Act 151. Naval Militia. Within 60 days after this Act becomes of force there shall be appointed by the governor a commission of five to be known as the Naval Militia Board and who shall serve without compensation for such service. Three members of this board shall consist of the commanding officer of the naval militia, one staff officer of the naval militia and one other commissioned officer of the naval militia with the rank of lieutenant or higher. The naval militia board shall direct and audit the expenditure of all sums of money appropriated or available for the use of the naval militia. The senior commissioned officer of naval militia shall be chairman of the naval militia board. He may call special meetings of the board when it becomes necessary or expedient by giving ten days' notice of said meeting; provided, however, such meetings may be held at any time without such notice upon the consent of all of said members of the board. The naval board shall hold regular quarterly meetings at Honolulu, at the established headquarters of the board. The naval board shall keep a record of the proceedings, and is authorized to employ a secretary capable of attending to the technical details of the board, who shall keep a record of its meetings. It is authorized to arrange for the headquarters of the naval militia in the armory or armories in the Territory as the governor may designate and provide necessary stationery and furniture; to provision such ship or ships as may be loaned this Territory by the United States, and to provide suitable moorings for the same; to promulgate and submit to the governor for his approval such rules and regulations for the government of the naval militia as it deems for the good of the service, which rules and regulations, when approved by the governor, shall govern said naval militia the same as the rules and regulations of the United States Navy govern the navy of the United States. Said rules and regula Act 151. Naval Militia. tions to be promulgated shall conform as near as practicable to the articles, rules and regulations of the United States Navy. The articles, rules and regulations of the United States Navy shall govern the naval militia until otherwise ordered by the governor on the recommendation of the naval board. A member of the naval board shall hold office four years. Three or more members of said board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. SECTION 2. Divisions may be formed in the discretion of the governor, on the Islands of Oahu, Maui, Hawaii and Kauai, not to exceed the maximum force of four divisions for the Territory. SECTION 3. The governor as commander-in-chief of the militia of the Territory, is hereby authorized to prescribe the organization for the naval militia of the Territory of Hawaii, in such manner and form as to make the said organization conform to the requirements for the naval militia under the laws of the United States:-and for that purpose he shall have the power to alter, divide, annex, consolidate, disband, organize or reorganize the whole or any unit or part of the naval militia of the Territory of Hawaii, so as to conform to any organization system, drill, instruction or discipline which is now or may hereafter be prescribed by law for the organization, government and discipline of the naval militia of the United States, and for that purpose the number of commissioned warrant or petty officers, of any grade or rating in any organization of the said naval militia, may be increased or diminished, and the designation and grade or rating of any such officers may be altered to the extent necessary to secure such uniformity. SECTION 4. The officers of the naval militia shall be appointed by the governor and shall consist of a commander, a lieutenant-commander, and a surgeon and a paymaster, each with rank of lieutenant, and such other officers as may be designated by the Secretary of the Navy. Act 151. Naval Militia. The term of commission shall be for four years. SECTION 5. The term of service for enlisted men shall be three years for the first enlistment and two years thereafter. The requirements for enlistment and discharge shall be as prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy. SECTION 6. The articles for the government of the United States Navy shall be applicable to and shall govern the naval militia of the Territory of Hawaii in so far as they are not inconsistent with the laws of this Territory. SECTION 7. The governor is authorized to apply to the navy department of the United States for the loan of a vessel or vessels for the use of the naval militia and for the detail of commissioned, warrant or petty officers of the navy to act as inspectors or instructors. A battalion of naval militia shall be considered the equivalent of a battalion of land militia and a division of naval militia shall be considered the equivalent of a company of land militia and equal in the territorial service, and they shall be entitled to equal rights, privileges and allowances when not inconsistent with law. SECTION 8. When engaged in exercises afloat or participating in encampments for instruction ashore, and when serving on general courts-martial, officers and men shall receive the same pay as is at the time allowed by law to those holding similar positions in the United States Navy. SECTION 9. This Act shall take effect from and after the date of its approval. Approved this 23rd day of April, A. D. 1915. LUCIUS E. PINKHAM, Governor of the Territory of Hawaii. Act 152. Primaries. ACT 152 AN ACT TO AMEND SUB-DIVISION 1 OF SECTION 28 OF THE REVISED SECTION 1. That Subdivision 1 of Section 28 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, 1915, is hereby amended to read as follows: "1. The primary shall be held at the regular polling place in each precinct on the first Saturday of October in the year 1916, and biennially thereafter; provided, that in such county or counties or city and county where an election of county officers has by law been fixed to take place at any time other than that of the general territorial election, a primary shall also be held on the first Saturday of the first month preceding such election month, and biennially thereafter, for the election of such county officers." SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved this 23rd day of April, A. D. 1915. LUCIUS E. PINKHAM, Governor of the Territory of Hawaii. Act 153. Palolo Reservoir. ACT 153 AN ACT TO PAY HONOLULU PLANING MILL COMPANY, LIMITED, MONEYS WRONGFULLY WITHHELD FROM IT UNDER THE TERMS OF A CONTRACT ENTERED INTO WITH THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII FOR CONSTRUCTING A RESERVOIR ON PALOLO HILL, HONOLULU. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii: SECTION 1. That the sum of nine hundred dollars ($900.00) be and hereby is appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury received from the general revenues of the Territory to pay Honolulu Planing Mill Company, Limited, moneys wrongfully withheld from it under the terms of a contract entered into with the Territory of Hawaii for constructing a reservoir on Palolo Hill, Honolulu, under date of September 18, 1913. SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect from the date of its approval. Approved this 23rd day of April, A. D. 1915. LUCIUS E. PINKHAM, Governor of the Territory of Hawaii. |