MANUFACTURERS OF Ice and Refrigerating Machines For Ice Making Plants, Brewers, Pork Packers, Oil Refiners, Cold Air Store Houses, and all purposes where a low degree of temperature is required. W. H. Shoemaker, Ice Making Plant, P. Skelly, Kipps Bay Brewery, New York Mosbacher & Co., New York City, one Broadway Brewing Co., Buffalo, N. Y., one 65-ton machine. Nuding Brewing Co., Allentown, Pa., F. X. Rieger, Brewer, Conshohocken, Jacob Hornung, Brewer, Philadelphia, Schwarzenbach Brg. Co., Germania, Pa., Jac. Moschel, Meat Market, Buffalo, N. Hotel Beresford, New York City, one 10- Clinton Co-Operative Brg. Co., Buffalo, Mt. Pleasant Brg. Co., Mt. Pleasant, Medlin Pilsener Brg. Co., Cleveland, Mt. Pleasant Brg. Co., Mt. Pleasant, Chas. Ehinger, Brewer, Philadelphia, BUFFALO, N. Y. Ice and Refrigerating The 25-ton refrigerating machine has been running continuously since 1857-economical and satisfactory in every respect." DOKRING & MARSTRAND Vancouver, B. C. Ten-ton machine has given satisfaction in every respect; In fact has surpassed our expectations, being very econom leal. Are pleased with it in every particular, and can highly recommend it to any brewer." HOTEL DEL MONTE, A very satisfactory plantpleased to cordially recom mend this variety of machine" HOTEL RAFAEL, San Rafael. Satisfactory in every respeet and doing more work than wasguaranteed. A model of good workmanship." RED CROSS BREWERY, Vancouver, B. C. Working entirely to our satisfaction. Extremely pleas ed with it in every way, and do not see that it could be Improved." SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO PACKING & PROV'N CO. Refrigerating plant furnished in 1886 has given the best results to our complete satisfaction." GRAND CENTRAL MARKET, San Francisco. Former letter does not by any means cover the ground nor properly express my appreciation of the great satisfaction I have had with this plant. Results have exceeded your representations in every particular." Vulcan Iron Works, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WM. HENDERSON. BURCHARD THOENS. AUGUST GERDES. CLEAN DOESTR LO CIN HENDERSON, THOENS & GERDES 47 North Peters St., NEW ORLEANS, LA. -FEATURES A LARGE EFFICIENCY by perfectly separating the ammonia gas and steam, therefore well adapted for direct expansion. A VERY LOW TEMPERATURE produced by a low pressure in the refrigerator coils. A LARGE ECONOMY by utilizing the exhaust steam of the ammonia pump. OVER 450 Machines in Successful ROBERT HEWITT, President. BURLINGTON, IOWA UNDER THE REECE-STANLEY, HENDRICK SYSTEMS. ARD Refrigerant: Aqua Ammonia- Ice Making Refrigerating Machines Machines built with Refrigerating capacity of Particularly Adapted for the FREEZING AND COLD STORAGE HOUSES The Pontifex Ice Machine Co. OR The Hendrick Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 512 West St., NEW YORK. CARBONDALE, PA. WILMINGTON DEL. REMINGTON MACHINE COMPANY BUILDERS OF Corliss Engines SPECIAL AMMONIA VALVES AND FITTINGS, WROUGHT IRON TANK WORK. This is the only practical means of securing flexibility of capacity to meet the variation of seasons, and is therefore the only means of working your plant at a maximum efficiency all the time. Moreover, it is the only perfect insurance against loss from stoppage by accident and for ordinary repairs. Our compressors have no stuffing boxes; have all their working parts submerged in oil; have removable cylinder linings: are water jacketed both on cylinders and cylinder heads; and are built to gauge with interchangeable parts throughout. They are invariably belt-driven, thereby dividing the accident risk by two; and the engines are compounded to give the highest fuel duty. Our condensers are in one-ton sections, so arranged that any section can be cut out for cleaning or repairs without interfering with the rest. Also a greater or less number of sections can be cooled, proportional to the load, thus economizing in the use of water. With subdivided units you will run one, two or more compressors, as your work varies. When your load falls off you will shut down a corresponding portion of your plant and stop all the expense-fuel, water, wear and tear, oil, etc. In other words, you pay for what you use and no more. To illustrate: Your 50-ton plant would probably consist of one 10-ton and two 20-ton compressors, cross-connected. You would then have at hand the following combinations: The full capacity of 50 tons will be called upon only in extreme weather, and thus your efficiency and your relay will be well-nigh perfect. WESTINGHOUSE, CHURCH, KERR & CO. 620 Atlantic Avenue, BOSTON. ENGINEERS Commercial Building, ST. LOUIS. 26 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK. Westinghouse Building, PITTSBURGH. We will make a Specialty of "Intermittent" and "Continuous" Apparatus of a capacity of from one-sixth to five tons (refrigeration). THE FULLEST PARTICULARS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. JOS. KOENIGSBERG, Gen'l Eastern Sales Agent, 213 East Fifty-Fourth St., New York. P. R. MCCRARY, Gen'l Southern Sales Agent, 50 Marietta St., ATLANTA, GA. |