Reports of Cases in Bankruptcy: Argued and Determined in the Court of Review, and on Appeal Before the Lord Chancellor, Part 30, Volume 4

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S. Sweet, 1841

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Page 67 - Gazette to insert an advertisement of such declaration therein ; and every such declaration shall after such advertisement inserted as aforesaid, be an act of bankruptcy committed by such trader at the time when such declaration was filed ; but no commission shall issue thereupon unless it be sued out within two calendar months next after the insertion of such advertisement, and unless such advertisement shall have been inserted in the London Gazette within eight days after such declaration was filed...
Page 111 - Judgment shall have been recovered in such Action, every such Trader shall be deemed to have committed an Act of Bankruptcy on the Twenty-second Day after Service of such Affidavit or Affidavits and Notice, provided a Fiat in Bankruptcy shall issue against such Trader within Two Calendar Months from the filing of such Affidavit or Affidavits, but not otherwise.
Page 208 - AB within-bounden, being thereunto required, do render and deliver the said letters of administration (approbation of such testament being first had and made) in the said court ; then this obligation to be void and of none effect, or else to remain in full force and virtue.
Page 233 - Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend to the Loan or Forbearance of any Money upon Security of any Lands, Tenements, or Hereditaments, or any Estate or Interest therein.
Page 237 - That all payments really and bona fide made, or which shall hereafter be made by any bankrupt, or by any person on his behalf, before the date and issuing of the commission against such bankrupt, to any creditor of such bankrupt (such payment not being a fraudulent preference of such creditor), shall be deemed valid, notwithstanding any prior act of bankruptcy by such bankrupt committed...
Page 151 - Unpaid for the space of one calendar month, it should carry interest at the rate of 51. per cent per annum from the day on which the same ought to have been paid. And...
Page 243 - ... or copartnership, either in addition to or in the place or stead of any former member or members thereof, and of the name or names of any new or additional town or towns, place or places, where such bills or notes are or are intended to be issued, and where the same...
Page 207 - ... our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, and every of them, firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals.
Page 340 - ... shall be deemed to be valid, notwithstanding any prior act of bankruptcy by such bankrupt committed ; provided the person or persons so dealing with such bankrupt...
Page 340 - ... at whose suit or on whose account such execution or attachment shall have issued, had not at the time of such conveyance, contract, dealing, or transaction, or at the time of executing or levying such execution or attachment, notice of any prior act of bankruptcy by him committed...

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