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Act No.
1. Act providing for sale of State swamp lands through Public Domain Com-
2. Amending general highway law; minimum width of grade, money tax in
lieu of labor.
3. Amending act creating Department of Labor; sanitary quarters for rail-
way construction crews.
4. Amending general tax law; prohibiting purchase of State tax lands from
Auditor General for fifteen days prior to tax sale by county treasurer.
5. Amending general tax law; apportioning and assessing of county indebted-
ness to State, as a county tax.
6. Amending act relative to cost of bonds furnished by State officers, etc.
7. Amending act providing for election of county commissioner of schools,
etc.; teachers' qualifications.
8. Amending act providing tuition and transportation of certain school chil-
dren: high school defined.
9. Amending act establishing Michigan Farm Colony for Epileptics; leaves
of absence.
10. Amending act establishing Michigan Farm Colony for Epileptics; admit-
11. Amending act establishing Michigan Farm Colony for Epileptics; super-
vising architect, etc.
12. Authorizing establishment of central places of registration in cities of the
fourth class.
13. Amending act relative to the State Board of Education; teachers' certificates.
14. Act providing for completing the records of plats in the office of the Audi-
tor General.
15. Amending act relative to the manufacture and sale of renovated butter.
16. Amending act providing for establishment, etc., of State reward trunk line
17. Act requiring plans of certain school buildings or additions to be approved
by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
18. Amending act regulating the business of selling farm products on com-
mission, etc.; penalty imposed.
19. Amending act providing for a State Live Stock Sanitary Commission;
hog cholera, appointment of county agents.
20. Appropriation to reimburse the State for current expenses for 1913 and
1914 of the several State hospitals, etc.
21. Amending general highway law; district county road bonds.
22. Amending act providing for rural high schools; discontinuance provided
23. Appropriation for Michigan Agricultural College; deficiency.
24. Repealing act providing manner of election of United States senators.
25. Amending general banking law; member banks, under federal reserve act.
26. Repealing act providing for agricultural college course.
27. Amending act providing for treatment of voluntary patients in hospitals
for the insane.
28. Act transferring the powers and duties of the State Game, Fish and Forestry
Warden to the Public Domain Commission.
29. Amending act relative to publication, etc., of laws and documents.
Appropriation for State Prison, at Jackson, for special purposes.
Anti-cigarette law, applying to minors.
Repealing act providing for State inspection of sugar beet testing, weighing
and taring, etc.
Act providing for a general hospital department in the Traverse City State
Act preventing the running at large of domestic animals or fowl upon
cemetery premises.
Appropriation for Michigan Soldiers' Home; current expenses.
Appropriation for Michigan Soldiers' Home; special purposes and refund
of excess pension money.
Act providing for incorporation, etc., of companies to insure railway con-
ductors, engineers and officials for loss of position, etc.
Act providing for an average or pro rata rider clause in all Michigan
standard fire insurance policies.
Amending act providing for incorporation, etc., of co-operative and mutual
protective associations of railway conductors and engineers; motormen
and conductors.
Amending act relative to primary schools; depositories of district moneys.
Amending act for incorporating hospitals, etc., in cases where valuable
grants, etc., have been made to trustees; taxation.
42. Amending act relating to life insurance companies; sale of real property,
investment for home office building.
43. Amending act relative to powers and duties of townships, and election,
etc., of township officers; contingent tax limit increased.
44. Amending act requiring the registration of stallions.
45. Amending act protecting title and regulating practice of veterinary medi-
cine and surgery; qualifications for registration.
Act creating Michigan Securities Commission; "blue sky law".
Act creating commission to represent the State at the half century anni-
versary of negro freedom, held at Chicago.
48. Amending general highway law; appeals from decision of commissioner
of highways.
49. Amending act establishing Michigan Soldiers' Home; admittance.
Act providing for the payment of bounties for the killing of common rats.
51. Act requiring mufflers, etc., on all motor boats, etc., operated on inland
52. Amending act regulating uniformity of, and providing free school text-
Act providing a State brand for Michigan butter.
54. Appropriation for State Public School; deficiency.
Act regulating the establishment of new cemeteries.
Appropriation for Michigan Farm Colony for Epileptics; deficiency.
Amending act providing for incorporation of villages; taxing and licensing
of saloons.
58. Act providing for the incorporation of cremation companies and associa-
Act providing for the construction, etc., of highways where a portion of
the cost is paid by assessment for benefits.
Appropriation for State Highway Department; deficiency.
61. Appropriation for Michigan Reformatory; special purposes.
62. Act providing for the improvement of Fort Gratiot turnpike, St. Clair
63. Act providing for markers for graves of honorably discharged soldiers,
sailors, etc.
64. Act regulating the conditional sale of personal property sold for resale,
and providing for filing the contracts.
Act giving assent to grant of moneys from United States by "Lever Act";
agricultural extension work.
66. Amending act providing for the appointment of a State Live Stock Sani-
tary Commission; quarantine.
67. Amending act establishing a State Board of Health, etc.; qualifications of
68. Act requiring the registration of charitable organizations, etc., soliciting
public aid.
69. Appropriation to meet deficiency incurred in transporting veterans to the
celebration of fiftieth anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.
70. Amending act providing for the examination, etc., of optometrists; qualifi-
cations for registration.
