Thou mayst be damned for that wicked deed! Glo. The fitter for the King of heaven that hath him. Anne. And thou unfit for any place but hell. Glo. Yes, one place else, if you will hear me name it. Glo. Your bedchamber. Anne. Ill rest betide the chamber where thou liest ! Glo. I know so.-But, gentle lady Anne, Anne. Thou wast the cause, and most accurs'd effect. Your beauty, that did haunt me in my sleep, To undertake the death of all the world, So I might live one hour in your sweet bosom. These nails should rend that beauty from my cheeks. Glo. These eyes could not endure that beauty's wreck; You should not blemish it if I stood by: As all the world is cheered by the sun, So I by that; it is my day, my life. Anne. Black night o'ershade thy day, and death thy life! Glo. Curse not thyself, fair creature; thou art both. Anne. I would I were, to be reveng'd on thee. Glo. It is a quarrel most unnatural, To be reveng'd on him that loveth thee. Anne. It is a quarrel just and reasonable, To be reveng'd on him that kill'd my husband. Did it to help thee to a better husband. Anne. His better does not breathe upon the earth. Glo. Anne. Plantagenet. Why, that was he. Glo. The self-same name, but one of better nature. Anne. Where is he? Glo. Here: [She spits at him.] Why dost thou spit at me? Anne. 'Would it were mortal poison,' for thy sake! Those eyes of thine from mine have drawn salt tears; And what these sorrows could not thence exhale, My tongue could never learn sweet smoothing word; My proud heart sues, and prompts my tongue to speak. If thy revengeful heart cannot forgive, I lay it naked to the deadly stroke, And humbly beg the death upon my knee. [He lays his breast open; she offers at it with his sword. Nay, do not pause: for I did kill king Henry ; But 'twas thy beauty that provok'd me. Nay, now despatch; 'twas I that stabb'd young Edward: [She again offers at his breast. (1) Mortal poison, i. e. deadly poison. (2) my father York. Richard, duke of York, for a long time the chief of the Yorkists; he was killed in the battle of Wakefield. (3) Rutland. Edmund, earl of Rutland, son of the duke of York, and youngest brother of Richard III. (4) thy warlike father. The earl of Warwick, called the king-maker; killed at the battle of Barnet. But 'twas thy heavenly face that set me on. [She lets fall the sword. Take up the sword again, or take up me. Anne. Arise, dissembler: though I wish thy death, I will not be thy executioner. Glo. Then bid me kill myself, and I will do it. Glo. That was in thy rage: This hand, which for thy love did kill thy love, To both their deaths shalt thou be accessary. Glo. Then never man was true. Anne. Well, well, put up your sword. [She puts on the ring. Glo. Look, how my ring encompasseth thy finger, Even so thy breast encloseth my poor heart; But beg one favour at thy gracious hand, Thou dost confirm his happiness for ever. Anne. What is it? Glo. That it may please you leave these sad designs To him that hath most cause to be a mourner, Anne. With all my heart; and much it joys me too Tressel, and Berkley, go along with me. Glo. Bid me farewell. (1) · Crosby place, a house in Bishopsgate-street, formerly belonging to he duke of Gloucester. (2) expedient is here used for expeditious.. Anne. "Tis more than you deserve: But, since you teach me how to flatter you, [Exeunt LADY ANNE, TRESSEL, and BERKLEY. Glo. Take up the corse, sirs. Gent. Towards Chertsey, noble lord? Glo. No, to White-Friars; there attend my coming. [Exeunt the rest, with the corse. Was ever woman in this humour woo'd? I'll have her, but I will not keep her long. The bleeding witness of her hatred by; Having God, her conscience, and these bars against me, But the plain devil, and dissembling looks, And yet to win her,—all the world to nothing! Ha! Hath she forgot already that brave prince, Edward, her lord, whom I, some three months since, Fram'd in the prodigality of nature, Young, valiant, wise, and, no doubt, right royal,1 And will she yet abase her eyes on me, That cropp'd the golden prime of this sweet prince, On me, whose all not equals Edward's moiety? On me, that halt, and am misshapen thus? My dukedom to a beggarly denier,2 (1) right royal. Dr. Johnson proposes to read right loyal, i. e. true and faithful to his wife. denier. A denier is the twelfth part of a French sous or halfpenny. (2) Shine out, fair sun, till I have bought a glass, SCENE III.-The same. A Room in the Palace. [Exit. Enter QUEEN ELIZABETH, LORD RIVERS, and LORD GREY. Grey. In that you brook it ill it makes him worse: Q. Eliz. The loss of such a lord includes all harms. Q. Eliz. Ah, he is young; and his minority Enter BUCKINGHAM and STANLEY. Grey. Here come the lords of Buckingham and Stanley. Stan. God make your majesty joyful as you have been! Yet Stanley, notwithstanding she's your wife, Stan. I do beseech you, either not believe Bear with her weakness, which, I think, proceeds Q. Eliz. Saw you the king to-day, my lord of Stanley? Are come from visiting his majesty. Q. Eliz. What likelihood of his amendment, lords? (1) (2) at one. -if the king miscarry; i. e. If he do not recover. -to make atonement; i. e. to make them friends, to make them |