of one thousand dollars, conditioned that he or she will faithfully discharge the duties of his or her office according to law and to faithfully account for and pay over to the proper persons all money which may come into his or her hands by reason of his or her holding such office; and thereupon the county county clerk clerk shall report the name and postoffice address of such to report. county commissioner to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. examinations. examinations. SEC. 4. The board of school examiners shall, for the pur- Board to hold pose of examining all persons who may offer themselves as teachers for the public schools, hold two regular public examinations in each year at the county seat, which examinations shall begin on the last Thursday of March and the first Thursday of August in each year; and for a like purpose the board of school examiners shall hold not to exceed four special public examinations at such times and places as Special in the judgment of the board of school examiners the interests of the schools and teachers of the county may require: Provided, That first and second grade certificates shall be Proviso. granted only at the regular public examinations provided for in this section. It shall be the duty of the county commissioner to make out a schedule of the times and places of Schedule of holding special examinations, and to cause it to be published to be published. in one or more newspapers of the county at least ten days before each special examination, and the commissioner shall send a copy thereof to the chairman of each township board of school inspectors in the county at least ten days previous to the time of holding any special examination. examinations certificates. SEC. 5. The board of school examiners shall meet on the Meeting of Saturday of the week following such public examination held board to grant by the county commissioner and shall grant_certificates to teachers in such form as the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall prescribe, licensing as teachers those who shall have attained the age of seventeen years and who have Qualifications attended said public examinations and who shall be found to teach. qualified in respect to good moral character, learning and ability to instruct and govern a school, but no certificate shall be granted to any person who shall not have passed a satisfactory examination in orthography, reading, writing,. grammar, geography, arithmetic, theory and art of teaching, United States history, civil government and physiology and hygiene with reference to the effects of alcoholic drinks, stimulants and narcotics upon the human system. The board of when board examiners shall have the right, however, to renew without certificate with examination the certificates of persons who shall have pre- out examination. viously obtained an average standing of at least eighty-five per cent on all studies covered in two or more previous examinations and who shall have been, since that examination, continuously and successfully teaching in the same county. All certificates shall be signed by the county commissioner signing of and by at least one other member of the board of examiners, certificates, No person shall be considered a qualified teacher within the may renew Teacher must meaning of this act, nor shall any school officer employ or hold certificate. contract with any person to teach in any of the public Grades of certificates, First grade. Proviso. Proviso as to where first grade to be used, Second grade. Third grade, two classes. Proviso as to special certificates. schools, under the provisions of this act, who has not a certificate in force, granted by the board of school examiners or other lawful authority. All examination questions shall be prepared and furnished by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to the county commissioner under seal, to be opened in the presence of the applicants for certificates on the day of examination. SEC. 6. There shall be three grades of certificates granted by the board of school examiners, in its discretion, and subject to such rules and regulations as the Superintendent of Public Instruction may prescribe, which grades of certificates shall be as follows: The certificate of the first grade shall be granted only to those who have taught at least one year with ability and success, and it shall be valid throughout the State for four years: Provided, That all examination papers for first grade certificates, favorably passed upon by the board of examiners, together with such certificate shall be forwarded to the Superintendent of Public Instruction within ten days from date of examination for inspection: And provided further, That no first grade certificate shall be valid in any county other than that in which it is granted, unless approved and countersigned by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and a copy filed with the county commissioner in the county in which the holder of said certificate desires to teach. The certificate of the second grade shall be granted only to those who shall have taught at least seven months with ability and success, and it shall be valid throughout the county for which it shall be granted for three years. The certificates of the third grade shall be be divided into two classes known as A and B. Third grade certificates of class A shall be granted only to persons who have taught successfully and continuously for at least three years next preceding the examination, in primary departments of graded schools, and the [certificate] certificates of this class shall entitle the holder to teach in primary departments of graded schools only. Third grade certificates of class B shall license the holder to teach in any school of the county in which it shall be granted, for one year; but no more than three certificates of this class shall be granted to the same person: Provided, That the county commissioner shall have power upon personal examination satisfactory to himself or herself to grant certificates which shall license the holder thereof to teach in a specified district for which it shall be granted, but such certificate shall not continue in force beyond the time of the next public examination and in no case shall a second special certificate be granted the same person, and it shall not in any way exempt the teacher from a full examination. Approved April 18, 1893. [ No. 35. ] AN ACT making appropriations