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Spores. Minute particles or bodies which are formed within many of the lower flowerless plants, and which perform the funetions of seeds. The microscopic one-celled plants called bacteria, multiply by fission, and in addition to this, some of thein multiply by means of spores. Sporification. The formation of spores.

Staphylococcus. A genus of round bacteria, or cocci, arranged in groups like clusters of grapes.

Stenosis. A narrowing.

Sterilize. As used in bacteriology, the freeing of culture fluids or other substances, of bacteria which are capable of development.

Streptococcus. Cocci or round bacteria, arranged in rows or chains.
Therapeutical. Pertaining to the art of healing.

Tonsilitis. Inflammation of the tonsils.

Trap. An arrangement on some part of the sewerage system, usually a bend in the pipe in which water stands, by means of which we seek to prevent the return of gases and disease germs into the building. Tubercle. Nodules of greatly varying size constituting the disease


Tuberculosis. A specific disease usually characterized by the formation of tubercles. Pulmonary consumption is a tuberculosis of the lungs. Typhoid fever. Meaning literally a fever resembling typhus. The common fever of this country. Formerly typhus and typhoid were not distinguished the one from the other. Typhoid fever is communicable only in a slight degree, if at all, by direct contagion; but there is great danger of its spread from the sick to the well from defective sanitary arrangements and regulations.

Typhus fever. A dangerously contagious disease rarely found in this country, and when appearing in our State, probably always by importation. (See Typhoid fever.)

Umbilicated. Marked by central depression.

Varioloid. Small-pox modified by vaccination. It is contagious, and cases of small-pox as severe may arise from exposure to its infection as from unmodified small-pox.

Vesicle. An elevation of the cuticle usually containing a clear fluid; a blister.

Virus. An infective agent.

Waste-pipe. That part of the house-drainage system which conveys the waste-water from sinks, baths, etc.

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