Appropriation by Purposes. ninety-three of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, being an act entitled "An act to provide for the relief outside of the Soldiers' Home of honorably discharged indigent union soldiers, sailors and marines, and the indigent wives, widows and minor children of such indigent or deceased union soldiers, sailors and marines," be and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows: SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of the boards of superannual tax levy. visors of the several counties of this State to levy annually a tax not exceeding one-tenth of one mill on each dollar to be levied and collected as provided by law, upon the taxable property of each township and city of their respective counties, for the purpose of creating a fund for the relief of honorably discharged indigent union soldiers, sailors and marines, and the indigent wives, widows and minor children of such indigent or deceased union soldiers, sailors and marines: Provided, however, That in case any part of such fund should not be necessary for the purpose for which it was raised, the same shall remain in the treasury of each of said townships or cities of said county, as the soldier's relief fund, and shall be considered in raising future sums therefor. Proviso. Appointment of commission. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the judge of the court of probate in each county in the year eighteen hundred and ninety-three and every three years thereafter to appoint three persons, of whom two at least shall be honorably discharged union soldiers, sailors or marines, each to serve for three Compensation. years, at a compensation to be fixed and paid by the boards of supervisors of their respective counties, and to be known as the soldier's relief commission, with the powers and duties herein prescribed. Such persons so appointed shall organize by the selection of one of their number as chairman, and one as secretary, and in the event of the death, resignation, change of residence or other disability of any member of said commission, the probate judge of said county shall fill the vacancy by appointment for the unexpired term. Vacancies, how filled. Act repealed. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [ No. 3. ] AN ACT to repeal act number fifty of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An act to provide for the election of electors of President and Vice President of the United States, and to repeal all other acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith," approved May first, eighteen hundred and ninety-one. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That act number fifty of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An act to provide for the election of electors of President and Vice President of the United States, and to repeal all other acts and parts of acts in con- [ No. 4. ] AN ACT to amend section number one of chapter number six of an act entitled "An act to revise and consolidate the laws relating to public instruction and primary schools, and to repeal all statutes and acts contravening the provisions of this act," being act number one hundred and sixty-four of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, as [amended] amend by act number fifty-six of public acts of eighteen hundred eighty-seven, being section five thousand one hundred and three of Howell's Annotated Statutes. SECTION. 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Section That section number one of chapter six of an act entitled amended. "An act to revise and consolidate the laws relative to public instruction and primary schools, and to repeal all statutes and acts contravening the provisions of this act," being act number one hundred and sixty-four of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-one as amended by act number fifty-six of public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven being section five thousand one hundred and three of Howell's Annotated Statutes, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: CHAPTER VI. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF DISTRICTS. row money. trict restricted amount. SECTION 1. Any school district may, by a two-thirds vote Two-thirds vote of the qualified electors of said district present at any annual required to bormeeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose, borrow money, and may issue bonds of the district therefor, to pay for a school-house site or sites, and to erect and furnish school buildings as follows: Districts having less than thirty Indebtedness children between five and twenty years of age may have an incurred by disindebtedness not to exceed three hundred dollars; districts to a certain having thirty children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed five hundred dollars; districts having fifty children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed one thousand dollars; districts having seventy-five children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed two thousand dollars; districts having one hundred children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed three thousand dollars; districts having one hundred and twenty-five children of like age, and with an assessed valuation of not less than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, may have Indebtedness an indebtedness not to exceed five thousand dollars; districts having two hundred children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed eight thousand dollars; districts having three hundred children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars; districts having four hundred children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed twenty thousand dollars; districts having five hundred children of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars; and districts having eight hundred children or more of like age may have an indebtedness not to exceed thirty thousand dollars: Provided, That the indebtedness of a district shall in no case extend shall not extend beyond ten years for money borrowed: Provided further, That in all proceedings under this section the director, assessor, and one person appointed by the district board, shall constitute a board of inspection, who shall cause Poll list and bal- poll list to be kept and a suitable ballot-box to be used, which shall be kept open two hours. The vote shall be by ballot either printed or written or partly printed and partly written and the canvass of the same shall be conducted in the same manner as at township elections so far as the laws governing the same are applicable. And where they are not the board of inspectors shall prescribe the manner in which such canvass shall be conducted. beyond ten years. Who to constitute board of inspection. lot-box to be used. Vote to be by ballot. Canvass, how conducted. Per diem extra compensation. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [ No. 5. ] AN ACT to fix the per diem compensation of members of the State Legislature from the upper peninsula for and during the session of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That upper peninsula. in addition to the compensation, mileage and allowance for stationery, as fixed by law, for members representing the upper peninsula, there shall be allowed and paid two dollars per diem extra compensation during the legislative session of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-three. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [ No. 6. ] AN ACT to provide for the continuance of the recompilation and copying of the records in the office of the Adjutant General pertaining to the enlistment, muster, history, and final disposition of the soldiers or sailors from this State during the war of the rebellion, and to make an appropriation therefor. or sailors, by Ad SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Recompilation of That the Adjutant General is hereby authorized and directed to records, soldiers provide suitable books and to recompile, and copy from papers jutant General. now on file in his office, or from such other official papers as he may obtain, the military or naval history of each and every soldier, or sailor who enlisted from and was credited to this State during the war of the rebellion. Such history shall Disposition of. show, as far as may be possible, the name, age, date of enlistment, military or naval history and final disposition of each such soldier or sailor. priated. SEC. 2. The sum of eight thousand dollars is hereby appro- Moneys appro priated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, out of any moneys in the State treasury to the credit of the general fund not otherwise appropriated, for the purposes mentioned not to exceed in this act. The Auditor General shall draw his warrant upon Warrants drawn the State Treasurer upon the certificate of the Adjutant Gen- certain sum. eral not to exceed the sum above mentioned, as the same may be required to carry out the provisions of this act. tax. SEC. 3. The Auditor General shall add to and incorporate Amount incorin the State tax for the year one thousand eight hundred grated in and ninety-three the sum of four thousand dollars, and a like sum for the year one thousand eight hundred and ninetyfour, to be assessed, levied and collected as other State taxes are assessed, levied and collected, which sums when collected, When collected shall be placed to the credit of the general fund to reimburse credit of the it for the sum appropriated by section two of this act. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved February 16, 1893. [ No. 7. ] AN ACT to amend act number one hundred and fifty-four of the public acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, entitled "An act to authorize the organization of Young Men's Christian Associations," as amended by act number sixty of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninetyone, being chapter one hundred and seventy-seven of Howell's Annotated Statutes, by adding a section thereto to stand as section seven of said act. placed to the general fund. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Acts amended. That act number one hundred and fifty-four of the public Directors may borrow money. Extent of prohi bition. Proviso. Violation a misdemeanor. acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, entitled "An act to authorize the organization of Young Men's Christian Associations," as amended by act number sixty of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and act number fifty-one of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-one, being chapter one hundred and seventy-seven of Howell's Annotated Statutes, be amended by adding thereto a section to stand as section seven of said act, said section to read as follows: SEC. 7. The board of directors of any such corporation, at any meeting of said board regularly called for the purpose, shall have power to borrow money for the purposes of purchasing real estate or the erection or completion of buildings proper for the uses of the association; and for the purpose of purchasing other property necessary and proper for the uses of the association, and to give the obligations of such corporation therefor, and to pledge or mortgage any or all of the property of such association, real or personal, to secure the payment of any such loan. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [ No. 8. ] AN ACT to prohibit engaging in the business of selling, keeping for sale, offering, selling, furnishing, giving away or delivering spirituous, intoxicating, malt, brewed, fermented or vinous liquors upon the waters within the jurisdiction of this State, lying outside the boundaries of any city, village or township, and to provide a penalty therefor, together with common jurisdiction of certain counties in relation thereto. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That it shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, himself, or by his clerk, servant, agent or employé, to engage in the business of selling, keeping for sale, or to offer, sell, furnish, deliver or give to any person, spirituous, intoxicating, malt, brewed, fermented or vinous liquors, or any beverage, liquor or liquids containing any spirituous or intoxicating liquor, upon any waters within the jurisdiction of this State lying outside of the boundaries of any city, village or township: Provided, however, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to sales made upon passenger boats, legally licensed and registered under the laws of the United States, while en route running between ports, on regularly established lines. SEC. 2. Any person who, himself, or by his clerk, servant, agent or employé, shall violate any of the provisions of section one of this act shall, for the first offense, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, be |