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[ No. 42. ]

AN ACT to change the name of Jessie Woolley to Jessie
Elizabeth Fisher.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Name of indiThat the name of Jessie Woolley of the township of Spring vidual changed. Lake, county of Ottawa and State of Michigan be and the

same is hereby changed to Jessie Elizabeth Fisher.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved April 25, 1893.

[ No. 43. ]

AN ACT to amend section one of act number one hundred forty-three of the session laws of eighteen hundred sixtyone entitled "An act to exempt sewing machines from levy and sale on execution," approved March thirteen, eighteen hundred sixty-one, being section seven thousand seven hundred seventeen of Howell's Annotated Statutes.


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, section That section one of act number one hundred forty-three of the session laws of eighteen hundred sixty-one, entitled "An act to exempt sewing machines from levy and sale on execution," approved March thirteen, eighteen hundred sixty-one, being section seven thousand seven hundred seventeen of Howell's Annotated Statutes, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

from levy and

SECTION 1. All sewing machines owned by individuals and When exempt kept for the actual use of themselves or their families, shall sale. be exempt from levy and sale on execution, not exceeding one such machine for each family; and any chattel mortgage, bill of sale or other lien created on any such sewing machine shall be void, unless such mortgage, bill of sale or When void. lien be signed by the wife, if he have any, of the party making such mortgage, bill of sale or lien.

Approved April 25, 1893.

[ No. 44. ]

AN ACT to authorize proceedings in the circuit courts in chancery, in relation to the laying out, dividing and platting into lots, streets and alleys, of lands owned by infants, idiots, lunatics and other incompetent persons.

person may

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Incompetent That any infant, idiot, lunatic or other incompetent person, apply to circuit seized of any real estate, may apply to the circuit court in court in chanchancery for the county where the property may be situated,


Board to draw from fund,

Money to be raised by tax.

Section amended.


for service.

in section one of this act shall be used for the construction of an engineering building for the Mining School at Houghton, Michigan, and for the further equipment of said school.

SEC. 3. That the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars of the sum named in section one of this act shall be used for the support and maintenance of said Mining School for the years eighteen hundred and ninety-three and eighteen hundred and ninety-four.

SEC. 4. Said board of control is hereby authorized, at any time during the year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, or thereafter, by requisitions signed by the president and treasurer thereof, to draw from the general fund of the State treasury the amount of money named in section two of this act, at such times and in such amounts as they shall deem necessary for use in the construction of said buildings, and in the equipment thereof, and in a like manner to draw from time to time, as the same may be needed, during the years eighteen hundred and ninety-three and eighteen hundred and ninety-four, for the support and maintenance of said school, the money named in section three of this act.

SEC. 5. The Auditor General shall add to and incorporate with the State tax for the year eighteen hundred and ninetythree the sum of fifty-five thousand dollars, and for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-four, the sum of fifty-five thousand dollars, to be assessed, levied and collected, as other State taxes are assessed, levied and collected, which sums when collected, shall be placed to the credit of the general fund, to reimburse it for the sum appropriated by section one of this act.

SEC. 6. That section seven of act number two hundred and thirty-nine of the public acts of the State of Michigan of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An act making an appropriation for the erection and equipment of a suitable building for the use of the Mining School at Houghton, in the upper peninsula of Michigan, including all permanent fixtures, heating and lighting apparatus, etc.," approved June twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and eightyseven, be, and the same is, hereby amended so as to read as follows, viz.:

SEC. 7. Each of the members of said board of control shall be entitled to receive his actual expenses made in the discharge of his duties under this act, and act number seventy hereinbefore referred to, and the architect and person employed, as provided for in the preceding section, and the treasurer of said board of control, for his services under this act and said act number seventy, and all other acts relating to said Mining School, now or hereafter to be enacted, shall receive a reasonable compensation for their services, to be established by the board of control and approved by the Governor, which compensation and expenses shall be audited by the board of State Auditors.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved April 25, 1893.

[ No. 42. ]

AN ACT to change the name of Jessie Woolley to Jessie
Elizabeth Fisher.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Name of indiThat the name of Jessie Woolley of the township of Spring vidual changed. Lake, county of Ottawa and State of Michigan be and the

same is hereby changed to Jessie Elizabeth Fisher.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved April 25, 1893.

[ No. 43. ]

AN ACT to amend section one of act number one hundred forty-three of the session laws of eighteen hundred sixtyone entitled "An act to exempt sewing machines from levy and sale on execution," approved March thirteen, eighteen hundred sixty-one, being section seven thousand seven hundred seventeen of Howell's Annotated Statutes.


