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SEC. 615. Sale of passage tickets on vessels and railroads, forbidden, except

by agents specially authorized.

616. Sales by authorized agents, restricted.

617. Unauthorized persons forbidden to sell certificates, receipts, etc.,

for the purpose of procuring tickets.

618. Punishment for violation of the preceding sections.

619. Conspiring to sell passage tickets in violation of law.

619a. Selling transfer tickets.

620. Conspirators may be indicted, notwithstanding object of conspiracy

has not been accomplished.

621. Offices kept for unlawful sale of passage tickets, declared disorderly


622. Owners, pursers, etc., allowed to sell tickets.

623, Station masters, conductors, etc., allowed to sell tickets.

624. What must be stated in passage tickets.

625. Sale of tickets not filled out as required in last section, a misdemeanor. 626. Certain sales and exchanges of passage tickets.

627. "Company" defined.

§ 615. Sale of passage tickets on vessels and railroads forbidden except by agents specially authorized. -No person shall issue or sell, or offer to sell, any passage ticket, or an instrument giving or purporting to give any right, either absolutely or upon any condition or contingency to a passage or conveyance upon any vessel or railway train, or a berth or state-room in any vessel, unless he is an authorized agent of the owners or consignees of such vessel, or of the company running such train, except as allowed by sections six hundred and sixteen and six hundred and twenty-two; and no person is deemed an authorized agent of such owners, consignees or company, within the meaning of the chapter, unless he has received authority in writing therefor, specifying the name of the company, line, vessel or railway for which he is authorized to act as agent, and the city, town or village together with the street and street number, in which his office is kept, for the sale of tickets. [New.] [ADDED BY CH. 506 of 1887. In effect Oct. 1, 1897.]

§ 616. Sales by authorized agents restricted. No person, except as allowed in section six hundred and twenty-two, shall ask, take or receive any money or valuable thing as a consideration for any passage or conveyance upon any vessel or railway train, or for the procurement of any ticket or instrument giving or purporting to give a right, either absolutely or upon a condition or contingency, to a passage or conveyance upon a vessel or railway train, or a berth or state-room on a vessel, unless he is an authorized agent within the provisions of the last section; nor shall any person, as such agent, sell or offer to sell, any such ticket, instrument, berth or state-room, or ask, take or receive any consideration for any such passage, conveyance, berth or state-room, excepting at the office designated in his appointment, nor until he has been authorized to act as such agent according to the provisions of the last section, nor for a sum exceeding the price charged at the time of such sale by the company, owners or consignees of the vessel or railway mentioned in the ticket. Nothing in this section or chapter contained shall prevent the properly authorized agent of any transportation company from purchasing

from the pro erly authorized agent of any other transportation company a ticket for a passenger to whom he may sell a ticket to travel over any part of the line for which he is the properly authorized agent, so as to enable such passenger to travel to the place or junction from which his ticket shall read. Every person who shall have purchas du passage ticket from an authorized agent of a railroad company, which shall not have been used, or shall have been used only in part, may, within thirty days after the date of the sale of said ticket, present the same, unused or partly used, for redemption, at the general office of the railroad company which issued said ticket, or at the ticket office where said ticket was sold, or at the ticket office at the point to which the ticket has been used. If said ticket, wholly unused, shall be presented for redemption at the ticket office where sold, the same shall be then and there redeemed by the agent in charge of said ticket office at the price paid for said ticket. If said ticket, partly used, shall be presented for redemption at the ticket office where sold, or at the ticket office at the point to which used, the ticket agent at either of said offices, upon the delivery of said ticket, shall issue to the holder thereof a receipt, properly describing said ticket and setting forth the date of the receipt of said ticket, and the name of the person from whom received, and shall thereupon forthwith transmit said ticket for redemption to the general office. It shall be the duty of every railroad company to redeem tickets presented for redemption, as in this section provided for, promptly and within not to exceed thirty days from the date of presentation at the general office or from the date of the aforesaid receipt. A wholly unused ticket shall be redeemed at the price paid therefor. A partly used ticket shall be redeemed at a rate which shall be equal to the difference between the price paid for the whole ticket and the cost of a ticket of the same class between the points for which said ticket was actually used. Mileage books shall be redeemed within thirty days after the date of the expiration thereof in the same manner. Every railroad company which shall wrongfully refuse redemption, as in this section provided for, shall forfeit to the aggrieved party fifty dollars, which sum may be recovered, together with the amount of redemption money to which the party is entitled, in an action in any court of competent jurisdiction, together with costs; but no such action can be maintained unless commenced within one year after the cause of action accrued. [AM'D BY CH. 506 of 1897. In effect Sept. 1, 1897.

§ 617. Unauthorized persons forbidden to sell certificates, receipts, etc., for the purpose of procuring tickets. - No person other than an agent appointed, as provided in section 615, shall sell, or offer to sell, or in any way attempt to dispose of any order, certificate, receipt or other instrument for the purpose, or under the pretense, of procuring any ticket, or instrument mentioned in section 615, upon any company or line, vessel or railway train therein mentioned. And every such order sold or offered for sale by any agent, must be directed to the company, owners or consignees at their



$618. Punishment for fraud on accounts, etc. - A person guilty of a violation of any of the provisions of the preceding sections of this chapter is punishable by imprisonment in a state prison not exceeding two years, or imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding six months. [AS AMD. BY CH. 662, LAWS 1892. Took effect May 17, 1892.]

