THE STATE OF OHIO. GENERAL AND LOCAL ACTS PASSED AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE SEVENTY-FIFTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AT ITS REGULAR SESSION, BEGUN AND HELD IN THE CITY OF COLUMBUS, JANUARY 6, 1902. GENERAL LAWS. [House Bill No. 106.] AN ACT To make sundry appropriation(s) for the general assembly. for general as SECTION I. That there be and is hereby appropriated Appropriation from any money in the treasury to the credit of the general sembly. revenue fund, and not otherwise appropriated, the sum of fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars for salaries and mileage of members, per diem of clerks, sergeant-at-arms and other officers and employes of the general assembly; three thousand ($3,000) dollars for contingent expenses of the house; three thousand ($3,000) dollars for contingent expenses of the senate. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. CARL L. NIPPERT, Speaker of the House of Representatives. Passed January 24, 1902. IG [Senate Bill No. 7.] AN ACT To supplement and amend section 2814a and to supplement section 2813a of the Revised Statutes of Ohio. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio: SECTION I. That section 2814a of the Revised Statutes Boards of of Ohio (94 O. L., 247) be supplemented and amended by Equalization: the following sections with sectional numbering as follows: Board of revi nati and Dayton sittingstimu second Monday sion in Cincin may continue its of March, 1902. Sec. 2814aa. That any decennial city board of equalization for the equalization and revision of real estate, for the decennial period beginning in the year 1900, in any county containing a city of the first grade of the first class, or in any county containing a city of the second grade of the second class, may, if it deem the same necessary to complete its work of revision, continue its sittings as a board of revision, after the fourth Monday of January, 1902, but shall finally close its session, as such board, on or before the second Monday of March, 1902, and that said section 2814a, Repeals. |