ALDERMAN: Subject. in city, when to be inspector of election..... ALGER COUNTY: stenographer for, and apportionment of salary of, etc.. with Chippewa. Luce and Schoolcraft to form the 11th circuit. ALLEGAN COUNTY: deer protected in, for three years.. protection of fish in certain lakes in.. ALLEYS: closing of, by union railroad station companies, etc... ALMOND TREES: act to prevent spread of contagious diseases among.. diseased must be destroyed AMENDMENTS TO CONSTITUTION: proposed, Secretary of State to certify same to county clerks within fifteen days... proposed, relative to improvement of Grand river.. to salaries of State officers.. to county and township board of highway commissioners. to circuit courts... to qualifications of electors.. to be submitted to people November, 1894. to soldiers who reside at Soldiers' Home.. to be submitted to people November, 1894. adopted, relative to improvement of Grand river. to salaries of State officers to county road system.... to circuit courts.. to be printed at foot of official ballot, etc. to Federal Constitution relative to lotteries, resolution relative to, etc. substance of, to be clearly indicated on ballot, etc. AMERICAN TROTTING REGISTER: authority relative to improving breeding of horses.. AMUNITION: for reserve naval militia, State to provide.. AMUSEMENT: birds and animals kept for, prohibited.... ALTERING: of town plats, manner of proceeding, etc.. ALTERNATES: of presidential electors. (See Presidential Electors.) ANCIENT ESSENIC ORDER: knights of, incorporation of.. ANIMALS: cruelty to, act to prevent to be assessed where kept. to be included in statement of taxable property kept for fighting purposes, prohibited.. where and to whom asessed (see Domestic Animals) ANNUAL MEETING: of graded school may vote on proposition to change to a primary district.. ch of district school may vote a library Public and local acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan Michigan, Michigan. Dept. of State unlawful to catch, kill, detain or entrap APPEAL: in justice court, when may be made after five days, etc... from police court of Detroit to recorder's court 416 |