NOTE-The words and sentences inclosed in brackets in the following acts and resolutions were in the bills and resolutions as passed by the Legislature, but not in the enrolled copy as approved by the Governor. It should, however, be borne in mind that under a decision of the Supreme Court, 57 Mich., 128, "Bracketed words, which were not in the law as approved by the Governor, have no proper place in the statute." 327445 No. LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS. PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF 1891. TITLE. PAGE. 1. An act to repeal act number four hundred fifty one of the laws of Michigan of the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, entitled "An act to provide for the protection and preservation of fish in certain lakes in the county of Cass," approved March 26, 1867, as amended by act number three hundred sixty-one of the laws of Michigan of the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, approved March 30, 1869. Approved January 20, 1891 2. An act to amend section one of act number four hundred fifty of the laws of Michigan of the year one thousand eight hundred seventy-one, entitled "An act to provide for the protection and preservation of fish in certain lakes of Cass and Berrien counties," approved April 15, 1871. Approved January 23, 1891.. 3. An act making an appropriation for the current and running expenses of the Michigan Mining School, until the general appropriation for that purpose shall be available. Approved January 23, 1891 4. An act to provide for ceding to the United States of America exclusive jurisdiction over the site and grounds selected for the erection of a public building for the use of the United States postoffice and for other public purposes in the city of Lansing, Michigan, during the time the United States shall be or remain the owner thereof, for all purposes except the administration of the criminal laws of the State of Michigan, and the service of civil and criminal process therein. Approved January 21, 1891... 5. An act to amend section one thousand eight hundred seventeen of the compiled laws of one thousand eight hundred seventy-one as amended by act two hundred sixty-one of the public acts of one thousand eight hundred eighty-one, as amended by act seventy-seven of the public acts of one thousand eight hundred eighty-five, as amended by act two hundred forty-four of the public acts of one thousand eight hundred eighty-seven and act two hundred seventy-three of the public acts of one thousand eight hundred eighty-seven, the same being section one thousand seven hundred fiftysix, volume three, of Howell's Annotated Statutes, and relating to the support of the poor by the public. Approved February 4, 1891 1 1 2 2 3 6. An act to create the thirtieth judicial circuit, providing for the holding of courts therein, and for the employment, duties and compensation of a stenographer for said circuit. Approved February 12, 1891... 7. An act to amend section ten of act number forty-nine of 8. An act to amend section eighteen of chapter one hundred and fifty-two of act number two hundred and five of the public 11. An act to amend section thirty-five of chapter ninety-five of 13. An act to amend section three of act one hundred thirtyfive of the session laws of one thousand eight hundred sixtyseven, entitled "An act for the incorporation of industrial and other charitable schools," the same being section four thousand six hundred of Howell's Annotated Statutes of Michigan. Approved March 12, 1891.. 14. An act to provide for the appointment of an assistant prosecut PAGE.. 4 6 8: 11 12 13 No. TITLE. PAGE. ing attorney for the county of Saginaw, and to prescribe his 13 15. An act to prevent the spread of dangerous communicable diseases, by providing for the punishment of willful offenders. Approved March 27, 1891.. 16. An act to amend sections one and two of act number two hundred sixty-one of the public acts of one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, entitled "An act to require railroad corporations within this State to cut and destroy the noxious weeds which grow on the land occupied by them," being sections two thousand three hundred and seventy-six and two thousand three. hundred and seventy-seven compiled laws of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one, and sections three thousand four hundred and forty-three and three thousand four hundred and forty-four of Howell's Annotated Statutes of Michigan. Approved March 27, 1891. 17. An act authorizing and directing the Commissioner of the Land Office to remit the appraised improvements on a certain parcel of primary school land in the township of Crockery, county of Ottawa, State of Michigan. Approved March 27, 1891... 18. An act to amend an act, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of mutual fire insurance companies, and defining their powers and duties, and to repeal chapter ninety-seven of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and also act number ninety-four of the session laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, approved April twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one," approved April fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, by adding a new section thereto to stand as section twenty-three. Approved March 28, 1891 19. An act making an appropriation for the current expenses of the Michigan Soldiers' Home and other expenses necessary to the maintenance and improvement thereof for the years one thousand eight hundred ninety-one and one thousand eight hundred ninety-two. Approved April 2, 1891.. 20. An act to provide for the continuance of the recompilation and copying of the records in the office of the Adjutant General pertaining to the enlistment, muster, history, and final disposition of the soldiers from this State during the war of the rebellion, and to make an appropriation therefor. Approved April 2, 1891... 21. An act to amend section nineteen of chapter three of act number one hundred and sixty-four of the session laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, being section five thousand and seventyone of Howell's Annotated Statutes, and section three of chapter ten of act number one hundred and sixty-four of the session laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, being section five thousand one hundred and thirty-four of Howell's Annotated Statutes, relative to revising and consolidating the laws in relation to public instruction and primary schools. Approved April 2, 1891 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 |