Commerce and navigation, statistics of. 1,2 Commercial Relations, annual report on. Commissary-Generals Office, clerks and contingent fund of. Commissioners of the District of Columbia, report of. Commissioners of Internal Revenue, report of.. Conemaugh River...... Conference, International Monetary Comptroller of the Currency, report of District of Columbia, annual report of Commissioners of 7 Annual report of Arkansas Hot Springs reservation Choctaw claim, report upon Disbursements made from the appropriations for the Indian Education, annual report of the Commissioner of (volume 2). act Public documents, number received by the department for distribution.... Purchase of a site for Congressional Library Iowa, improvement of the harbor at Burlington. J. James Island light-house Powell, J. W., report on the lands of the arid region of Utah, with maps (2d session) President of the United States: 16 ངངངང 106 16 87 16 16 ន י1 15 1 1 102 11 16 16 14 11 16 16 16 16 11 16 16 8 16 16 Baumer, Julius.. Board appointed to test iron, steel, and other metals, report of... Carlos Butterfield & Co Choctaw claim... Commissioners of the United States to attend the Interna tional Monetary Conference.... Commercial relations with Mexico Foreign relations, with index.. Indian Commissioner, report of. Message of, annual. 16 16 33 12 Caney Fork and Obey Rivers and Cumberland River in Kentucky Clerks and contingent fund of Commissary-General's Office.. 16 Chesapeake and Delaware Ship-canal.. 16 Chickaswa, Pascagoula, and Flint Rivers Cincinnati, harbor of refuge near. 16 Delaware River, near Schooner Ledge 16 2 Engineers, annual report of the Chief of (vol. 2, parts 1, 2, and 3). 3,4,5 1 2 Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, improvement of Harlem River, New York Louisiana, report of survey of certain lakes and bayous in 61 |