MISDEMEANOR-Continued. Enumeration of. parks, willful injury to works of art in........... SECTION. 647 ... 667 partnership, limited, fraudsin.... 375 using fictitious name. 363 passage of cars, obstructing. 426 passage tickets, unlawful sale of. 618 keeping office for the unlawful sale of. 621 passenger, innkeeper and common carriers refusing to receive. 381 car, placing before freight... 422 *vessel, overloading 359 pawnbroker, selling before time to redeem has expired, etc.... 355 personal property, mortgagor of, selling secretly, etc. 571 personating beneficiary of entrance ticket to grounds of mem- bership corporation 573 personating officers, etc... 565 persuading another to visit gambling house. 348 petit larceny 535 physician, intoxicated, act of.. 357 pilot, giving false information to..... 392 unlicensed, taking vessel through Hell Gate...... 398 platforms, using cars without proper..... 428 play, winning at, by cheating.. 339 poisons, sale of, without recording name of purchaser 402 possession of lands, taking, after lawful removal from 466 premises, allowing to be used for dangerous exhibitions of skill. 427 previous condition, excluding persons from hotels, theatres, etc., MISDEMEANOR-Continued. SBOTION. Enumeration of. process, maliciously procuring service of, on, or returnable on Saturday 271 resisting execution of.... processions on Sunday. 276 procuring demand of return of fugitive from justice, taking re- ward for, by officer.. 51 159 seizing by officer 119 stolen, pawnbroker or junk dealer refusing to exhibit 354 589 437 prosecuting attorney, defense of criminal by partner of. public office, refusing to surrender seal and books to successor purchasing lands in suit from person not in possession qualification, public officer acting before.... quality, marking merchandise with false labels of... 453 242 254 642 129 race, excluding persons from hotels, conveyances, theatres, etc., advising employes not to wear uniform, etc..... officers contracting excessive debts.... neglect to ring bell on railroad commissioners: unlawful offers to, or to their employes.. soliciting appointment from... recommending appointment to...... accepting pass, gift or gratuity from.... secretly revealing information to....... 420 425 MISDEMEANOR-Continued. Enumeration of. receiving deposits by insolvent bank...... ceiving or paying out by bank or banker note, etc., as money, SECTION. 601 etc.. 604 reconfining persons after lawful discharge 379 record of names of purchasers of poisons, etc., refusal to exhibit. 403 recording unacknowledged instruments.... 164 refilling, using, etc., stamped bottles. 369 refuse, throwing into streams. 390 dumping into bays, rivers, etc.. 444 refusal of officer to receive prisoner 116 of witness to testify before legislature. 69 68 of witness to attend legislature.. to exhibit record of names of purchasers of poisons, etc... 403 to surrender seal and books to successor in public office... 57 religious belief, compelling adoption of... 273 religious meetings, disturbing 274 remaining at place of unlawful assembly or riot, after warn- ing. 454, 455 removal from lands, taking possession after lawful 466 from state of person alleged to be bound to labor, judge ordering 216 of property to prevent levy.. 587 removing books and works of art from library 647 441 603 rescuing prisoner. 82 resisting execution of process.. officer in discharge of his duty. resorts, public, allowing masquerade in..... id., receiving. for procuring demand of return of fugitive from justice, 457 124 47 453 161 475 52 53 51 right to perform duties of office, selling by officer Sabbath breaking... 269 sale of right to perform duties of office, by officer. 54 of pretended titles to land. 130 of indecent articles.. 318 of lottery tickets 326 before time to redeem has expired, by pawnbroker. 355 402 • of borrowed property.. 572 of personal property secretly, etc., by mortgagor..... 571 of passage tickets, unlawful... 618 .. of ticket for passage on high seas not properly filled out... 625 658 seal and books, refusing to surrender to successor to public office 57 ... sealed letter, opening or publishing. of process on, or returnable on Saturday, maliciously of habeas corpus, concealing persons to avoid. session of legislature, disturbing. setting fire to woods negligently.... 271 state, removing oysters from waters of, by non-resident. 441 fighting out of... 461 statement required by law, omission by county clerk to publish. 474 stolen property, junk dealer or pawnbroker refusing to exhibit. 354 Enumeration of. streams, throwing tar, refuse, etc., into...... SECTION. 390 streets, throwing dangerous substances into.... 661 subscription for stock, signing fictitious name to....... 590 to 57 suit, buying demands for...... 136, 137 justice or constable buying things in action for purposes of. 137 in name of another, instituting....... 158 Sunday, service, process on.. 271 processions, etc., on... 276 theatrical performances on...... 277 supporting minor, failure in. 288 suppressing evidence by threats, etc... 128 surrender, books, etc., to successor.. 57 swearing, profane. 256 taking possession of lands after lawful removal from.. 466 taking property from officer's custody. 83 taking usury 378 tar, throwing into streams... obstructing officer in collection of. taxes, making false statement in regard to...... 485 475 telegram, divulging contents of 641 testimony, inducing witness to give false. 112 inducing witness to withhold. 112 theatres, excluding persons from, by reason of race, color, etc. 883 performances in, on Sunday things in action, buying for suit. threat, coercing person to do act by written, to injure, delivering or sending.... throwing dangerous substances into streets, etc.......... 290 292 277 136, 137 653 suppressing evidence by 128 verbal, attempt to extort by 560 to publish libel.. 254 559 661 throwing tar, refuse, etc., into streams 390 ticket for passage on high seas not properly filled out, sale of 625 trains, running by illiterate and intoxicated engineer, etc...418, 419 unauthorized persons, allowing, to inspect deposition by clerk or magistrate... 145 pressure of steam 360 uniform, etc., advising railroad employes not to wear. 425 |