An aggregate of one hundred and ninety-three persons. In making this recommendation I would state that it is the same amount that Congress appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1879; and I find that it will be wholly impracticable to reduce the force in any particular without material injury to the public service. The force connected with this bureau in the various districts throughout the United States is as follows: One hundred and twenty-six collectors, who receive salaries as follows: There are also employed eight hundred and seven deputy collectors who receive salaries as follows: Also two hundred clerks, messengers, and janitors, who receive sal There are also employed 679 gaugers, who receive fees not to exceed $5 per diem; 632 storekeepers and gaugers, who receive not to exceed $4 per diem; 450 storekeepers, who receive not to exceed $4 per diem; and 41 tobacco inspectors, who receive fees to be paid by the manufac turers. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO OFFICERS. My acknowledgments are due to the several heads of divisions and their subordinate officers, to the corps of revenue agents, and to the employés of the Internal Revenue Bureau generally for the signal fidelity with which they have discharged the duties imposed upon them; for the watchful zeal they have manifested for the protection of the public interests, and the energy with which they have devoted themselves to the advancement of the public service. EXPENSES BY DISTRICTS. Allowances to districts for salaries, rents, fuel, and lights-not including advertising, telegraphing, &c. Additional allowances have been made in twenty-two districts, as follows: Second Wisconsin.. Third Wisconsin.. Sixth Wisconsin... The recommendations made for the salaries of collectors for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1878, were based upon an estimate of their probable collections according to the following scale, with the qualification that if the actual collections should vary from the amounts estimated, the salaries would be readjusted at the end of the fiscal year: |