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*Total repayments for the naval establishment, as per warrants issued, were
From which deduct the following repayments, transferred to the Interior Department
by order of the Secretary of the Treasury..

$2,672, 236 70

425,590 42

2,246,646 28

Statement of outstanding principal of the public debt of the United States on the 1st of January of each year from 1791 to 1842, inclusive; and on the 1st of July of each year from 1843 to 1878, inclusive.

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99, 833, 660 15


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58,496, 837 88 64.842, 287 88 90,5-0, 873 72 524, 176, 412 13 1, 119, 772, 138 63 1,815, 7-4, 370 57 2,680,647, 69 74 2,773, 236, 173 69 2, 67, 126, 103 87 2,611, 687, 851 19 2,3-8, 452, 213 94 2, 48, 672, 427 81 2,353, 211, 332 32 2,253,251 078 78 2, 234, 4×2, 743 20 2,251, 690 218 43 2,23,284, 2×1.95 2, 180, 394, 817 15 2,265, 301, 142 10 2, 256, 205, 30s 20


Statement of expenses for collecting the revenue from customs, by districts, for the fiscal year

ending June 30, 1878.

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Brought forward.

Nantucket, Mass...
Barnstable, Mass..
Edgartown, Mass.
Salem, Mass..
Bristol, R. I..
Newport, R. I.
Providence, R. I
Stonington, Conn..
Fairfield, Conn...
New London, Conn...
New Haven, Conn...
Middletown, Conn.
New York, N. Y..
Cape Vincent, N. Y
Genesee, N. Y
Buffalo, N. Y.

Oswego, N. Y
Niagara, N. Y.
Dunkirk, N. Y.
Sag Harbor, N. Y.
Champlain, N. Y.
Oswegatchie, N. Y.
Albany, N. Y..
Burlington, N. J
Newark, N. J

Great Egg Harbor, N. J
Little Egg Harbor, N. J
Bridgetown, N. J
Perth Amboy, N. J
Erie, Pa..

Pittsburgh, Pa..

Philadelphia, Pa.

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Georgetown, D. C...

Petersburg, Va..........

Delaware, Del..

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Baltimore, Md....

Norfolk, Va.

Tappahannock, Va.

Richmond, Va....

Yorktown, Va.....

Cherrystone, Va...

Alexandria, Va...
Wheeling, W. Va..

Beaufort, N. C...

Wilmington, N. C..

Pamlico, N. C.

11,388 68 1,267 00 2,648 25

303,545 42 3,645 77 11,931 28 2,831 00 753 53 6,528 15

275 54 2,334 63 2,368 00

429 11

13,095 08

1,473 00

4,027 00

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Memphis, Tenn

.$4,735, 433 53

21, 257 03

12,562 70

Nashville, Tenn
Louisville, Ky.
Miami, Ohio.
Cuyahoga, Ohio.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Michigan, Mich.
Detroit, Mich

Superior, Mich.
Huron, Mich
Evansville, Ind

Cairo, Ill..

Chicago, Ill..

Galena, Ill.

La Crosse, Wis.

Milwaukee, Wis.
Minnesota, Minn
Duluth, Minn
Burlington, Iowa...
Dubuque, Iowa
Saint Louis, Mo
Omaha, Nebr..

Montana and Idaho

Puget Sound, Wash.

Willamette, Oreg..
Oregon, Oreg
Southern Oregon..
San Diego, Cal..

San Francisco, Cal

Deduct repayment, Paducah, Ky.......

Contingent expenses and fees in custom cases.......

B. Birch, disbursing agent, salaries, &c...............

Miscellaneous, stationery, &c.

Total net expenditures

386 74

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128,500 00

95,055 26

237,823 92

5,826, 974 32

Statement of expenditures of assessing and collecting the internal revenue for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1878, embracing salaries and expenses of collectors and salaries and expenses of supervisors and subordinate officers.

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