Member Bank Reserve Requirements, Hearings Before ...,86-1 OnS.860 AndS.1120 ...,March 23 And24,1959 |
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20 percent assets authorize the Board BALDERSTON Bank of Chicago bank or trust bank reserves Banking and Currency banking system banks in central banks located banks to count basis bill billion Board of Governors capital cash reserve central Reserve city CHAIRMAN changes city of Chicago classes of banks Clearing House Association commercial banks committee corporation country banks credit expansion differential economy effect excess reserves Federal Reserve Act Federal Reserve bank Federal Reserve Board Federal Reserve System gold HELM higher reserve requirements hold and maintain individual banks interbank demand deposits interbank deposits investment legal reserve liquidity loans lower reserve ments monetary policy National Bank Act outlying districts paragraph percentage permit member banks proposed regulations REIERSON required reserve ratios Reserve and Reserve Reserve city banks Reserve city classification reserve fund savings bank Senator DOUGLAS Senator PROXMIRE total deposits trust company U.S. Senate vault cash holdings York and Chicago York Clearing House
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Page 198 - ... under the laws of the United States or under the laws of any State, Territory, or...
Page 213 - ... deposits, such association shall not increase its liabilities by making any new loans or discounts otherwise than by discounting or purchasing bills of exchange payable at sight, nor make any dividend of its profits...
Page 180 - National banks, or banks organized under local laws, located in Alaska or in a dependency or insular possession or any part of the United States outside the continental United States may remain nonmember banks, and shall in that event maintain reserves and comply with all the conditions now provided by law regulating them; or said banks...
Page 180 - To add to the number of cities classified as reserve and central reserve cities under existing law in which national banking associations are subject to the reserve requirements set forth in section 20 of this act; or to reclassify existing reserve and central reserve cities or to terminate their designation as such.
Page 204 - Demand deposits within the meaning of this Act shall comprise all deposits payable within thirty days, and time deposits shall comprise all deposits payable after thirty days, and all savings accounts and certificates of deposit which are subject to not less than thirty days
Page 199 - ... respectively. Any such certificate, the record thereof, or a certified copy of such certificate or record shall be presumptive evidence of the truth of all facts therein stated against such association, its officers and stockholders. The officers of a...
Page 97 - ... (1) In the case of any member bank in a reserve city, the minimum reserve ratio for any demand deposit shall be not less than 10 per centum and not more than 22 per centum, except that the Board, either In individual cases or by regulation, on such basis as it may deem reasonable and appropriate in view of the character of business transacted by such bank, may make applicable the reserve ratios prescribed for banks not In reserve cities. (2) In the case of any member bank not in a reserve city,...
Page 225 - ... (10) Obligations shall not be subject under this section to any limitation based upon such capital and surplus to the extent that such obligations are secured or covered by guaranties, or by commitments or agreements to take over or to purchase, made by any Federal Reserve bank or by the United States...