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Expense Account, consisting of Furniture, Sunday School Library, Stationery, Arms and Military Stores, Hospital Dispensatory, &c.

1842. Jan. 28. To amount of stock on hand at this date, " amount purchased since,


$428 70 Dec. 31. By amount of stock on hand at this date,

583 40

$1,012 10

Balance against,

$435 96 576 14

$1,012 10


Whole amount of Stock and Tools at State Prison, Dec. 31, 1842, as taken by the Inspectors, $13,119 88.
Of which,

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964 33, are Tools.

The law requires the Inspectors to "furnish an estimate of the probable income and expenses of the prison for the ensuing year.

This duty cannot be done with any degree of accuracy, on account of many contingent circumstances, such as the number of convicts in the prison, fluctuations in the market, for such articles as are needed for the use of the prison, &c. This being the case, the Inspectors hope to be pardoned for not submitting the estimates required,



IN SENATE, Jan. 11, 1843.

ORDERED, That 300 copies of the Report of the Inspectors of the State Prison, be printed for the use of the Legislature, and 50 additional copies for the use of the Warden.


JERE HASKELL, Secretary.

[blocks in formation]

[WM. R. SMITH & Co.... Printers to the State.1

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