LAW BOOKSELLER AND PUBLISHER, 67, CHANCERY LANE; AND SOLD BY SHERWOOD AND CO., PATERNOSTER ROW; AND HODGES AND SMITH, DUBLIN. 1841. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXI. The paging 241 to 256 of the Monthly Record for January being by mistuke repeated in LAW REFORMS AND SUGGESTED IMPROVE | LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS, 74 MENTS. Courts of Chancery and Exchequer, 23. 25, Copyhold Enfranchisement, 100, 314, 371, 433 Progress of Law Reform, 353, 386 Consolidation of the Common Law, 1, State of the Circuit Courts, 375 Fees and Mode of paying the Profession, Solicitors to Government Boards, 377, 436 Abolition of Leases for a year, 305, 356 Appointment of Revising Barristers, 117 Defective Indices of Wills and Deeds, 278 LETTERS ON THE COURT OF CHANCERY, 33, PROPERTY LAWYER AND CONVEYANCING : Settlement, when fraudulent against Cre- Judgments affecting Real Estate, 22, 116, NOTES ON EQUITY : Pauper; Injunction; Tithes, 179 Maintenance; Dissolution of Partner- PRACTICAL POINTS OF GENERAL INTEREST: Injunctions against Portions of Works, 52 Lien of Perpetual Commissioners on Relaxation of Usury Laws, 418, 449 LAW OF JOINT-STOCK COMPANIES : Banking Companies, 19, 129, 372 |