JAMES WM MYLNE, AND BENJAMIN KEEN, Esos. BARRISTERS AT LAW. VOL. I. 1832, 1833.-3 & 4 WILL. IV. LONDON: UNDER PRINTED FOR SAUNDERS AND BENNING, (SUCCESSORS TO J. BUTTERWORTH AND SON,) 43. FLEET-STREET. 1834. Lord BROUGHAM and VAUX, Lord High Chancellor. Sir JOHN LEACH, Master of the Rolls. Sir LANCELOT SHADWELL, Vice-Chancellor of England. Sir THOMAS DENMAN, Sir WILLIAM HORNE, Attorneys-General. Sir JOHN CAMpbell, Sir WILLIAM HORNE, Sir JOHN CAMPBELL, Sir CHARLES CHRISTOPHER PEPYS, Solicitors-General. MEMORANDA. THE Right Honourable Charles Lord Tenterden, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, died in the early part of Michaelmas term 1832, and was succeeded by Sir Thomas Denman Knight, his Majesty's AttorneyGeneral. On the 8th of November Sir Thomas Denman was sworn into office, and took his seat on the Bench on the following day. Sir William Horne, Solicitor-General to his Majesty, succeeded to the office of Attorney-General; and John Campbell of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., one of his Majesty's counsel, was appointed Solicitor-General to his Majesty, and afterwards received the honour of knighthood. On the first day of Michaelmas term 1832, John Beames, Robert Monsey Rolfe, and Clement Tudway Swanston of Lincoln's Inn, and Henry Hall Joy of the Inner Temple, Esqs., having been, during the preceding vacation, appointed four of his Majesty's counsel, were called within the bar, and took their seats accordingly. Mr. Serjeant Spankie was in the same term appointed one of his Majesty's Serjeants. In Hilary vacation 1833, Philip Courtenay of the Inner Temple, David Pollock, and John Blackburne of the Middle Temple, and William Henry Maule of Lincoln's Inn, Esqs., were respectively appointed his Majesty's counsel, and T. N. Talfourd Esq. was called to the degree of Serjeant at Law. In Trinity vacation 1833, John Balguy of the Middle Temple, Esq., was appointed one of his Majesty's counsel. vii |