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7. If the member be called to order by a Senator words spoken, the exceptionable words shall immediatel taken down in writing, that the President may be be enabled to judge of the matter.

8. No member shall absent himself from the service of Senate, without leave of the Senate first obtained. And case a less number than a quorum of the Senate shall c vene, they are hereby authorised to send the Sergeant arms, or any other person or persons by them authorised, any or all absent members, as the majority of such memb present shall agree, at the expense of such absent membe respectively, unless such excuse for non-attendance shall made as the Senate, when a quorum is convened, shall jud sufficient; and, in that case, the expense shall be paid out the contingent fund. And this rule shall apply as well to t first convention of the Senate at the legal time of meetin as to each day of the session, after the hour has arrived which the Senate stood adjourned.

9. No motion shall be debated until the same shall seconded.

10. When a motion shall be made and seconded, it shall reduced to writing, if desired by the President, or any mer ber, delivered in at the table, and read, before the same sha be debated.

11. When a question is under debate, no motion shall b received but to adjourn, to lie on the table, to postpone inde finitely, to postpone to a day certain, to commit, or to amend which several motions shall have precedence in the order the stand arranged, and the motion for adjournment shall alway be in order, and be decided without debate.

12. If the question in debate contain several points, an member may have the same divided: but, on a motion to strike out and insert, it shall not be in order to move for a division of the question: but the rejection of a motion to strike out and insert one proposition shall not prevent a motion to strike out and insert a different proposition; nor pre


motion, upon which the vote was taken, shall have gone out of the possession of the Senate, announcing their decision; nor shall any motion for reconsideration be in order, unless made on the same day on which the vote was taken, or within the two next days of actual session of the Senate thereafter.

21. When the Senate are equally divided, the Secretary shall take the decision of the President.

22. All questions shall be put by the President of the Senate, either in the presence or absence of the President of of the United States, and the Senators shall signify their assent or dissent, by answering, ay or no.

23. The Vice President, or President of the Senate pro tempore, shall have the right to name a member to perform the duties of the Chair; but such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment.

24. After the journal is read, the President shall first call for petitions, and then for reports from standing committees ; and every petition or memorial, or other paper, shall be referred of course, without putting a question for that purpose, unless the reference is objected to by a member at the time such petition, memorial, or other paper, is presented. And before any petition or memorial, addressed to the Senate, shall be received and read at the table, whether the same shall be introduced by the President or a member, a brief statement of the contents of the petition or memorial shall verbally be made by the introducer.

25. One day's notice, at least, shall be given of an intended motion for leave to bring in a bill; and all bills reported by a committee, shall, after the first reading, be printed for the use of the Senate: but no other paper or document shall be printed for the use of the Senate, without special order.

26. Every bill shall receive three readings previous to its being passed; and the President shall give notice at each, whether it be the first, second, or third; which readings shall be on three different days, unless the Senate unanimously direct otherwise. And all resolutions proposing amendments to the Constitution, or to which the approbation and signature of the President may be requisite, or which may grant money out of the contingent or any other fund, shall be treated, in all respects, in the introduction and form of proceedings on them, in the Senate, in a similar manner with bills: and all other resolutions shall lie on the table one day for consideration, and also reports of committees.

27. No bill shall be committed or amended until it shall have been twice read, after which it may be referred to a committee.

28. All bills on a second reading shall first be considered by the Senate in the same manner as if the Senate were in committee of the whole, before they shall be taken up and proceeded on by the Senate agreeably to the standing rules, unless otherwise ordered. And when the Senate shall consider a treaty, bill, or resolution, as in committee of the whole, the Vice President, or President pro tempore, may call a member to fill the chair, during the time the Senate shall remain in committee of the whole: and the chairman so called shall, during such time, have the powers of a President pro tempore.

29. The final question, upon the second reading of every bill, resolution, constitutional amendment, or motion, originating in the Senate, and requiring three readings previous to being passed, shall be, “Whether it shall be engrossed and read a third time?" and no amendment shall be received for discussion at the third reading of any bill, resolution, amendment, or motion, unless by unanimous consent of the members present: but it shall at all times be in order, before the final passage of any such bill, resolution, constitutional amendment, or motion, to move its commitment; and should such commitment take place, and any amendment be reported by the committee, the said bill, resolution, constitutional amendment, or motion, shall be again read a second time, and considered as in committee of the whole, and then the aforesaid question shall be again put.


30. The special orders of the day shall not be called the Chair before one o'clock, unless otherwise directed the Senate.

31. The titles of bills, and such parts thereof only as sh be affected by proposed amendments, shall be inserted on journals.

32. The proceedings of the Senate, when not acting as committee of the whole, shall be entered on the journal concisely as possible, care being taken to detail a true a accurate account of the proceedings: but every vote of Senate shall be entered on the journal, and a brief stateme of the contents of each petition, memorial, or paper, prese ed to the Senate, shall also be inserted on the journal.

33. The following Standing Committees, to consist of fu members each, shall be appointed at the commencement each session, with leave to report by bill or otherwise: A Committee on Foreign Relations.

A Committee on Finance.

A Committee on Commerce.

A Committee on Manufactures.

A Committee on Agriculture.

A Committee on Military Affairs.

A Committee on the Militia.

A Committee on Naval Affairs.

A Committee on Public Lands.

A Committee on Private Land Claims.

A Committee on Indian Affairs.

A Committee of Claims.

A Committee on Revolutionary Claims.

A Committee on the Judiciary.

A Committee on the Post Office and Post Roads.

A Committee on Roads and Canals.

A Committee on Pensions.

A Committee on the District of Columbia.

A Committee on Patents and the Patent Office.

A Committee of three members, whose duty it shall be t

audit and control the contingent expenses of the Senate.

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