STATEOF MAINE. IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND FORTY-THREE. AN ACT for the preservation of Salmon, Shad, and Alewives in Penobscot river and bay and their tributary streams. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa2 tives in Legislature assembled as follows: 3 SECTION 1. The governor with advice of council 4 shall appoint and commission three suitable persons, 5 one of whom shall be a resident of each of the coun6 ties of Penobscot, Hancock and Waldo, to be called 7 County Fish Wardens; to hold said office three years 8 unless sooner removed. And all vacancies happening 9 in said office shall be immediately filled by appoint10 ments, to be made by the governor with advice of 11 council. And one of said persons shall be designated 12 in his commission as chairman. Before entering upon 13 the duties of said office, said county fish wardens 14 shall be sworn as other civil officers to the faithful dis15 charge of their respective trusts. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of said board of 2 county fish wardens to maintain a general supervis3 ion over the fisheries of salmon, shad and alewives |