REPORT. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Washington, D. C., December 2, 1878. SIR: I have the honor to submit the following annual report: The ordinary revenues, from all sources, for the fiscal year ending From repayment of interest by Pacific Railway Companies.. 1,366, 954 36 1,046, 864 36 From customs' fees, fines, penalties, &c..... From profits on coinage, &c.. From miscellaneous sources Total ordinary receipts. The ordinary expenditures for the same period were For civil expenses... For foreign intercourse.. For Indians... For pensions..... For the military establishment, including river and For the naval establishment, including vessels, ma- Total ordinary expenditures.... Leaving a surplus revenue of... 2,056, 515 13 249,469 88 317, 102 30 1,690, 762 33 2, 341, 109 07 257, 763, 878 70 $16, 551, 323 16 1,229,216 78 4, 629, 280 28 27, 137, 019 08 32, 154, 147 85 17, 365, 301 37 35, 397, 163 63 102, 500, 874 65 236, 964, 326 80 $20, 799, 551 90 Which was applied as follows: To the redemption of United States notes, &c...... To the redemption of six per cent. bonds for the To increase of cash balance in the Treasury.. $13, 119, 825 33 3,855, 368 57 73, 950 00 3,750, 408 00 20, 799,551 90 The amount due the sinking-fund for the year was $35,429,001 80, leaving a deficiency on this account of $14,629,449 90. Compared with the previous fiscal year, the receipts for 1878 have decreased $11,984,796 09, in the following items: in customs revenue, $785,812 87; in internal revenue, $8,048,783 09; in semi-annual tax on banks, $215,498; in sales of Government property, $84,485 08; in profits on coinage, $1,582,476 75; and in miscellaneous items, $1,267,740 30. There was an increase of $748,088 17, as follows: in proceeds of sales of public lands, $103,489 69; in premium on sales of coin, $67,521 52; and in miscellaneous items, $577,076 96—making a net decrease, in the receipts from all sources for the year, of $11,236,707 92. The decrease of revenue is principally due to the falling off in the receipts from internal revenue, which was probably caused by the agitation in Congress, for a long time, of the reduction of the tax on spirits and tobacco. The expenditures show an increase of $7,781,729 08, as follows: in the Navy Department, $2,405,366 01, and in the interest on the public debt, $5,376,363 07, the latter of which was due to the large balance of $7,426,619 81 unpaid interest at the commencement of the year, and to the change from semi-annual to quarterly payments of interest on six per cent. bonds converted into four per cents. which would not otherwise have been made until after the close of the year. There was a decrease of $9,477,411 21, as follows: in the War Department, $4,928,588 05; in the Interior Department, $1,474,460 13; and in the civil and miscellaneous, $3,074,363 03-making a net decrease in the expenditures of $1,695,682 13. FISCAL YEAR 1879. For the present fiscal year the revenue, actual and estimated, will The expenditures for the same period, actual and estimated, will be Applicable to the sinking-fund, which is estimated for the year at $36, 954, 607 87. FISCAL YEAR 1880. The revenues of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1880, estimated upon existing laws, will be From customs From internal revenue... From sales of public lands.... From tax on circulation and deposits of national banks From customs' fees, fines, penalties, &c. . . . . From miscellaneous sources. Total ordinary receipts.... $133, 000, 000 00 115, 000, 000 00 1, 000, 000 00 6,750,000 00 1,400, 000 00 1, 100, 000 00 2, 000, 000 00 250,000 00 1,600, 000 00 2,400, 000 00 264, 500, 000 00 The estimate of expenditures for the same period, received from the several Executive Departments, are as follows: |