LARCENY-Continued. SECTION. value of evidence of debt stolen, how ascertained. 545 id., of passage ticket 546 id., in other cases, in market value..... 547 defense to indictment for, that property was taken under claim of right 548 defense of intention to restore property not sufficient. id., form of indictment for. 551 id., not necessary to prove conviction of principal ..... 551 688 LARCENY FROM PERSON-(See LARCENY.) LAW. petit, second offense, punishment....... act or omission forbidden by, a crime death caused in doing, without intent, excusable............ conspiracy to prevent exercise of, misdemeanor ............. LEARNING-(See INSTITUTION OF LEARNING.) to elude laws relating to fighting animals, etc., how punishable.... 667 LEGISLATURE. preventing meeting or organization of, how punished.............. 59 60 compelling adjournment of, by force or fraud, how punished...... 61 witnesses summoned to attend before, guilty of misdemeanor on dis- obedience. 68 id., refusing to testify. 69 ... member disqualified on conviction for bribery, etc., and forfeits sending, deemed complete when deposited in post-office, etc., in use of, forged or false, to obtain employment, misdemeanor 570 ...... LEVY. fraudulent removal of property to prevent.......... id., what may be shown in defense .. prosecution for, against editors, publishers, etc., cannot be main- tained, when 247 id., actual malice to be proved 247 id., does not apply to heading of articles, etc 248 indictment or, in newspaper, against resident of state, where found. 249 id., supreme court may direct venue.. 249 id., conditions for granting order. 249 id., bond to be given to person libelled.... 249 indictment 1, against non-resident, where to be found and tried.. 250 court has power to change place of trial, as in other cases...... extorting money in consideration of preventing publication of, a misdemeanor 254 ... sending letter, threatening to publish, how punishable...... LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE--(See RELIGIOUS LIBERTY.) LIBRARY-(See PUBLIC LIBRARY.) LIBRARY COMPANY. unlawful to keep gambling apparatus in or about building of ...... 830 LICENSE. demeanor .. pawnbroker acting without, guilty of misdemeanor...... Hell-Gate pilots.. maintaining private insane asylums without, misdemeanor..... LIEN. secreting, selling, etc., property covered by, misdemeanor. endangering, by placing gunpowder, etc., against building, etc., LIMITATION-Continued. of time for finding indictment for seduction under promise of mar- SECTION. riage 285 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. fraud in affairs of, misdemeanor.. 375 adulteration of, misdemeanor 407 introduction of spirituous and malt, into arsenal or armory........674c LOANS. by banking corporations, not allowed by law, not invalid. LOCK. (See USURY.) on canal, etc., injury to, punished... LOCOMOTIVE-(See RAILWAY.) defacing marks upon, misdemeanor. unlawful and public nuisance 324 punishment for drawing, etc......... id., for selling tickets for... 326 advertising, misdemeanor. 327 id., offering to dispose of property by........ 328 id., keeping office for registering, etc........... 329 id., insuring tickets.... 330 id., advertising insurance of tickets..... 331 leasing house for, misdemeanor.. property offered for sale or distribution in violation of law, forfeited. 332 333 out of state, laws applicable to.... 334 advertisement by persons out of state..... 335 keeping place for sale of tickets, misdemeanor. 344 MAGISTRATE-Continued. SECTION. solemnizing unlawful marriage, guilty of misdemeanor.... 376 may destroy false weights and measures.. 583 habitual criminal subject to supervision of..... 691 punishment for. 206 infliction of injury presumptive evidence of intent... 206 207 id., to obtain alms... 208 means of causing injury immaterial 209 recovery from, defense, when.. id., in such case defendant may be convicted of assault. 210 to property of certain kinds defined, and punished............ 685, 654 unlawfully entering building with intent to commit, misdemeanor.. 505 injury to railway trains, etc.... 635 id., punishment.. 635 destroying building, vessel, etc., by gunpowder or explosive sub- injury to public highways, bridges, dams, seabanks, docks, eto.... 639 injuries to wood, timber, fruit trees, soil, ice, fish, etc............. 640 MALICIOUSLY. term defined sub. 4, 718 MALPRACTICE-(See PHYSICIAN; ATTORNEY.) MANIFEST. invoice, etc., making false, of vessel, how punished............... 577 id., killing unborn child, by injury to its mother...... 190 ... sentences of convicts to expire between, and November............ 697 MARK-(See TRADE-MARK; DEFACING.) MARKET PRICE. creating false rumors affecting, of bonds, stocks, coin, etc., how punished..... ... 435 ........... seduction, under promise of.... 284 when bar to prosecution for seduction under promise of.... 285 unlawful.. 301, 302 id., competent witnesses for and against each other. 715 .. MARRIED WOMAN. crime committed by, in presence of husband, not excusable...... 24 MASCULINE GENDER. word used in, includes feminine and neuter...............sub. 12, 718 in theatres and other places of public resort, misdemeanor. MASTER. 452 452 452 452 453 of vessel importing foreign convict guilty of misdemeanor, when 153, 440 (See MASTER AND SERVANT.) MASTER AND SERVANT. killing of, by servant, petit treason abolished.. MATERIALITY. ... 182 673 of testimony, ignorance of, no defense to prosecution for perjury.. 99 |