of the Treasury to use any surplus revenues from time to time in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and to issue, sell, dispose of, at not less than par, in coin, bonds of this loan, to the extent necessary for the redemption of fractional currency in silver coins of the denom- inations of ten, twenty-five, and fifty cents, of standard value. The act of March 3 1875, (18 Statutes, 466), directs the Secretary of the Treasury to issue bonds of this loan to James B. Eads or his legal representatives in payment at par of the warrants of the Secretary of War for the construction of jetties and auxiliary works to main- tain a wide and deep channel between the South Pass of the Missis sippi River and the Gulf of Mexico, unless Congress shall have pre- viously provided for the payment of the same by the necessary appro priation of money.
FOUR-AND-ONE-HALF-PER-CENT. FUNDED LOAN OF 1891. The act of July 14, 1870 (16 Statutes, 272), authorizes the issue of $300,000,000 at 4 per centum, payable in coin of the present stand- ard value, at the pleasure of the United States Government, after fifteen years; these bonds to be exempt from the payment of all taxes or duties of the United States, as well as from taxation in any form by or under State, municipal, or local authority. Bonds and coupons payable at the Treasury of the United States. This act not to authorize an increase of the bonded debt of the United States. Bonds to be sold at not less than par in coin, and the proceeds to be applied to the redemption of outstanding 5-20s, or to be exchanged for said 5-208, par for par. Payment of these bonds, when due, to be made in order of dates and numbers, beginning with each class last dated and numbered. Interest to cease at the end of three 15 years. months from notice of intention to redeem. Under the act of January 20, 1871 (16 Statutes, 399), which authorized the increase of 5 per cent. bonds to $500,000,000, the amount of the 4 per cents were re- duced to $200,000,000. The act of January 14, 1875 (18 Statutes, 296), authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to use any surplus revenues from time to time in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and to issue, sell, dispose of, at not less than par, in coin, bonds of this loan, for the purpose of redeeming, on and after January 1, 1879, in coin, at the office of the assistant treasurer of the United States in New York, the outstand- ing United States legal-tender notes when presented in sums of not less than fifty dollars.
The act of July 14, 1870 (16 Statutes, 272), authorizes the issue of $1,000,000,000 at 4 per centum, payable in coin of the present standard value, at the pleasure of the United States Government, after thirty years; these bonds to be exempt from the payment of all taxes or duties of the United States, as well as from taxation in any form by or under State, municipal, or local authority. Bonds and coupons payable at the Treasury of the United States. This act not to au- thorize an increase of the bonded debt of the United States. Bonds to be sold at not less than par in coin, and the proceeds to be applied to the redemption of outstanding 5-20s, or to be exchanged for said
TABLE L.-Statement of 30-year 6 per cent, bonds (interest payable January and July) issued to the several Pacific railway companies, Sc.-Continued.
TABLE M.-Returns, by judgment of the United States Court of Claims, of proceeds of property seized as captured or abandoned, under the act of March 12, 1853, paid from July 1, 1877, to June 30, 1878.
TABLE N.-Judgments of the United States Court of Claims for proceeds of property seized as captured or abandoned, under the act of March 12, 1553, rendered, but not paid, during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1878.
TABLE O.-Receipts and disbursements of United States assistant treasurers, and designated depositary at Tucson, Ariz., during the fiscal year ended June 30, 1878.
On account of customs.
On account of internal revenue
On account of currency redemption
On account of currency withheld in lieu of standard silver dollars and silver coin
On account of semi-annual duty.
On account of certificates, act June 8, 1872.
On account of Post-Office Department.
On account of transfers
On account of patent fees
On account of disbursing officers.
On account of 4 per cent, consols and interest
On account of interest in coin
On account of interest in currency
On account of miscellaneous
$2. 22, 985 77
246, 164 86 137, 671 34
175,508 00 73.358 10 7,075, 000 00 199,967 93 6, 179, 890 01 170 00
2.344,100 20
166,274 77
735,264 25
137.400 00 205,075 84
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