$619. Conspiring to sell passage tickets in violation of law. All persons who conspire together to sell or attempt to sell, to any person, any passage ticket, or other instrument mentioned in sections 615 and 617, in viola tion of those sections, and all persons, who, by means of any such conspiracy, obtain, or attempt to obtain any money or other property, under the pretense of procuring or securing any passage or right of passage in violation of this chapter, are punishable by imprisonment in a state prison not exceeding five years.

$619a. Selling transfer ticket. No transfer ticket or written or printed instrument giving, or purporting to give, the right of transfer to any person or persons from a public conveyance operated upon one line or route of a street surface railroad to a public conveyance upon another line or route of a street surface railroad, or from one car to another upon the same line of street surface railroad, shall be issued, sold or given except to a passenger lawfully entitled thereto. Any person who shall issue, sell or give away such a transfer ticket or instrument as aforesaid to a person or persons not lawfully entitled thereto, and any person or persons not lawfully entitled thereto who shall receive and use or offer for passage any such transfer ticket or instrument or shall sell or give away such transfer ticket or instrument to another with intent to have such transfer ticket used or offered for passage after the time limited for its use shall have expired, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [New.] [ADDED BY CH. 663 OF 1898. In effect September 1, 1898.]

$620. Conspirators may be indicted, etc.-Persons guilty or violating the last section may be indicted and convicted for a conspiracy, though the object of such conspiracy has not been executed.

See § 171, supra.

$621. Offices for unlawful sales of passage tickets are disorderly houses. All offices kept for the purpose of selling passage tickets in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, and all offices where any such sale is made, are deemed disorderly houses; and all persons keeping any such office, and all persons associating together for the purpose of violating any of the provisions of this chapter are punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for a period not exceeding six months. [AS AMD. BY CH. 622, LAWS 1892. Took effect May 17, 1892.]

§ 622. Owners, pursers, etc., allowed to sell tickets. - The provisions of this chapter do not prevent the actual owners or consignees of any vessel, from selling passage tickets thereon; nor do they prevent the purser or clerk of any vessel from selling in his office on board of such vessel, any passage tickets upon such vessel.

§ 623. Station masters, conductors, etc., allowed to sell tickets. - The provisions of this chapter do not prevent the station master or other ticket agent upon any railway from selling in his office at any station on such railway, any passage tickets upon such railway; nor do they prevent any conductor upon a railway from selling such tickets upon the trains of such railway.

§ 624. What must be stated in passage tickets. - A ticket or instrument issued as evidence of a right of passage upon the high seas, from any port in this state, to any port of any other state or nation, and every certificate or order issued for the purpose, or under pretense of procuring any such ticket or instrument, and every receipt for money paid for such ticket or instrument must state the name of the vessel on board of which the passage is to be made, the name of the owners or consignees of such vessel, the name of the company, or line, if any, to which such vessel belongs, the place from which such passage is to commence, the place where such passage is to terminate, the day of the month and year upon which the voyage is to commence, the name of the person or persons purchasing such ticket or instrument, or receiving such order, certificate or receipt, and the amount paid therefor; and such ticket or instrument, order, certificate or receipt, unless sold or issued by the owners or consignees of such vessel, must be signed by their authorized agent. Enright v. People, 21 How. 383.

§ 625. Sale of tickets not filled out as required in last section, a misdemeanor. - A person who issues, sells or delivers to another, any ticket, instrument, certificate, order or receipt, which is not made or filled out as prescribed in the last section, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 626. Certain sales and exchanges of passenger tickets. person who,


1. Sells, or causes to be sold, a passage ticket, or order for such ticket on any railway, vehicle or vessel, to any emigrant passenger at a higher rate than one and a quarter cents per mile; or

2. Takes payment for any such ticket or order for a ticket under a false representation as to the class of the ticket, whether emigrant or first-class; or

3. Directly or indirectly, by means of false representations, purchases or receives from an emigrant passenger any such ticket; or

4. Procures or solicits any such passenger having such a ticket, to exchange the same for another passenger ticket, or to sell the same and purchase some other passenger ticket; or

5. Solicits or books any passenger arriving at the port of New York from a foreign country, before such passenger has left the vessel on which he has arrived, or enters or goes on board any vessel arriving at the port of New York from a foreign country, having emigrant passengers on board, for the purpose of soliciting or booking such passengers, and a person or agent of a corporation employing any person for the purpose of booking such passengers before leaving the ship;

Is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 627. "Company" defined. The term "company," as used in this chapter, includes all corporations, whether created under the laws of this state, or of the United States, or of those of any other state or nation.

Chicago Dock Co. v. Garrity, 115 III. 164.



SEC. 628. By pipe-line corporations.

629. Issuing fictitious bills of lading, receipts and vouchers.

630. Erroneous bills of lading or receipts issued in good faith, excepted. 631. Duplicate receipts must be marked "duplicate."

632. Selling, hypothecating or pledging property received for trans

portation or storage.

633. Bill of lading or receipt issued by warehouseman must be can

celed on redelivery of the property.

634. Property demanded by process of law
634a. Failure to issue bill of lading.

$628. By pipe-line corporations. - A pipe-line corporation, or a person being the officer, agent, manager or representative thereof, who

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