CONTENTS 6. Report of the School Committee. 7. Advertisement of the Society, April 8. 1812. 8. Rules for the Office of Treasurer and Secretary. 9. Audit of the Accounts from Oct. 21. 1811, to May 18. 1812. 10. Substance of the Applications from the Forest of Dean. 11. Extract from the Statement of the Society of Schoolmasters. 23 N. I. REPORT of the SUB-COMMITTEE for Building. AT a meeting of the Sub-Committee for Building, held at London House, May the 9th., 1812: Present-The Lord BISHOP of LONDON, Right Honourable LORD RADSTOCK, WILLIAM DAVIS, Esq. The Building Committee having met the 26th of December, 1811, in consequence of instructions received from the General Committee, proceeded to enquire for a proper place wherein to establish a Central School; and, after very considerable research and enquiry, they were enabled to recommend to the General Committee a spacious Building, consisting of a house and premises, formerly occupied as a Brewery, in Baldwin's Gardens, Gray's Inn Lane, easily convertible into a School, and other necessary accommodations for their purpose; and also peculiarly eligible, as well on account of its situation between the East and West end of the Town, as for its vicinity to a numerous and poor population, where it was understood that the means of education were particularly defective. This recommendation was deceded to, and the General Committee gave them power to negociate for the same. The negociation was immediately entered upon, and concluded upon the following terms, viz.-£750. for the Leasehold interest for 24 Years, at a ground Rent of £140. In which purchase are included two houses let at £35. per annum, besides the House and Premises to be converted into the School. The Committee forthwith pro ceeded to give orders for the repairing and altering the same, so as to be fit for their purpose; but, upon a minute examination by their Surveyor, it appeared most desirable to pull down and rebuild the greater part of the Brewery Buildings, which occasioned some additional expence and delay. No time has been lost in undertaking this work, and carrying it on with the utmost expedition. The Committee trust that the whole will be completed in a short time: it will consist of a School for 600 Boys, and one for 400 Girls: the Boys School 60 by 60, the Girls 60 by 40 feet, with pla ces of exercise for each, of the same dimensions; and a good dwelling house adjoining, with sufficient accommodation for the several persons to be employed in the School. In the whole of this proceeding, viz. in negociating for the purchase, in planning the alterations, in giving directions for carrying on the buildings, and a general superintendance of the same, the Committee are much indebted to the zeal and skill of Mr. COCKERELL, who gratuitously offered his services as their Surveyor. They wish also to acknowledge their obligations to Mr. LETT, the Timber Merchant, for making an offer, which was accepted, to supply them with timber at prime cost.-The Committee have further to state, that, in order that no time might be lost whilst these alterations were making, they engaged, for six months, a Room at No. 45, Holborn, as a temporary School, large enough for the reception of 100 Boys. The alterations in the National Central School are estimated by Mr. COCKERELL at £2000. T. T. WALMSLEY, SEC. No. II. ADDRESS to the PUBLICK. 29th January, 1812. THE reception which the National Society, for the Education. of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church, has already found from the Publick, has been so favourable, and the calls upon the Society to proceed in this important work so general, and so urgent, that the General Committee find it necessary to call the attention of the Friends of the Society to these circumstances, in order that the funds requisite to carry on an Institution which promises such extensive publick benefit, may be effectually provided. The Committee beg leave previously to observe, that the adoption of the Madras System by the Society has proceeded from the experience, not only of the facility by which this System communicates instruction, but of the influence which hitherto it is found to have on the morals of the Children. The Committee proceed to state, that the sums which have hitherto been so liberally subscribed by the original Friends of the Institution, are not likely to do much more than to establish and maintain those Schools which the Society itself has resolved to open in the Metropolis. Besides these, many other Schools are designed to be established in the Metropolis and its Vicinity, in aid of which the Society will naturally be looked to, if the funds provided by those who form them should happen, in any case, to prove inadequate. The Committee, from the numerous applications daily received respecting Schools which are forming in every part of the kingdom, cannot but foresee that this is likely to happen in the country to a still greater extent, |