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No more shall commerce be all in all, and Peace
Pipe on her pastoral hillock a languid note,
And watch her harvest ripen, her herd increase,
Nor the cannon-bullet rust on the slothful shore,
And the cobweb woven across the cannon's throat,
Shall shake its threaded tears in the wind no more.


And as months ran on and rumor of battle grew,

It is time, it is time, O passionate heart,' said I (For I cleaved to a cause that I felt to be pure and true),


'It is time, O passionate heart and morbid eye,
That old hysterical mock-disease should die.'
And I stood on a giant deck and mixed my
With a loyal people shouting a battle cry,
Till I saw the dreary phantom arise and fly
Far into the North, and battle, and seas of death.


Let it go or stay, so I wake to the higher aims

Of a land that has lost for a little her lust of gold,

And love of a peace that was full of wrongs and


Horrible, hateful, monstrous, not to be told;

And hail once more to the banner of battle unroll'd!

Tho' many a light shall darken, and many shall


For those that are crush'd in the clash of jarring


Yet God's just doom shall be wreak'd on a giant


And many a darkness into the light shall leap,

And shine in the sudden making of splendid names,

And noble thought be freer under the sun,

And the heart of a people beat with one desire;

For the long, long canker of peace is over and done;

And now by the side of the Black and the Baltic


And deathful-grinning mouths of the fortress,


The blood-red blossom of war with a heart of fire.



'HERE, by this brook, we parted; I to the East

And he for Italy

too late

too late:

One whom the strong sons of the world despise ;
For lucky rhymes to him were scrip and share,

And mellow metres more than cent for cent;
Nor could he understand how money breeds,
Thought it a dead thing; yet himself could make
The thing that is not as the thing that is.

O had he lived! In our school-books we say,
Of those that held their heads above the crowd,

They flourish'd then or then; but life in him

Could scarce be said to flourish, only touch'd
On such a time as goes before the leaf,
When all the wood stands in a mist of green,
And nothing perfect: yet the brook he loved,
For which, in branding summers of Bengal,
Or ev'n the sweet half-English Neilgherry air,
I panted, seems, as I relisten to it,

Prattling the primrose fancies of the boy,

To me that loved him; for "O brook," he says,

"O babbling brook," says Edmund in his rhyme, "Whence come you?" and the brook, why not? replies.

I come from haunts of coot and hern,

I make a sudden sally

And sparkle out among the fern,

To bicker down a valley.

By thirty hills I hurry down,
Or slip between the ridges,
By twenty thorps, a little town,

And half a hundred bridges.

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