| 1859 - 932 pages
...— the merchant enter on some new field of comftarratite of the Mi»sion from the Gortrnor -General of India to the Court of Ava in 1855; with Notices of the Country, Government, and People. By Cuptain HINBY YULE, Bengal Engiueers. London, 1868. merce — the philosopher seek some facts and knowledge... | |
| Oxford essays - 1855
...Author of " The Fair Carew." Three YoU. 4. GASTON BLIGH. By the Author of " Erlosmere." Two Vols. x. NARRATIVE of the MISSION from the GOVERNOR-GENERAL...of the Country, Government, and People. By Captain BI-IIT Yin.*, Bengal Engineers. Imperial 8vo, with twenty-four Plates (twelTe coloured), fifty Woodcats,... | |
| 1859 - 672 pages
...INDIA BEYOND THE GANGES. By C. T. Winter. Post 8vo. Cuts, . . . . . . ï 75 NARRATIVE OF THE MISSION TO THE COURT OF AVA in 1855, with Notices of the Country, Government, and People. By Capt. Henry Yule, (Secretary to the Envoy) One Splendid 4lo. volume with numerous tinted Illustrations,... | |
| 1858 - 658 pages
...by his Son. Vol. I. London, 1858. 8°. 600 pp. 8 fy. 1521. Yule, H. Narrative of the Mission sent by the Governor-General of India to the Court of Ava...with Notices of the Country, Government, and People. London, 1858. 8°. 21 ty 1522. Zorn. — Wormser Chronik von Friedrich Zorn mit den Zusätzen Franz... | |
| Dosabhoy Framjee, Dosabhai Framji Karaka - 1858 - 364 pages
...pcrhai'N. i*yt been so well photonraphed btftm/*— ^ WOUKS PUBLISH KD BY and Uraorts— continued. Narrative of the Mission From the Governor-General...Twenty-four Plates (Twelve coloured), Fifty Woodcuts, and Pour Maps. Elegantly bound in. cloth, with gilt edges. Price 21. 12s. 6d. " Captain Yule, in thfi preparation... | |
| Lutfullah - 1858 - 450 pages
...Globe. Examiner. " The story of the glorious garrison of Luck"WORKS PUBLISHED BY NEW PUBLICATIONS. Narrative of the Mission from the GovernorGeneral...HENRY YULE, Bengal Engineers. Imperial 8vo., with 24 Plates (12 coloured), 50 Woodcuts, andtMaps. Elegantly bound in cloth, with gilt edges, price 2£... | |
| George Bourchier - 1858 - 256 pages
...his adventures in a of events." — Athenaeum. \ free and graceful manner." — Literary (,'azetle. Narrative of the Mission from the GovernorGeneral...HENRY YULE, Bengal Engineers. Imperial 8vo., with 24 Plates (1% coloured), 50 Woodcuts, and 4 Map?. Elegantly bound in doth, with gilt edges, price 21.... | |
| Harriet Parr - 1858 - 342 pages
...relates hli adventures in a of events."—Athenaeum. \ free and graceful manner."—Literary Gazettc. Narrative of the Mission from the GovernorGeneral...HENRY YULE, Bengal Engineers. Imperial 8vo., with 24 Plates (12 coloured), 50 Woodcuts, and 4 Map f. Elegantly bound in cloth, with gilt edges, price... | |
| Eva Desmond (fict.name.) - 1858 - 362 pages
...events."-—Athenaeum, " Colonel Bouchier relates his adventures in a free and graceful manner."—Literary Gazette. Narrative of the Mission from the GovernorGeneral...By CAPTAIN HENRY YULE, Bengal Engineers. Imperial Svo., with 24 Plates (12 coloured), 50 Woodcuts, and 4 Maps. Elegantly • bound in cloth, with gilt... | |
| William Edwards - 1858 - 236 pages
...of the life of one of the greatest and pureet men that ever aided in governing in India."— Critic. Narrative of the Mission from the GovernorGeneral...By CAPTAIN HENRY YULE, Bengal Engineers. Imperial Svo., with 24 Plates (12 coloured), 50 Woodcuts, and 4 Maps. Elegantly bound in cloth, with gilt edges,... | |
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