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Abstracts of reports made by the state banks of Michigan to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, the reports being called for on the past days unknown to bank officers, viz., December 28, 1920, February 21, April 28, June 30, and September 6, 1921. For reports of individual state banks and trust companies see succeeding pages.

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Capital stock paid in.

22,347,631 07
4,940,124 67
1,871,400 00
59,654 56

2,883,399 95 23,695,785 77

3,402,386 88

2,627,823 82 24,894,084 44 3.720,969 50

2,658,253 72

2,723,817 54

24,867,851 70

25,458,254 06

4,840,878 96

5,804,726 20

1,903,612 63

2,015,750 00

1,989,800 00

1,997,300 00

515,446 26

279,403 34

201,383 24

1,574,244 37

$1,043,305,087 80 $1,026,655,680 76 $1,003,789,400 16 $992,032,167 78 $989,929,425 43

$56,949,223 95 $59.977,852 00

Surplus fund.

Undivided profits, net..

Dividends unpaid..

Reserved for taxes, interest, etc..

Commercial deposits subject to check.

Demand certificates of deposit..

Certified checks.

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Cashier's checks.

Due to Federal Reserve bank.

Due to other banks and bankers.

862,878 60 3,863,463 78 52,561 10 13,723,322 37

30,893,104 69
1,055,406 80
3,134,709 49

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1,936,586 90
371,716 01
5.179,712 30

Time commercial certificates of deposit

Savings deposits (book account).

7,257,792 47 454,152,854 69

4.152 40 13,700,547 56 5,951,804 45 414,384 31 3,969,326 27 7,412,693 16

298,551 67 1,691,862 78 7,172,936 20

442,982,372 83 427,256,693 83

Savings certificates of deposit..

Club savings deposits.

Notes and bills rediscounted..

Bills payable....

Bonds sold subject to repurchase.

Bonds borrowed or left for safe keeping

Acceptances executed for customers..
Customers' letters of credit.

Other liabilities..

62,915,361 53
305,568 52
18,140,845 02
40,367,059 96
133,000 00
24,320,599 43
750,000 00
835,405 86

244,694 57 4,376,331 19 6,751,984 87 425,239,010 68

50,000 00 12,090,027 39 7,942,568 66

10,638 13 11,223,691 90 10,492,762 88

13,719 88 12,493.264 88 12,235,289 35

239,366 12 1,273,473 63

6,258.434 09

418,979,070 52

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57,986,448 38

62,940,092 84

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400,000 00

600,000 00

507,489 68

26,116,365 67

330,400 00

886,553 92

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Figures given by the Comptroller of the Currency in even thousands. Abstracts of reports made by the National banks of Michigan to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, December 29, 1920, February 21, April 28, June 30, and September 6, 1921. For reports of individual national banks see succeeding pages.


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$385,428,000 00 $383,970,000 00 $381,344,000 00 $378,119,000 00 $383,554,000 00

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Abstracts of the published reports of the State banks and Trust Companies in the City of Detroit, as made by the Commissioner of the Banking Department, December 28, 1920, February 21, April 28, June 30, and September 6, 1921.

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3.539,935 00

3,582,575 00

3,326,765 00

3,337,850 00

3,925,738 81

2,638,986 64

3,141,866 25

4,112,957 45

5,138,137 31

1,137,750 00

1,142,250 00

1,172,250 00

1,188,000 00

1,191,000 00

17,232 85

323,988 15

208,455 99

126,363 56

126,361 78

$469,278,473 27 $453,572,055 55 $442,373,033 63 $436,896,266 98 $429,286,070 45

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Figures given by Comptroller of the Currency in even thousands. Abstracts of reports made by the National banks of Michigan to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, December 29, 1920, February 21, June 30 and September 6, 1921.

April 28,

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$142,183,000 00 $136,676,000 00 $140,219,000 00 $141,479,000 00 $144,678,000 00

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Abstract of State and National Banks by Counties.

Abstracts of the published reports of the State and National banks in the counties as made to the Commissioner of the Banking Department, September 6, 1921.

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