71. Act providing permanent headquarters for the Spanish war veterans, de-
partment of Michigan.
72. Amending act increasing the efficiency of the military establishment of the
State; armories for naval militia.
73. Amending act increasing the efficiency of the military establishment of the
State; board of control of armories.
74. Amending act relative to county hospitals and sanatoria; limit of main-
tenance tax increased.
75. Amending general highway law.
76. Act providing for the organization, etc., of fire insurance rate making
77. Amending act relative to county officers; permitting register of deeds to
use certain loose leaf record books.
78. Act authorizing board of control of State Prison to dispose of certain lands
and purchase prison farms.
79. Act providing for certain requirements in written instruments convey-
ing or mortgaging real estate, etc., in which there are male grantors, etc.
80. Amending act providing for the appointment of guardians of habitual
drunkards, or drug fiends.
81. Act fixing the leaves of absence and furloughs of certain officers and men
in all cities having full paid members of fire departments.
justices of the peace.
82. Amending "home rule" city act;
83. Amending act providing for the incorporation of lodges of B. P. O. E.;
real and personal property, etc.
84. Appropriation for the State Board of Geological Survey.
Act providing for the protection of fur-bearing animals kept in captivity
for breeding purposes.
Act providing for the organization of mutual automobile insurance com-
87. Amending act for the protection of boarding-house keepers; time limit for
88. Amending act providing for the construction of drains; unpaid drain
89. Act regulating judicial procedure in civil and criminal cases.
90. Act regulating the killing, sale and having in possession of edible frogs.
Act providing for the investigation and improvement of marketing condi-
tions and establishing the office of market director.
92. Amending act providing for the leasing of lake bottom and other made
lands owned by the State; taking of sand, gravel, marl, etc.
Act providing for the pasteurizing of the by-products of cheese factories,
creameries, skimming stations, etc.
Appropriation for State Tuberculosis Sanatorium; deficiency.
95. Appropriation for the State Board of Library Commissioners;
Amending act providing for the establishment, etc., of State reward trunk
line highways; routing.
97. Amending act revising, etc., laws organizing asylums for the insane.
98. Amending act providing for the erection of armories; advance to armory
building fund.
99. Appropriation for Michigan Employment Institution for the Blind; cur-
rent expenses and special purposes.
100. Act empowering, etc., the Board of State Auditors to examine and audit accounts of the city of Jackson for water furnished the State Prison.
101. Amending general highway law; determining tax limit by good roads
102. Amending act authorizing acceptance of certain tract of land in Craw-
ford county; fishing privileges extended to M. N. G., etc.
Amending act providing for the erection of armories.
104. Amending workmen's compensation act; disbursement
during first three weeks.
of compensation
105. Amending act organizing the State Psychopathic Hospital; appropriation
106. Appropriation for Kalamazoo State Hospital; special purposes.
Appropriation for Western State Normal School; current expenses and
special purposes.
108. Appropriation for Industrial School for Boys; current expenses and special
109. Appropriation for State House of Correction and Branch Prison in the U.
P.; purchase of farm land.
Act prohibiting sale of intoxicating liquor at lumber camps, mills or yards,
or upon or along logging railways.
Amending act relative to trespasses on lands.
112. Appropriation for Attorney General's Department; salaries of assistants.
113. Act prescribing powers and duties of township boards relative to care of
rural cemeteries "Cemetery Day".
114. Amending act extending aid to Michigan Agricultural College; one-fifth
mill tax.
115. Act providing for the examination, registration, regulation and licensing
of chiropodists.
116. Amending act regulating sale, etc., of oleomargarine or imitation butter;
Act regulating sale, etc., of certain habit forming drugs.
Amending act authorizing boards of health in cities, villages and town-
ships to furnish anti-toxine or anti-typhoid vaccine virus without cost.
Repealing act providing for taxation of mineral rights reserved.
Act providing for the registration of architects.
121. Act providing for incorporation of ecclesiastical seminaries.
Act authorizing township boards to issue orders bearing 6% interest
against delinquent tax funds.
123. Act providing for the recording of affidavits, birth, marriage, death, name,
etc., of parties to instruments affecting real estate.
Act providing for the licensing and regulation of insurance agents.
Amending act providing for the probate of foreign wills in certain cases.
Appropriation to reimburse the State for current expenses for 1913 and
1914 for State Prison, at Jackson, Marquette Prison, and Michigan
Appropriation for Michigan School for the Blind; deficiency.
128. Amending act creating Public Domain Commission.
129. Amending act relative to the use, sale, trading, etc., of horses and mules
permanently unfit for work.
Act relating to the cost of bonds to be provided by township officers.
Amending general tax law; definite descriptions of real property.
Amending act relating to county jails; employment of county prisoners.
Act requiring examiners and appraisers employed by State Tax Commis-
sioners to take and file oath of office.
134. Act providing for employment of interpreters in criminal cases.
Act providing for the inspection and analysis, and regulating the licensing
and sale of concentrated commercial feeding stuffs.
Act providing for the licensing of adjusters of companies carrying work-
men's compensation insurance.
Amending act providing for the incorporation of villages; paving bonds.
Amending general tax law; corporation property statement.
Act providing for the compilation, distribution, etc., of a "township officers'