STATE OF MAINE. RESOLVED, That the terms of the Treaty of Wash2 ington, concluded on the 9th day of August, 1842, 3 so far as they affect the State of Maine, are not sat4 isfactory to the people thereof. RESOLVED, That the hopes and expectations, under 2 which the State of Maine consented to participate in 3 the negotiation which eventuated in the Treaty of 4 Washington, are greatly disappointed by the result of 5 that negotiation. RESOLVED, That the true meaning and intent of the 2 resolves passed by the Legislature of Maine, on the 3 26th of May, 1842, entitled, "Resolves in relation to 4 the northeastern boundary of this State" did not au5 thorize the commissioners elected under said resolves 6 to surrender any portion of the territory within the 7 line of the treaty of '83 as claimed by Maine, without 8 a full equivalent therefor. STATE OF MAINE. IN SENATE, March 16, 1843. ORDERED: That 1,000 copies of the foregoing Report and Resolves, be printed for the use of the Legislature. JERE HASKELL, Secretary. Boston and Maine Rail Road, an act in relation to, 19 C. Carr, Benjamin, Warden of State Prison, report of, 12 17 Constitution, resolve to amend, Corporations, abstract of returns of, Citizens of this State, resolve in favor of Clerks of Judicial Courts, abstract of returns of, Dam across Ayer's Falls, D. Documents in relation to international exchanges of books, Doggett, John, report on petition of, 28 mis. 48 mis. 27 41 22 Insane Hospital, report of the Directors, Steward and Superintendent of, 2 Incorporation of towns and boundaries of counties, since 1828, 29 41 J. Justices of the Peace, an act increasing the jurisdiction of, Κ. Kennebec County Agricultural Society, in relation to, Land Agent, report of, L. communication from, Log Driving Company, Kennebec, act in relation to, 49 15 $1 44 mis. 21,38 Μ. Message, Inaugural of the Governor, mis. Militia of Maine, report of Adjutant General, in relation to, an act in relation to, 26 Ν. Northeastern Boundary, report of commissioners on, Treaty in relation to, mis. |