Appropriation, for what purposes. Sum to be at Board of Education. [ No. 133. ] AN ACT to appropriate twenty thousand dollars to erect and equip a building for physical education and training at the State Normal School at Ypsilanti. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That there be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the general fund in the State treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of twenty thousand dollars for the erection and equipment of a building for physical education and training at the State Normal School at Ypsilanti. SEC. 2. The said sum of twenty thousand dollars shall be disposal of State at the disposal of the State Board of Education to be paid to such board upon its warrant or warrants and shall be used by such board for the purposes provided in section one of this act. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Parties appealing for new trial in certain cases. Exceptions. [ No. 134. ] AN ACT to provide for incorporating the record of proceedings had on motions for new trial in bills of exceptions. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That in all cases hereafter taken to the Supreme Court on writ of error or appeal, where a motion for a new trial has been previously refused by the trial judge, the party appealing the same may incorporate in the bill of exceptions a record of all proceedings had on said motion for a new trial, including the reasons given by the trial judge in refusing to grant said new trial. Exceptions may be taken and error assigned on the decision of the circuit judge in refusing such motion, and the same shall be reviewed by the Supreme Court. Approved May 27, 1893. [ No. 135. ] AN ACT making an appropriation for the building of two detached cottages for patients, for a patients' library, and for hall painting and renovating at the Eastern Michigan Asylum. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Appropriation That there be, and is hereby appropriated, out of the State and purpose of. treasury to the Eastern Michigan Asylum the sum of thirtythree thousand five hundred dollars, to be expended as follows: For two detached cottages for patients, thirty thousand dollars; for patients' library, one thousand dollars; for hall painting and renovating, two thousand five hundred dollars. SEC. 2. That the money appropriated hereby may be How drawn, etc. drawn from the State treasury upon the warrant of the Auditor General, in such sums and at such times as shall be made to him to appear necessary. The sum thus appropriated shall be expended only for the purposes specified in this act. SEC. 3. The Auditor General is hereby authorized to Tax for. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [ No. 136. ] AN ACT to authorize the State Board of Education to grant teachers' certificates in certain cases. grant certifi SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, State Board to That the State Board of Education is hereby empowered, cates to certain and shall grant teachers' certificates without examination to persons, etc. any person who has received a bachelor's, master's or doctor's degree from any college in this State having a course of study actually taught in such college, of not less than four years, in addition to the preparatory work necessary for admission to the University of Michigan, upon the recommendation from the faculty of such college stating that in their judgment the applicant is entitled to receive such certificate and in addition thereto, a course in the science and art of teaching of at least one college year of five and a half hours per week, which shall have been approved by said Board of Education, which course shall have been taken by such person who shall have received a diploma therefor, and shall include a thorough examination of the applicant by the college granting such diploma, as to qualification and fitness for teaching; and provided that if said person furnishes Proviso. to said board satisfactory proof of having successfully taught for three years in the schools of this State, said certificate shall be a life certificate. If such proof is not furnished. said board, then such certificate shall be for four years only, and a life certificate may at any time thereafter be issued by Annulled by whom. Duty of Board. When instruction deficient, duty of board. said board upon the filing of such proof. Such certificate shall entitle the holder to teach in any of the schools of this State without examination, provided a copy of the same shall have been [filled] filed or recorded in the office of the legal examining officer or officers of the county, city, township or district in which such person is to teach, and shall be annulled only by the State Board of Education, and by it, only for cause. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the said Board of Education to carefully examine any course of study in the science and art of teaching that may be submitted to it by the trustees of any college, and, if satisfactory, to furnish such trustees with a written certificate approving the same. SEC. 3. If, at any time, the said Board of Education shall conclude that any college, the graduates of which may desire to receive such certificate, is not giving such instruction in the science and art of teaching and in the other branches as shall be approved by said board, then said board shall so determine by a formal resolution, and shall give notice thereof to the trustees of such college, and thereafter no teachers' certificates shall be given by said board to the graduates of such college until said board shall be satisfied that proper instruction in the science and art of teaching and in [the] other branches is given by such college, and shall certify such fact to the trustees of such college. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Section amended. Acknowledg ment to have seal of office attached. [ No. 137. ] AN ACT to amend section ten of chapter one hundred and fifty of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one being compiler's section five thousand six hundred and sixty of Howell's Annotated Statutes relative to deeds and conveyances as amended by act number one hundred and twelve of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section ten of chapter one hundred and fifty of the compiled laws of one thousand eight hundred and seventyone, being compiler's section five thousand six hundred and sixty of Howell's Annotated Statutes as amended by act number one hundred and twelve of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 10. In the cases provided for in the last preceding section unless the acknowledgment be taken before a commissioner appointed by the Governor of this State for that be attached. purpose, the officer taking such acknowledgment shall attach thereto the seal of his office, and if such acknowledgment be taken before a justice of the peace or other officer having no seal of office, such deed or other conveyance or instrument shall have attached thereto a certificate of the clerk or Certificate to other proper certifying officer of a court of record of the county or district, or of the secretary of state of the state or territory within which such acknowledgment was taken under the seal of his office, that the person whose name is subscribed to the certificate of acknowledgment was, at the date thereof, such officer as he is therein represented to be, and that he believes the signature of such person to such certificate of acknowledgment to be genuine, and that the deed is executed and acknowledged according to the laws of such state, territory or district. Whenever any deed or other Record to be instrument affecting the title to land, executed, acknowledged and authenticated in accordance with this section and the last preceding section, has been heretofore recorded in the proper county, such record, or a certified transcript thereof shall be prima facie evidence of the due execution of such instrument to the same extent as if it had been authenticated as required by the statute in force at the time such instrument was recorded. Approved May 27, 1893. prima facie evidence. [ No. 138. ] AN ACT to secure to women citizens who are otherwise qualified the right to vote in school, village and city elections SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Qualification. That in all school, village and city elections hereafter held in this State, women who are able to read the constitution of the State of Michigan, printed in the English language, shall be allowed to vote for all school, village and city officers, and on all questions pertaining to school, village and city regulations, on the same terms and conditions prescribed by law for male citizens. Before any woman shall be regis- Duty of board tered as a voter, the board of registration shall require her to read and she shall read, in the presence of said board, at least one section of the constitution of this State in the English language. of registration. etc. SEC. 2. All laws of this State prescribing the qualifica- Voters' rights, tions of voters at school, village and city elections therein, shall apply to women, and women who are able to read the constitution of Michigan as above provided, shall enjoy all the rights, privileges and immunities, and be subject to all the penalties prescribed for voters at such elections. Women voters SEC. 3. Women who are entitled to vote under the presubject to law. ceding sections of this act, shall be subject to all laws relating to the registration of voters and be liable to all penalties attached to the violation of such laws, and their names shall be received and registered by the various boards of registration at the time and in the manner required by law for other voters. Approved May 27, 1893. Cities and vil lages may own electric light plants. [ No. 139. ] AN ACT to authorize the cities and villages of this State which own and operate electric light works for the purpose of lighting their streets and other public places, to furnish and supply electric light to the inhabitants of such cities and villages. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That it shall be lawful for any city or incorporated village in this State, not having more than eight thousand inhabitants, which own and operate works for the purpose of supplying such city or village with electric light and lighting their streets and other public places with electric light, to furnish and supply electric light to the inhabitants of such cities or villages upon such terms and under such conditions as the common council may deem expedient. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Section amended, [ No. 140. ] AN ACT to amend section one of act number one hundred SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section one of act number one hundred and forty-seven of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An act to provide for the election of a county commissioner of schools, for the appointment of school examiners, |