exacting payment of money won... 340 winning or losing more than twenty-five dollars, punished 341 witness not excused from testifying. 342 id., testimony not to be used against him. 342 houses, keeping or leasing, misdemeanor. 343 common gambler, defined... 344 id., how punished. 344 id., policy dealers, etc. 344 keeping place for playing policy 344a possessing policy slips.... 344b removing person occupying premises used for playing policy. 344c seizure of implements for... 345 id., magistrate may destroy or deliver to district attorney.. on vessel, duty of commander, owner, etc., to suppress 350 racing horses and other animals for bets, etc., is public nuisance. 352 using illuminating, without passing through meter, with intent to *d., injury to meter.... taking property under claim of title in, not larceny........... GOOD MOTIVES. libel published with, justifiable......... GOODS-(See LARCENY.) 589 .. 677-727 335a 658 548 549 244 GOSPEL-(See MINISTER; PERJURY.) GOVERNMENT BONDS. SECTION. and securities, creating false rumors affecting, how punished...... 435 of states, publication of false message or proclamation of felony... 674 692 692 ..... 640, 646 .. H. HABEAS CORPUS. imprisoning person after discharge by writ of, misdemeanor....... 379 id., concealment of person with intent to elude...... 380 HABITUAL CRIMINAL. destitute child of, how disposed of.... 291 possession of burglar's tools by, under certain circumstances, felony 508 defined, adjudication of.... 690 punishment of..... 690 SECTION. person of, subject to supervision of magistrates, supervisors, over- seers of poor, etc.... 691 may be relieved from judgment by pardon.. HARBOR. obstructing, dumping in, etc...... 444 HARBORING CRIMINAL. after commission of felony constitutes person so doing an accessory. 80 escaped from custody, criminal HAY BALED. violations of regulations for sale of..... ......585. HEALTH-(See PUBLIC HEALTH. HEALTH OFFICER. QUARANTINE. CON- TAGIOUS DISEASE.) HEALTH OFFICER. obstructing, in performance of duty, how punished............... 896 HEAT OF PASSION. causing death in the, manslaughter..... HEATING APPARATUS. passenger car.. HEIR. production of pretended, felony....... HELL GATE - (See PILOT.) HIGH SCHOOL. unlawful to keep gambling apparatus in........ HIGH SEAS. ..189, 198 423 151 336 passage tickets for voyage on, what to contain.................624, 625 breaking contract of, when the consequence is to endanger life or SECTION. HOMICIDE-Continued. murder, by negligence of persons in charge of passenger vessel. id., of persons in charge of steam engines.. id., by intoxicated physician. id., by manufacturers of powder, etc. id., punishment for.. excusable, defined justifiable, defined.. HORSE RACING. selling pools for, how punished... is misdemeanor. forfeiture of animals, wagers, etc fraudulent entries and practices in contests of speed.... HUMAN BEING. 433 burning of dwelling-house containing, arson..................486 487 (See HOMICIDE.) HUNTING ON SUNDAY-(See SABBATH.) HUSBAND AND WIFE. crime committed by wife in presence of husband not excusable.... 24 homicide in defense of, justifiable. competent witnesses for or against each other..... not compelled to disclose confidential communication.... HYDR、NT. injury to.... .... 182 205 cutting, in front of premises of another.. 429 429a 640 640c removal from streets and tracks by use of salt, etc., misdemeanor.... 661 proceedings relating to, not affected by this Code....... IMPLEMENTS-(See GAMING; ABORTION.) IMPRISONMENT. act punishable by, a crime.... 8 id., in state prison, a felony.. 5 for felony, extent of..... for misdemeanor, extent of. on conviction of accessory. 33 prisoner escaping to complete his term on being retaken. 84 on several convictions, duration.. 694 on conviction of person under sentence. 695 where no maximum is established. 696 husband or wife of person sentenced to, may re-marry....... 299 arson, first degree..... 696 when no maximum punishment is prescribed, court may sentence of witness, no defense to prosecution for forgery........ INDECENT ARTICLES AND LITERATURE. laws relating to...... INDECENT EXPOSURE. of person, misdemeanor INDIAN LAND. trespasses on...... INDIANS. laws relating to, not affected by this Code...... of accessory to felony, where found, 302 .... |