BANKING CORPORATION. SECTION. .. not in existence, using evidence of debt of, as false token, felony... 568 loans by, not invalid. sale or pledging of notes of, criminal.. 595 596 guaranty by officers of, misdemeanor.. 599 overdrawing account by officer of.. 600 receiving deposits when insolvent.... 601 604 605 using dies and plates of extinct state banks...... 607 private bankers using sign.. 609 misconduct by officers of bank department....... 606 ....... BANKING DEPARTMENT. misconduct of officers of..... 606 BAR. acquittal for crime consisting of degrees, etc... 36 285 conviction or acquittal of act made criminal by different provisions, fact that defendant is party in interest or on record, no defense.... 135 throwing any substance on highway to injure. riding bicycle on sidewalk, etc....... BICYCLE RACE. time of riding, limited.. exceptions. indictment for, where found.. trial for, where had. unlawful marriage defined.. 872 id., of wrecked property..... 437 false delivery to canal collector, how punished. 476 making false, with intent to defraud. 577 issuing fictitious, criminal.. 628 manufacture and sale of weapon known as, misdemeanor.. 409 carrying with intent to use, felony.......... possession of, presumptive evidence....... carrying concealed, misdemeanor.. (See DANGEROUS WEAPON.) 410 411 412 BIRDS. killing, wounding, trapping, etc., in cemeteries, parks..... 640 fighting of, misdemeanor 664 id., keeping place for.... BIRTH-(See CONCEALING BIRTH OF ISSUE.) BLACKMAIL. extortion, attempted by, defined.. id., punishment for.. sending threatening letters, misdemeanor..... unlawful threat referring to act of third person...... (See EXTORTION.) given to person libeled on changing place of trial.......... BOOKS AND PAPERS. demeanor 57 witness refusing to produce before legislature, guilty of misde- meanor.. 69 may be detained by court on summary committal of witness for officer receiving bribe, how punished.. 45 id., receiving reward for doing act, is guilty of a misdemeanor..... 48 id., or omitting or deferring duty 49 id., or receiving compensation for services not rendered. 50 id., for procuring demand of return of fugitive 51 offering reward to officer for appointing to office.... 52 officer receiving reward for appointing to office... 53 id., selling right to another to perform duties of his office 54 of members of legislature, felony...... 66 id., members receiving bribe. 67 conviction for, disqualifies and forfeits office 70 of judicial officer, felony. 71 public officer receiving bribe, guilty of felony. 72 74. of witnesses. 80 allowing use of, for public nuisance, misdemeanor. BUILDING-Continued. SECTION 505 ... stance... 636, 645 neglect to plank floors of......... 4470 agreement to commit, constitutes conspiracy without overt act.... 171 first degree, defined 496 second degree, defined... 497 third degree, defined... 498 term "break," defined.. 499 term "night-time," defined.... 500 term "enter," defined... 501 term "dwelling-house," defined... 502 dwelling-house, parts of, when deemed separate. 503 term "building," defined.. 504 unlawfully entering building with intent to commit, felony, misde- meanor. 505 person committing, punishable for any other crime committed after instruments used to commit, possession of, under suspicious cir- cumstances, misdemeanor... 508 id., by person grievously convicted of any crime, a felony......... 508 BURIAL-(See DEAD BODY.) BURNING. of appurtenances and adjacent buildings, what deemed.......... 491 CANAL. C. obstructing passage on, nuisance.. delivery of false bill of lading to collector, how punished. id., officer concealing frauds relating to willful injury to, felony drawing water from, how punished....... SECTION. 385 476 477 478 479 480 481 476 unlawful to keep gambling apparatus in or about building where, is CAPACITY. of persons to commit crime determined by this Code.. presumption of .. of child under seven. id., between seven and twelve...... of idiots, lunatics, etc.... of intoxicated persons. of persons with morbid propensity. of married women.. of person under duress CANDIDATE. soliciting money from, for newspaper publication. CAPITAL STOCK. of corporation, frauds in increasing, etc........ CAR. of vessel, wrecking, burning, etc., how punished......... 575 id., lading vessel, with intent to wreck, etc.... 576 ......... CARNAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN-(See CHILD.) CARRIER-(See COMMON CARRIER.) CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPONS (See CONCEALED WEAPON; no discrimination to be made on account of race, color, etc........ 383 |