Act 12. Page. An Act to Reimburse H. Kishi for Meals Furnished Detain- ..... 12 13. An Act to Repeal Section 1652 of the Revised Laws of Ha- 13 14. An Act to Prohibit the Operation of Aeroplane, Balloon 14 15 An Act to Provide for the Operation and Maintenance of 15 16. An Act to Entitle the Defendant to Have His Traveling 16 17. An Act to Repeal Section 4119 of the Revised Laws of Ha- 17 18. An Act to Amend Section 2011 of the Revised Laws of Ha- 17 19. An Act to Amend Section 4191 of the Revised Laws of Ha- 18 20. An Act to Amend Section 137 of the Revised Laws of Ha- An Act to Construct a Homestead Road Through the Waio- An Act to Construct a Homestead Road Through the Kaui- An Act Amending the Franchise Held by the Hawaiian 21 22 22 23 25 Act No. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. An Act to Amend Section 3730 of the Revised Laws of Ha- An Act to Authorize the Auditor of the Territory to Issue An Act to Amend Section 1744 of the Revised Laws of Ha- .... An Act to Continue the School Budget as Fixed by Act An Act to Extend and Continue the License of the Hono- .... 31. 32. An Act to Amend Section 3318 of the Revised Laws of Ha- 33 34 33. An Act Providing for the Disposition of Certain Public 35 34. An Act Authorizing and Directing the Superintendent of 36 35. 36. An Act to Repeal Sections 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 37. An Act to Enable the Board of Supervisors of the County 39 38. An Act to Amend Section 1369 of the Revised Laws of Ha- An Act to Re-Apportion Certain of the Appropriations Pro- vided for in Act 170, Session Laws of 1913.. An Act Making Appropriation for the Construction of a Homestead Road in the Halekou-Waikalua-Kai and Ka- luapuhi-Waikalua Homestead Tracts, District of Koolau- poko, City and County of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, 41. An Act Making An Additional Appropriation for Expenses An Act Appropriating Seventy-Eight Hundred Dollars for 46. An Act to Amend Section 2174 of the Revised Laws of Ha- An Act to Amend Chapter 252 of the Revised Laws of Ha- waii, 1915, by Adding a Section Thereto to be Known as An Act to Amend Section 254 of the Revised Laws of Ha- waii of 1915, Relating to Commissioners of Education... 52. An Act to Amend Paragraph 2 of Sub-Division 2 of Section An Act to Amend Section 1875 of the Revised Laws of Ha- waii of 1915, Relating to Civil Service Examination of Applicants for Positions in the Police and Fire Depart- ments of the City and County of Honolulu .... An Act to Appropriate Money for the Purpose of Defray- Kauai, and to Provide for the Repayment of the Money An Act Authorizing and Empowering the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii to Set Aside, by Executive Order, to the County of Kauai, Certain Land Situate at Kapaa, County of Kauai, for the Purpose of Estabiishing and Maintaining Thereon a County Farm and Sanitorium for the Care and Treatment of Persons Afflicted With Tuber- culosis An Act to Amend Sections 2926 and 2931 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, 1915, Relating to Divorce.. An Act to Amend Chapter 181 of the Revised Laws of Ha- waii, 1915, by Adding Thereto a New Section to be Known as Section 3308A, Providing for the Dissolution of Corporations in Certain Cases An Act to Amend Section 3305 of the Revised Laws of Ha- waii, 1915, Relating to Fees Payable by Corporations.... An Act to Provide for the Payment to the Informer of One- Half of the Fines Imposed or Collected in Cases for Vio- lation of the Laws Relative to Fish and Game..... An Act to Amend Section 3241 of the Revised Laws of Ha- waii, 1915, Relating to Fees of the Land Court... . . An Act to Amend Section 4074 of the Revised Laws of Ha- ..... An Act to Amend Chapter 183 of the Revised Laws of Ha- An Act to Amend Section 624 of the Revised Laws of Ha- waii, 1915, Relating to Fishing With Explosives... . . An Act Relating to Bonds of Officials, Deputies, Assistants, Clerks, or Employees of Any County, City and County or Municipality, and Amending and Repealing Certain Sec- An Act to Amend Sections 3083 and 3084 of the Revised 74 An Act to Amend Section 632 of the Revised Laws of Ha- waii of 1915, Entitled "An Act to Prohibit the Taking of An Act to Amend Section 2099 of the Revised Laws of Ha- 71. An Act to Amend Section 2045 of the Revised Laws of Ha- waii, 1915, Relating to Licenses of Hotels, Boarding An Act to Amend Section 1 of Act 149 of the Session Laws An Act to Add a New Section to the Revised Laws of Ha- An Act Granting to the Board of License Commissioners Power to Subpoena and Examine Witnesses Under Oath An Act to Amend Section 2626 of the Revised Laws of Ha- waii, 1915, Relative to Hunting With Firearms... An Act Relating to Adulterated Food and Drugs, Amending Sections 990, 991, 993 and 997 of the Revised Laws of Ha- An Act to Amend Sections 450 and 452 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, 1915, Relating to Settlement of Boundaries... An Act in Relation to Evidence of the Common Source of |