PUBLICATION OF LIBEL. what may be shown in defense etc., for fair report of official proceedings.... id., unless actual malice be proved.. id., does not apply to headings, etc... threatening, a misdemeanor.. id., extorting money to prevent.. PUBLISHER-(See NEWSPAPER.) PUNISHMENT. SECTION. 246 247 247 248 254 254 measure of, prescribed by this Code.............. .7, 13 legal conviction must precede. 9 sections of Code declaring, devolves duty on courts to impose omission to perform act, performed by another, not liable to. 684 of attempts to commit crime.. 686 of person committing one crime in attempt to commit another of offense committed before taking effect of this Code. 719 military not affected by this Code..... 724 PURCHASE. of property by verbal false pretense not criminal.................. 544 QUALIFICATION. public officer acting without id., forfeits rights to office..... 42 QUARANTINE LAWS. SECTION refusal to anchor vessel, submit to inspection, and remain at quaran- tine, how punished 391 giving false information, landing passengers without authority, etc. 392 id., passengers landing, or unlading vessel without leave. 393 going on board vessel at quarantine. 394 leaving quarantine without permission.. 395 obstructing health officer in performance of his duty..... 396 violating health laws in other cases. 397 RAILWAY-(See COMMON CARRIER.) employment of engineer unable to read, misdemeanor... intoxicated employes of, misdemeanor to act... 640 147 198 265 275 351 352 666 416 417 ..607-608 416 223 violation of duty by officers, employes, etc., misdemeanor. 424 employes to be uniformed.. 425 id., misdemeanor, to advise, etc., not to wear uniforms... 425 fare of emigrants not to exceed one and one-quarter cents per mile. 626 willful injury to, how punished 635 unished altering, etc., lights and signals....... 638 transportation of animals, in cruel manner, forbidden..........659-663 (See EMIGRANTS.) RAILWAY CAR-(See CAR.) punishment of.... 278 no connection of defendant if under fourteen unless physical abil- ity proved.. 279 what penetration constitutes. 280 evidence required to convict of. 283 (See ABDUCTION.) setting fire to fixtures and appurtenances. 637 offering real property for sale without written authority. 640d .6406 affixing advertisement to, without consent, how punished. proof of death beyond, required to convict of murder or man- slaughter 181 id., fact of killing by defendant.. 181 intent to destroy building, must be shown beyond, to constitute arson 490 misdemeanor to possess false weights, etc., unless intent not to use RECEIPT (See WAREHOUSE RECEIPT. BILL OF LADING.) 541 ... not necessary to aver in indictment for, or on trial for, that princi- 551 RECOGNIZANCE. may be taken for witness to answer indictment for perjury........ 102 103 RECOMMENDATION. letters of, misdemeanor... person obtaining appointment, etc., by means of false or forged 570 of public officer to perform duty 117 to aid officer in arresting or retaking escaped prisoner, etc., misde- to extinguish dangerous fire, misdemeanor 414 to aid in suppression of riots and unlawful assemblies, misdemeanor 451 to kill disabled animals, criminal. 658 to labor, endangering life, valuable property, etc., by, misdemeanor 673 existing when this Code takes effect, not affected by it...... REMISSION OF FINE. imposed on trustees, etc., for conversion REMOVAL. of indictments in case of libel......... of bodies for burial in other states not restricted. of convicts from one prison to another (See DEAD BODY.) act punishable by, a crime. REPEAL. of acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this Code KEPORT. of proceedings in court, when allowed id., false or inaccurate, contempt REPORTER-(See NEWSPAPER.) RESCUE. of prisoner held on charge of felony, a felony of property from custody of officer, a misdemeanor...... of prisoner in county declared in insurrection RESERVOIR. poisoning of, misdemeanor RESIDENT. indictment for libel in newspaper against, where to be found RESISTANCE. to a statute when it is levying war. to process of court, misdemeanor executive officer in performance of duty. of execution of process in county declared in insurrection. of order or process of court is criminal contempt to execution of process, misdemeanor. RESOLUTION. compelling legislature to act on, felony. of legislature, felony to alter..... RETURNS-(See ELECTION RETURNS.) REVENUE. obstructing officer in collection of, misdemeanor. punishment of 450 remaining present at place of, after warning, misdemeanor....454, 455 refusal to aid in suppression.. 456 resistance to execution of process. 457 |