or user of any boiler herein required to be inspected shall immediately notify the boiler inspection department, if the boiler is being operated under the inspection of that department, or the insurance company, if it is being operated under its inspection, in case a defect affecting the safety of the boiler is discovered.

SECTION 22. If the insurance on any boiler herein required to be inspected expires, or is cancelled because the insurers deem it unsafe to continue the operation of the boiler, the owner or user shall cease to operate it until it has been put in a safe condition, satisfactory to the insurers, or has been inspected by the boiler inspection department and a certificate of inspection has been issued.

SECTION 23. If, in the judgment of the inspector or of the insurance company, it is advisable to apply a hydrostatic pressure test to a boiler, the owner or user shall prepare the boiler for such test, as directed by the inspector or by the insurance company.

SECTION 24. The governor, within thirty days after the passage of this act, with the consent of the council, shall appoint a board of five persons, to be known as the Board of Boiler Rules, of whom the last four shall be appointed to serve as follows: - Two for a term of two years each and two for a term of three years each. At the expiration of their terms of office their successors shall be

appointed for terms of three years each. The members of the board, other than the chairman hereinafter designated, shall receive for their services the first year in office the sum of five hundred dollars each. Thereafter they shall receive as compensation for their services and reimbursement for their expenses such amount as the governor and council shall order, not exceeding in the aggregate in any one year the sum of one thousand dollars. The board shall be constituted as follows: - The chief inspector of the boiler inspection department of the district police, who shall be its chairman; one member representing the boiler using interests; one member representing the boiler manufacturing interests; one member representing the boiler insurance interests; and one member who is an operating engineer.

SECTION 25. The chief inspector of boilers of the boiler inspection department of the district police shall appoint a clerk, who shall be a stenographer, and who shall also act as secretary of the board of boiler rules, and whose salary shall be twelve hundred dollars a year. The necessary expenses of the board, including those of the secretary of the board, incurred in the discharge of their duty during the first year, shall be paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth, but shall not exceed the sum of fifteen hundred dollars for that year. The attorney-general of the Commonwealth shall furnish all needed assistance to the board in the framing of the rules hereinafter provided for.

SECTION 26. It shall be the duty of the board of boiler rules to formulate rules for the construction, installation and inspection of steam boilers, and for ascertaining the safe working pressure to be carried on said boilers, to prescribe tests, if they deem it necessary, to ascertain the qualities of materials used in the construction of boilers; to formulate rules regulating the construction and sizes of safety valves for boilers of different sizes and pressures, the construction, use and location of fusible safety plugs, appliances for indicating the pressure of steam and the level of water in the boiler, and such other appliances as the board may deem necessary to safety in operating steam boilers; and to make a standard form of certificate of inspection.

SECTION 27. The rules so formulated shall be submitted to the governor for his approval, and when approved shall have the force of law, and shall be printed and furnished to those requesting them by the boiler inspection department.

SECTION 28. The boiler inspection department of the district police shall enforce the provisions of the preceding sections, and such rules as shall be promulgated by the board of boiler rules with the approval of the governor. Whoever violates any provision of this act or of the said rules shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty nor more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. A trial justice shall have jurisdiction of complaints for violation of the provisions of this act, and in such cases may impose a fine of not more than fifty dollars. All members of the boiler inspection department of the district police shall have authority in the pursuance of their duty to enter any premises on which a boiler is situated, and any person who hinders or prevents or attempts to prevent any member of the boiler inspection department from so entering shall be liable to the penalty specified in this section.

SECTION 29. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.

SECTION 30. The last sentence of section four, and sections twenty-four to twenty-seven, inclusive, shall take effect upon the passage of this act. In all other respects the act shall take effect on the first day of October in the year nineteen hundred and seven. But inspectors employed by boiler insurance companies may be examined, and certificates of competency as provided in sections six and seven may be granted at any time after the passage of this act. [Approved May 29, 1907.

[CHAPTER 558.]

An Act to authorize the Millers Falls Water Supply District to purchase and distribute Electricity.

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

SECTION 1. The Millers Falls Water Supply District, incorporated in the town of Montague by chapter one hundred and fifty of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, the limits of which were extended into the town of Erving by chapter five hundred of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and two, and which was authorized to generate, store and sell electricity for light, heat or power, by chapter two hundred and twenty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and three, is hereby authorized to purchase electricity for light, heat or power, from any person, corporation or municipality, and to convey, distribute, store, sell and use the same.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Арproved June 24, 1907.

[CHAPTER 570.]

An Act relative to the Hours of Labor of Laborers, Workmen and Mechanics.

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:


SECTION 1. Section one of chapter five hundred and seventeen of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and six, as amended by section one of chapter two hundred and sixty-nine of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and seven, is hereby further amended by striking out the word Saturday", in the thirteenth line, and inserting in place thereof the word: weekly, and by adding at the end of the section the words: - This section shall not apply to persons employed in any state, county or municipal institution, on the farm, or in the care of the grounds, in the stable, in the domestic or kitchen and dining-room service, or in storerooms and offices, so as to read as follows: - Section 1. Eight hours shall constitute a day's work for all laborers, workmen and mechanics now or hereafter employed by or on behalf of the Commonwealth, or of any county therein, or of any city or town which has accepted the provisions of section twenty of chapter one hundred and six of the Revised Laws. No laborer, workman or mechanic so employed shall be requested or required to work more than eight hours in any one calendar day or more than forty-eight hours in any one week except in cases of extraordinary emergency. Only a case of danger to property, to life, to public safety or to public health shall be considered a case of extraordinary emergency within the meaning of this section. Engineers shall be considered mechanics within the meaning of this act. But in cases where a weekly half-holiday is given the hours of labor upon the other working days of the week may be increased sufficiently to make a total of forty-eight hours for the week's work. Threat of loss of employment or threat to obstruct or prevent the obtaining of employment, or threat to refrain from employing in the future shall be considered requiring, within the meaning of this section. This section shall not apply to persons employed in any state, county or municipal institution, on the farm, or in the care of the grounds, in the stable, in the domestic or kitchen and dining-room service, or in storerooms and offices.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved June 29, 1907.

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