265, 233 Bank of U. S. v. Carneal, 2 Pe- 177, 93, 4, 204 Bank of U. S. v. Daniel &c. 12 Peters 32, 149 Bank of U. S. v. Davis, 2 Hill 456, 198, 210 Bank of U. S. v. Ellis, 13 Louis. 368, 212 Bank of U. S. v. Leathers, 10 B. Monroe 11, 181, 214, 15 452, Barksdale v. Fenwick, 4 Call 510, 260, 72, 6, 8, 80, 2 Barlow v. Heneage, Prec. Ch. 211, 10 12 Barmon v. Jay, 2 McCord 371, 9 Barnard &c. v. Adams &c. 10 How. 307, 388, 93 Barnard &c. v. Poor, 21 Pick. 378, 496, 685 Barnard v. Yates, 1 Nott & M. 142, Barnes & Co. v. Cole &c. 21 Wend. 578 356 344, Barron . Coles, 3 Camp. 92, 506 Barron r. Fitzgerald, 6 Bingh. Barney v. Dewey, 13 Johns. 224, Barney v. Prentiss &c. 4 Har. & J. 317, Barnum . Vanduson, 16 Conn. 206, Barnwell v. Mitchell, 3 Conn. 101, Baron v. Abeel, 3 Johns. Rep. 481, Barradale v. Lowe, 4 Taunt. 97, Barrell v. Glover &c. 2 Gill 171, Barrett &c. v. Pritchard, 2 Pick. 512, Barrett . Stockton & Darlington R. Co. 2 Man. & Grang 134, Barrington . Bank of Washington, 14 S. & R. 423, Bays v. Patton, 8 B. Monroe 229, 276, 7 534 Beach v. Crain, 2 Comstock 94, Beach v. Gray, 2 Denio 84, 649 Beale's adm'r v. Botetourt Justices &c. 10 Gratt. 278, 195 Bean v. Atwater, 4 Conn. 3, 641 212 40 51 376 129 63,7 Beard's ex'or v. Basye, 7 B. Mon- 5 498 Beardsley v. Root, 11 Johns. 468, 487 Beaumont v. Reeve, 8 Adol. & El. N. S. 483, Beck v. Evans, 3 Camp. 267, Beck v. Robley, 1 H. Bl. 89, note, Beckman v. Shouse &c. 5 Rawle 32, 313, 14 535 235, 6 524, 34 Bentinck v Dorrien &c. 6 East 200, 152 Bentley v. Griffin, 5 Taunt. 356, 344 476 Bishop v. Howard, 2 Barn. & 407 Cress. 100, 378 123 Bissell v. Cornell, 24 Wend. 354, 601 542, 3 577 101 469, 70 Blackwell's adm'r v. Lane, 3 Dev. 464 9, 30 570 Blanchard v. Stearns &c. 5 Metcalf Bledsoe v. Fisher, 2 Bibb 471, 285, 97 Blesard v. Hirst &c. 5 Burr. 2670, 146, 212 100, 6, 8 Bliss v. Negus, 8 Mass. R. 46, Bicknell v. Dorion, 16 Pick. 489, Bliss &c. v. Thompson, 4 Mass. 595, 6 492, Biddle v. Bayard, 1 Harris 150, 507 Bigelow . Stearns, 19 Johns. 39, 570 Bigg v. Whisking, 14 Com. Bench, (5 J. Scott) 195, Biggers v. Bradley, 1 McCord 500, 264 141 455 Blofeld v. Payne &c. 4 Barn. & Adol. 410, 628 250 497, 8 |