for the current expenses of the State Normal School for the years one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three and one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Appropriation. That the State Treasurer shall transfer from the general fund to the Normal School interest fund the sum of fifty thousand one hundred and ten dollars, for the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three, and the sum of fifty-one thousand one hundred and ten dollars for the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, which sums are hereby appropriated for the current expenses of the State Normal School for the years above named, and shall be drawn from the treasury on the presentation of properly certified requisitions of the State Board of Education to the Auditor General, and, on his warrant, to the State Treasurer: Provided, That the sum of fifteen hundred dollars of Proviso. said amount shall be used annually for the Normal School library, and for no other purpose. rated in State SEC. 2. The Auditor General shall incorporate in the To be incorpoState tax for the year one thousand eight hundred and tax. ninety-three, the sum of fifty thousand one hundred and ten dollars, and in the State tax for the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, the sum of fifty-one thousand one hundred and ten dollars, which tax, when collected, shall be credited to the general fund to reimburse the same for the sums to be drawn therefrom, as provided in section one of this act. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [ No. 36. ] AN ACT to repeal all of act number one hundred and seventy-two of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine and being compiler's section nine thousand eight hundred and eighty-one c Howell's Annotated Statutes, entitled "An act relative to the confinement in this State, of persons committed or sentenced by the courts of the United States or of the territories thereof." SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Act repealed. That all of act number one hundred and seventy-two of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine and being compiler's section nine thousand eight hundred and eightyone c of Howell's Annotated Statutes, entitled "An act relative to the confinement in this State of persons committed Unlawful to catch fish in certain waters. Violation a misdemeanor. Fine to be imposed. Authorized to with certain necessities. or sentenced by the courts of the United States or of the [ No. 37. ] AN ACT to prohibit the taking or catching or attempting SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to take or catch, or to attempt to take or catch by seines, drag, pound or gill net, or by any other device or means except by hook and line, any species of fish used or that may be used for bait in any of the rivers and inland waters of either Macomb, St. Clair, Lapeer or Oakland counties, excepting the river and lake St. Clair. SEC. 2. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, shall be fined a sum of not less in amount than fifty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the jail of the county in which such violation shall occur, for a term not exceeding ninety days, nor less than twenty days, or by both fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [ No. 38. ] AN ACT to provide for the construction of a coal house and purchase of one machinist's lathe for the Michigan Asylum for Dangerous and Criminal Insane, and to make payment for the same out of the surplus moneys in the hands of the superintendent of said asylum. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, provide asylum That the State Board of Inspectors are hereby authorized to construct a suitable building for storing coal at the branch of the Michigan Asylum for Dangerous and Criminal Insane, and purchase one machinist's lathe for use of said asylum and to pay for the same out of any surplus moneys in the hands of the superintendent of said asylum: Provided, The Proviso. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved April 19, 1893. [ No. 39. ] AN ACT to provide for the incorporation of supreme and subordinate senates of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order. rate. persons may SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, May incorpoThat the supreme and subordinate senates of the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order of the State of Michigan may be incorporated in pursuance with the provisions of this act. SEC. 2. Any nine or more persons, residents of this State, Nine or more being members of any supreme senate of the Knights of execute articles the Ancient Essenic Order of the State of Michigan, and of association. desiring to become incorporated may make and execute articles of association under their hands and seals which said articles of association shall be acknowledged before some officer of the State, having authority to take acknowledgment of deeds and shall set forth: First, The names of the persons associating in the first instance and their places of residence; Second, The corporate name by which such association shall be known in the law, and the place of its business office; Third, The object and purpose of such association shall be to promote the social advancement of its members in accordance with the laws of this State, the general welfare of the fraternity known as the Knights of the Ancient Essenic Order; and the period for which it is incorporated, not exceeding thirty years. with Secretary SEC. 3. A copy of said articles of association, together Copy to be filed with a copy of the charter and constitution of said supreme of State. senate, shall be filed with the Secretary of State, and thereupon the persons who shall have signed such articles of association, their associates and successors, shall be a body shall have cerpolitic and corporate, by the name expressed in the articles tain powers. of association, and by that name they and their successors shall have succession, and shall be persons in the law, capable to purchase, take, receive, hold and enjoy to them and their successors, estates real and personal, of suing and being sued, and they and their successors may have a common seal which may be changed and altered at their pleasure: Provided, That the value of such real and personal Proviso. estate shall not exceed the sum of fifty thousand dollars, and that they and their successors shall have authority and |