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Section That section one of act number one hundred forty-three of the session laws of eighteen hundred sixty-one, entitled "An act to exempt sewing machines from levy and sale on execution," approved March thirteen, eighteen hundred sixty-one, being section seven thousand seven hundred seventeen of Howell's Annotated Statutes, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

from levy and

SECTION 1. All sewing machines owned by individuals and When exempt kept for the actual use of themselves or their families, shall sale. be exempt from levy and sale on execution, not exceeding one such machine for each family; and any chattel mortgage, bill of sale or other lien created on any such sewing machine shall be void, unless such mortgage, bill of sale or When void. lien be signed by the wife, if he have any, of the party making such mortgage, bill of sale or lien. Approved April 25, 1893.

[ No. 44. ]

AN ACT to authorize proceedings in the circuit courts in chancery, in relation to the laying out, dividing and platting into lots, streets and alleys, of lands owned by infants, idiots, lunatics and other incompetent persons.

person may

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Incompetent That any infant, idiot, lunatic or other incompetent person, apply to circult seized of any real estate, may apply to the circuit court in court in chanchancery for the county where the property may be situated,


Penalty for

at the approach of a train of cars or of a locomotive, and to keep it open at all other times; and it shall be the duty of the gatekeeper on either side of one or more tracks to close the gate of which he is in charge on the approach of a train of cars or locomotive on either track. For every neglect of such duty such person, upon conviction thereof, neglect of duty. shall pay the sum of twenty-five dollars or be imprisoned in the county jail for the period of ninety days, or both, in the discretion of the court. The expense incurred in the erection and maintenance of the gates provided for in this section and of the necessary gatekeepers shall be shared equally by the railroad companies along side whose tracks the gates shall be located. Any person who shall open or raise such gate when closed or lowered, or attempt so to do, or shall attempt to gain access with teams or vehicles to such crossing while the gate is closed or lowered, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten nor more than twenty-five dollars, with the alternative of imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than thirty days. Approved April 26, 1893.

Unauthorized persons operating gates a misdemeanor.



For what purposes.

Incorporated in
State tax.

[ No. 46. ]

AN ACT making an appropriation for the use of the Michigan Asylum for Dangerous and Criminal Insane.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That there shall be, and is hereby appropriated out of the State treasury for the use of the Michigan Asylum for Dangerous and Criminal Insane, the sum of six thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars for the following purposes: For reservoirs, hydrants, water pipe, boiler, pump, pump house, hose and other necessary material for construction of fire protection plant, the sum of thirty-five hundred dollars; for general repairs, six hundred dollars; for improvement of grounds, fencing farm, farming utensils, and hay scales, ten hundred and twenty-five dollars; for refrigerators and ice house, seven hundred dollars; for horses, four hundred and fifty dollars.

SEC. 2. The Auditor General is hereby authorized to incorporate in the State tax, for the year eighteen hundred ninety-three, the sum of six thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars, to be assessed, levied and collected as other State taxes are assessed, levied and collected, and which taxes, when collected, shall be credited to the general fund to reimburse the same for the amount drawn therefrom as provided in section one of this act.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved April 25, 1893.

[ No. 47. ]

AN ACT to amend sections one, two and three of act number two hundred and thirty, laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, entitled "An act to provide for the prevention of the introduction and spread of cholera and other dangerous communicable diseases," and to add four new sections thereto to stand as sections four, five, six and seven.


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, Sections That sections one, two and three of act number two hundred and thirty of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-. five, approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and eighty. five, entitled "An act to provide for the prevention of the introduction and spread of cholera and other dangerous communicable diseases," be and the same are hereby amended, and four new sections are added thereto to stand as sections four, five, six and seven, so that said sections as amended and the sections added thereto shall read as follows:

dangerous or


SECTION 1. Whenever it shall be shown to the satisfaction Existence of of the State Board of Health that cholera, diphtheria, or communicable other dangerous communicable disease exists in any foreign country, neighboring state, or locality within this State whereby the public health is imperiled, and it shall be further shown that immigrants, passengers or other persons seeking to enter this State or to travel from place to place within this State, are coming from any locality where such dangerous communicable disease exists, and are likely to carry infection of such dangerous communicable disease, the State State Board of Board of Health shall be authorized to establish a system of lish quarantine, quarantine for the State of Michigan or for any portion thereof.

Health to estab

such quarantine.

SEC. 2. Such quarantine shall be for the purpose of pre- The purpose of venting all immigrants, passengers or other persons, under the circumstances mentioned in section one of this act, from entering the State or from going from place to place within the State, who, in the opinion of the State Board of Health, or in the opinion of an inspector duly appointed by said Board, are likely to carry infection of cholera, small-pox, diphtheria or other dangerous communicable disease; and for the detention of all such persons outside the borders of the State, or if already within the State, at the places where they may be or at the place they have been exposed to or have contracted such dangerous communicable disease, or at such suitable place as such Board may provide, during the period of the incubation of such disease, or of its existence if already developed, and until in the opinion of the State Board. of Health such persons are free from all danger of infection.

SEC. 3. The State Board of Health is authorized to estab- General rules. lish general rules, and, by an inspector acting by virtue thereof, to detain railroad cars or other public or private

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