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1. Act providing for sale of State swamp lands through Public Domain Com-


2. Amending general highway law; minimum width of grade, money tax in

lieu of labor.

3. Amending act creating Department of Labor; sanitary quarters for rail-

way construction crews.

4. Amending general tax law; prohibiting purchase of State tax lands from

Auditor General for fifteen days prior to tax sale by county treasurer.

5. Amending general tax law; apportioning and assessing of county indebted-

ness to State, as a county tax.

6. Amending act relative to cost of bonds furnished by State officers, etc.

7. Amending act providing for election of county commissioner of schools,

etc.; teachers' qualifications.

8. Amending act providing tuition and transportation of certain school chil-

dren: high school defined.

9. Amending act establishing Michigan Farm Colony for Epileptics; leaves

of absence.

10. Amending act establishing Michigan Farm Colony for Epileptics; admit-


11. Amending act establishing Michigan Farm Colony for Epileptics; super-

vising architect, etc.

12. Authorizing establishment of central places of registration in cities of the

fourth class.

13. Amending act relative to the State Board of Education; teachers' certificates.

14. Act providing for completing the records of plats in the office of the Audi-

tor General.

15. Amending act relative to the manufacture and sale of renovated butter.

16. Amending act providing for establishment, etc., of State reward trunk line


17. Act requiring plans of certain school buildings or additions to be approved

by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

18. Amending act regulating the business of selling farm products on com-

mission, etc.; penalty imposed.

19. Amending act providing for a State Live Stock Sanitary Commission;

hog cholera, appointment of county agents.

20. Appropriation to reimburse the State for current expenses for 1913 and

1914 of the several State hospitals, etc.

21. Amending general highway law; district county road bonds.

22. Amending act providing for rural high schools; discontinuance provided


23. Appropriation for Michigan Agricultural College; deficiency.

24. Repealing act providing manner of election of United States senators.

25. Amending general banking law; member banks, under federal reserve act.

26. Repealing act providing for agricultural college course.

27. Amending act providing for treatment of voluntary patients in hospitals

for the insane.

28. Act transferring the powers and duties of the State Game, Fish and Forestry

Warden to the Public Domain Commission.

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